Chapter 28:

(Rahim) Who The Hell is Krebs?

Cafe Eris

“Rahim! Rahim Hossain! Wake up!” The muffled voice became clearer as I snapped awake. I rubbed my eyes, and Ms. Whitfield faded into vision. She stood towering over me with her arms crossed. She looked kinda mad.

Scattered snickers came from the rest of the class.

“Rahim. This is not your home. Stop taking naps in my classroom!”

“Ah, sorry miss.” I tried my best to put the right tone in my voice. Everyone always said I had a problem with my tone.

She handed me a folded paper from a stack of graded tests. Aw man. I already knew what that meant.

48% in bold red ink.

I was used to it by now. Wish it was a pass, but we’re not even halfway through the year so I think I have enough time.... I think? Also, I had a tutor now. Some super smart girl in my biology class named Maisha. My parents freaked out so much over the 21% I’d gotten in Functions last year that they called the principal and asked him to deal with it.

The bell rang. I slipped out of the room with my stuff. My next class was the one I’d been dreading the most. Mainly because I didn’t finish the report that was due today. But if I survived through it, I’d get to go home.

I dragged my feet up to the second floor. Please be a substitute, please be a substitute, please be a substitute.

The dread in my chest grew as I walked toward the entrance.

Please. Be. A. Substitute.

Mr Alvez stood in the doorway.


He had a checklist in his hand. The students in front of me placed their reports on the front desk as he checked off their names.

Dammit x2.

He glared at me. “Hossain, your report?”

I looked at the ground. “Um, I don’t have it.” I racked my brain for an excuse, there was a pause, “You see, at my cousin’s wedding-”

He scratched his forehead “Alright, alright, that’s enough. Go sit down.”

Dammit x3.

The truth is, I just don’t understand. No matter how many times Maisha has tried to explain the concepts, it just felt like she was speaking a foreign language. Anytime I’m in class I zone out, or fall asleep. I don’t understand why we have to learn half of this stuff.

I glanced up at the clock. Time seemed to move extra slow in biology.

Mr Alvez’s voice meshed together with the noises of pencils on paper and students shuffling their feet. It was all mumbles of “amino acids” and “homeostasis”, and something about a guy named “Krebbs”. Kinda sounds like crabs. Also something about fats and a test. Wait. What test?

My attention snapped back to Mr. Alvez’s lesson.

“Refer to chapter 8 for the test tomorrow.”


I raised my hand.

“Yes, Rahim. What’s your question?”

“Isn’t tomorrow a little too soon for a test? We should get at least a three day notice beforehand.”

He leaned against his desk. He looked tired.

“Rahim. I gave you all a warning a week ago, please pay attention”

Whaaaaaat. Darn. I was probably asleep.

The bell rang once again, signifying the end of the day. Except I couldn't exacty celebrate since I apparently had a biology test tomorrow. I scanned the classroom for Maisha, but she scurried out of the classroom with her friend as soon as the bell had rung. But I caught Akaash Roy right as he was about to exit.

He was short, but super nice. But most important of all, he was smart.


He spun around, “Heyo, what can I do for you?”

“Um, I was wondering if you could help me out with tomorrow's test. Maybe explain some of the stuff to me?” Or maybe just let me copy your answers.

“Oh, sorry dude, my schedule is filled for today,” he looked genuinely sorry, “But if you need help in the future, ask me anytime!”

“Thanks.” I replied flatly.

He smiled and left.

I guess I have to call Maisha. Although, I don’t think she liked me very much. She hadn’t picked up the other seven times I’d called.

I dialed her number. She picked up this time.


“Hey. So I’ve been having some trouble contacting you. When are we having another tutor session? I need a little help with chapter 8 before the test this friday. Questions one to thirty-eight”

I waited for a response. Some girls in the background were talking excitedly about going to some place named “Café Eris”. They called out to Maisha, so I assume they were her friends. She said she was busy and hung up before I could say anything.

I felt defeated.

I went home and collapsed on my bed. Ugh, what am I supposed to do now? I stared at the ceiling.

….Café Eris, huh.

I opened my laptop and searched up the location. It was easy enough to get to by bus. I grabbed my school bag and ran out the door.

“Ma! I’m going out!”

“What? Where? When will you be back?”

“I’m going to study”
