Chapter 20:


A Steam Requiem

Having rekindled his friendship with George, Eugo found himself once again contemplating back to the topic of his white-haired companion.

“A revolution.” The words almost seemed to burn on Eugo’s tongue, but he didn’t know exactly why. He knew what they were, and what the tended to entail but as much as he wanted to hate the Spotless; he couldn’t. 

Something spoke in the recesses of his mind that if someone like Ilken could exist, then there are sure to be others. There must be. Those others would be nothing but pointless victims in what Eugo saw as mindless slaughter. 

A terrifying show of power in a brutal overthrowing of the intellectual castle dwellers.

Eugo wanted to stop his friend, or at the least, ask him why. Admittedly he hadn’t known Ilken long. Not as long as the pompous thorn in his side, nor his departed sarcastic friend. 

He could even say that over the past weeks, Eugo had come to know Fiz better than Ilken, it made him question what actually went on in his head. There was only one way to find out.

Eugo didn’t know where else to meet Ilken other than the desert, but he wasn’t there. Whether he was hiding in plain sight, or just hadn’t arrived yet; Eugo wasn’t sure. Though all he could do was wait.

The still air wafted its way down towards the boy, it landed stiffly on his shoulders. Ash settled its way into his clothes and skin, while his eyes hid behind a steamy haze. 

His bones froze in place, tight muscles slowly loosening to release the tension in his legs. Laying back, Eugo felt himself connect to the dome.

There was something up there, perhaps watching him or judging him. He knew not of its purpose nor of who it was, but Eugo knew it was there. Slowly blackening under spread of grey matter, the boy fell to sleep.


When he came to Ilken was already waiting beside him, he could have been there for hours. Looking at the boy, his woven wondrous clothes somehow mattered. With hair that had gone grey from the outside, without a second glace you may not see a Spotless, but a Scorcher. 

He looked at him, content. As though nothing in this world could ever stop him from thinking in that one moment, Eugo admired such power. The ability to control your life as though it is truly your own.

At some point Eugo was seen, the boy had turned his head back towards him and looked at him for some time. They spoke no words, only looked deeply into their colourful abysses found in their eyes. Eugo saw and endless sea, reaching down into the depths below. He presumed Ilken saw a cave, perhaps one of darkness.

“How have you been Eugo?”


“It seems we can’t go a day without coming to some disagreement, I really am sorry about last time.”

“It’s ok.”

“I mean, think back to our second encounter, that was… what a year ago, two? Though I know you don’t pay attention to the time. Does it just, blur together? An amalgamation of memories all colliding at various times. Could you even tell me the number of times we’ve met, spoken of wondrous things for hours on end? Only to come to this.”

“I guess I never really thought back to it.”

“You seem very present in time Eugo, always living by the hour, by the minute. No concern for what is to come, but what does it matter to you. You have a good life, friends, hobbies and peace. You needn’t worry about the paths of the future.”

“And you do?

“Time changed me Eugo… I grew older, I learned, and I learned far too much to bear. Most in that horrific castle seem willing to burn you Scorchers at the stake. I want to help you fight back. The Spotless are crueller than you could ever imagine, unspeakable deeds mixed with a rash ignorance. They know no evil, born into a world where there is no right and wrong. Only truth."

“Why fight them Ilken, you could… if you hate the Spotless so much then live with me. I may not have as much food or…” The boy turned at Eugo, his two eyes silenced his thoughts.

“I want change Eugo, its far from just wanting to escape the Spotless. I want no one to ever suffer in wake of their terror again.” 

Eugo took another look into his eyes. They were blue, but that of a raging ocean. One that tossed and turned in anguish, yet such sadness.

“Ilken, promise me you won’t go too far. That if the worst comes, you’ll save yourself and run.” In that moment Eugo saw the boy tense for the first time in his life. His eyes seemed to look away, as though contemplating how he should answer.

“I promise.” Eugo knew he had lied.

“Thank you Ilken…” Once again, the boy’s face changed into a violent sea storm.

“We are currently in the crater of that bomb some time ago; it serves as the perfect place for what we want to protect. I know you don’t want to join, but I want you to see the lives of those fighting.”


Eugo found himself led by a boy once younger than him, he no longer believed he was. Having doubled in height and grown long silver hair, the boy seemed far less vulnerable than her once was.

Travelling behind him he saw the boy’s back, a weapon, Eugo didn’t recognise it. It was long, thin and made of seemingly pristine iron, reflecting off any light nearby. Far stronger than his weaponised shovel at home.


Some time passed and Eugo reached the explosive chasm alongside the boy next to him. He saw people running around with similar weapons, and with purpose. In their eyes Eugo saw rock, steadfast and unbreakable they pushed forwards. They had all overcome something, sometime, somewhere and they wanted change.

“They all have something to fight for Eugo, a past trauma in their lives. A stain on what was meant to be an ignorant peace. It was taken from them, and now they are fighting for revenge. Preparations for the assault on the castle are almost done lucky for us the Spotless are ignorant. They fear no revolution, but there was never a threat. Now an army will come and make them pay the price.”

Eugo looked into the crater, he saw malnourished Scorchers, in a trance they walked about. Most seemed to have lost their sense of being and wandered aimlessly throughout. They all carried a weapon, yet Eugo wondered. 

“Are you going to kill them?”


“The Spotless.” Ilken’s eyes wandered off, as though the question changed his mind and for a brief second Eugo found hope. Although his violent gaze returned, and he looked Eugo straight back into his eyes. 

“We’ll kill whoever get in our way.”

“Each and every one of them, children? Can all of you really kill an innocent child?”

“There are not innocent Eugo! They are cruel, evil, heartless… beasts! What will it take for you to understand that?” 

Eugo saw that he was lost, something had taken his snow haired boy away. Replaced with eyes of cruelty and long sharp hair. It seemed to string out as though about to engulf them.

“Well… I guess I’ll leave you to it.”

 Eugo didn’t bother to hide the shame in his voice, and he knew Ilken had heard it. The boy looked down at the ground, and although he opened his mouth no words escaped.


Eugo walked off back towards his home, on the way he prayed. For Ilken, for Scorchers, for everyone. His mind wandered back to a young Spotless boy he had seen hanging his head out a window. How could such an untainted mind deserve death, retribution for what. Why revolt only to become what you sought to destroy.

His mind still racing Eugo found he had walked past his home, finding himself at the trash heap. A habit he had noticed he did more and more often recently, perhaps there was a reason behind it. Spotting Fiz in the distance he decided not to head over just yet.

There was something graceful about how she waltzed across her home, she seemed to in control. He admired the undying optimism that burst out from her at every moment, like a star gleaming in the night sky. 

After some more time he saw a child, the two girls smiled gleefully, and Eugo could have mistaken them for sisters; had he not known Fiz had none. It made him wonder, if this bright girl had white hair and blue eyes would he still adore her.

The inevitable answer to Eugo’s question seemed obvious in his mind, and it was why he so strongly opposed Ilken. Some stars shine brightly even if they are surrounded by the darkness of space.

Sir Arthur Harris
2nd Mushroom