Chapter 4:

Out for For The Hunt

Memories in Hearts 心の中の思い出

The forest is on the southeast of Cudineen and the forest is covered with blue and green pigmented grass with a thin mist covering the ground as the sun is shining bright beaming through the thin but very tall trees. The forest is huge and it is the first thing that you see from when you cross the outer gate wooden bridge.

Eather and the others cross the first layer of the forest that covered with flowers and small plants. 

Leyt says "What is this smell? It is very soothing." Hiyelu says "It is coming from those flowers that has padels colored in bright green and yellow it is The Aseeli flowers the smell of these flowers cover this whole area making it hard for animals to come near it for the smell is as soothing as it is for us it unpleasant for animals and for that reason we will get it lastly along with the other The jaslin flowers that is also found here. The flower has an intense smell that is not very pleasant but the intense smell goes with its taste. It is added with other common herbs to heal wounds."

Eather takes about 5 of the Jaslin flower and crushed it and put it in his bag.

As they keep heading to the further east and deep into the forest the forest starts to have a higher and unleveled grounds and as deep as they go the forest darkens and the mist thickens and the air becomes much colder.

Eather says "From now on we enter the area that the animals love to stay in and within them the blue kangaroo and if one of them sense us they will inform the whole pack and that will make it very hard for us to hunt one on our way back. We must be very quite now and we will communicate with the whistle calls and use tree bangs if you sense danger. 

We will head to the far east cave first to get the red gemstone first.

Now lets climb the trees."

As they were climbing separate trees Hiyelu spots something moving on the far south and he whistled once a short low tone then he quickly jumped to the next tree heading south chasing that thing he saw. 

Leyt gets close to Tashaskuna and asks "Why is Hiyelu is running there?" Tashaskuna says "if he whistled once it means he spotted something moving fast and it could be an animal and if it was an animal he must catch it before it causes any ruckus warning the other animals. Hiyelu is one of the fastest climbers he will catch it."

The thing Hiyelu is chasing is very fast but as he was chasing it he notices other two movements moving separately then he whistles three high toned short whistles then Eather points to Tashaskuna and Neyad to follow Hiyelu.

Hiyelu gets close to the target and he sees a girls with a long braided red hair he gets shocked for a second and whistles for her to stop but she does not stop then he charges fast to catch her and as she was jumping to the next tree she got scared as Hiyelu was going to grab her she slips and fall but in the last second Hiyelu managed to grab her hand very tightly and lift her back to stand and he recognizes her she was Yehiva and she was crying silently and saying "I am sorry I am sorry." Then Hiyelu says "Lets get back to Eather."

As they got back to Eather Tashaskuna brought back her sister Latera but Neyad had still not come back then Eather asks them "What are you doing here?" Latera says "We were just wondering why were you our king going to the forest on the day after your wedding." 

Eather says "I forgot..." As he said while looking down then he said "There is something important that needs to be done now and when the time is right to inform you all about what we are about to do. Now the path is safe but further in the Forest there are beasts that could attack anyone getting in their way. Go back home now and inform my wife that I will be back in before sundown." As he says while smiling to them.

Then both of them head back the same way they came but their older sister Uzaria is still in the forest being chased by Neyad..

Joe Gold