Chapter 32:

Chapter 32

2.5 billion times

Watching the passing trees through a car window, Arthur remembered the colonel's words shortly after his mission.

“-The mission was a complete failure. We lost a total of 13 soldiers and an experienced captain. (Colonel Williams)

-They had names. (Arthur)

-Do you think you have the right to answer me? (Colonel Williams)

Looking deep into Arthur's eyes that colonel made a frightening pressure with his look of anger.

-Ahhhh. You know that losing a battle is a shame, but it's even more shameful to come back alive after a defeat, did you happen to run away from the fight? (Colonel Williams)

-No sir. (Arthur)

-In Sparta, at the time of medieval warriors, parents did not care when their children died, in fact this was a reason to be proud. What they feared was seeing their child coming back alive from a lost battle, they felt deep disgust for the child. (Colonel Williams)

-I don't know where you want to go. (Arthur)

-Go see your parents my son and tell them that you failed in your mission without even killing a single enemy. (Colonel Williams)"

Closing his eyes Arthur leans back against the car seat and sighs irritably.

In the training ground where the recruits trained, in a tent protected by two guards stood the colonel. He was looking at some documents on his desk when he was interrupted.

-Sir? (guard)

-What's it? Can't you see I'm busy? (Colonel Williams)

-There's someone wanting to talk to you, it seems his name is Thomas. (guard)

-I see, send him in. (Colonel Williams)

Opening the doors, Thomas enters the colonel's office and after his entrance the guards close the doors again.

-I did exactly as you asked me, the boy went to see his parents. (Colonel Williams)

-Hunf, for a tough colonel until you have a really soft heart. (Thomas)

-Shut up, I was just doing what I thought was right. (Colonel Williams)

-You don't want to admit it, but deep down you really are a good person. (Thomas)

-It's not that, it's just that I don't like to see good people like him suffer like that. I hear he's been blaming himself for the deaths of his teammates. (Colonel Williams)

-Yes, two of them risked their lives for him to have managed to get here. I'm afraid there isn't much to do. (Thomas)

-As I thought. You know I don't care if a person like me dies in battle, I'm just a heartless and insignificant being that wanders this world. But when it's someone who has such a pure heart and who is loved by other people so strongly. It would be too bad if they ended up dying. (Colonel Williams)

-Is that why you agreed to help me try to get Arthur out of the army? (Thomas)

-Yes, because good individuals like him cannot enter the same hell as us. Because unlike these people, we are demons and demons don't think while they're killing other living beings. (Colonel Williams)

Thomas gently nods his head in agreement with what his superior has said.

-About your new squad... (Colonel Williams)

-I know you've been very busy, so please take your time. (Thomas)

-Thanks. (Colonel Williams)

Far away from that place, where the affairs of war and death were unknown, was Arthur's hometown. After experiencing all kinds of pain and seeing his companions dying in front of him, that sight was something very unusual and unbelievable to see. The children ran happily through the park, the elderly chatted with each other sitting on benches and the adults dated enchanted with the world. Arthur was confused at the time, in his thoughts there was only one question, “do these people know there is a war going on? That there are people sweating and suffering to save their lives? How can they be smiling so much after thousands lost their lives for them?” That was a vision that gnawed at Arthur's mind, outraged at reality and at everyone.

-Arthur! (Logan)

Arthur looks towards his father's voice and notices that he was walking towards him with a big smile on his face. But even after receiving a warm hug from his father he hadn't seen in months, he didn't show a single smile.

-Something happened? (Logan)

Arthur shakes his head denying that anything had happened.

-Not. Why the question? (Arthur)

-You look serious. You know, it's been a long time since I've seen you, maybe it's just in my head. (Logan)

Logan again opens a big smile of happiness for Arthur to be with him again and Arthur when seeing his father's smile feels bad for not showing the same happiness for seeing him. So he forces a simple smile on his face, so his father doesn't get upset anymore.

-Come on, there are some people waiting for you at home. (Logan)

-People? (Arthur)

-Yes, I told everyone that you had returned from the army today. (Logan)

Arthur is surprised by that statement, but just follows his old man to the car to go to his house.