Chapter 1:


To Start A New Life

Ronit Mehra , currently a resident of the busiest city of this country Mumbai ,born in Shimla.His mother passed away prior to him moving to Mumbai with his grandfather.He led a pretty above average life in the city of Shimla.Had some good friends and tried to give his best at everything did all for one simple goal, he wanted to make his mother smile and give her the world.He wanted to see her smile and laugh like she used to.It wasn't the best life but a good one.His mother was a lawyer by profession and due to the intense pressure came with her profession, she committed suicide.He loved his mother more than anything in the world.Even though she was a very busy woman, she fulfilled her duties of both his parents.Thats when something in him snapped.His world snapped and within a year,he fell in deep depression.He isolated himself from everybody.Friendships were shattered and nobody mattered to him anymore.His grandfather didn't like the way he was acting so he did what he thought was the best choice at that time which was to simply move to a new place.He thought maybe that would help him to move on and leave things buried in the past.In his experience,life can be a little slow for people to move on.Sometimes all it needs is a kickstart.In his mind,it fit the narrative he wanted and that was all he needed.A Kickstart.

But is it really possible to forget about everything and move on just because of a new city and a new people?Can you really force someone to shred their old self ?

Joe Gold
Taylor Victoria