Chapter 11:



Somewhere in Fili, a lonely flower flutters in the wind and sings its song to the cat.

"Lily. Lily. Lily! A beautiful flower. But I, a daffodil, am also pretty. Don't you think so, cat?"

"Meow! Hshhhhh."

The cat replied with a small, clear meow, and then scratched himself with his paw.

"You are so taciturn. I told you an epic story of my life, but at least you just wagged your tail! Or did you just listen so attentively that you stuck out your tongue?"


"So, what, what are you a cat? I'm actually a flower and I say the same. Whole stories can tell. But the story, unfortunately, has come to an end. Could you finally come a little closer to me, and? Well, just a little bit. "

" Me? "

" I can't make the flower walk, even henna! Speak - please. But he refuses to walk at all. He clung to this earth, how a cat in a sausage. "

" Meow! "

" So, if I were a sausage, would you fit? "

" Me. "

" Somehow ambiguous. "

" My-me. "

" I mean, how's my story!? I have revealed almost all my cards to you, in the sense of the petals! Yes, I have not died completely, and now what? With an explosion, I laid a seed deep, deep in the ground. And look what kind of daffodil did it grow, well? "

" Me-me-mey!? "

" Zolotov's inspectors, who were supposed to inspect everything here? such a thing ... by the seme earthworms crawled, so I subdued them. But I don't want to deal with worms anymore, I've always liked cats. "

" Me-me-meow !! "

" Yes! People like you. Well, what do you say, on the paws and petals? You and me - flower and cat - super team to save the world! Together with me you will conquer the peaks of evolu- "

" ... "

" Stop. Where are you going? Hey! Uh-hey! "

"… "

"He. He just left. He listened to the whole story and left. There would be no way to come up, enter into symbiosis with me, evolve a little ... Hmm? And who else are you? It's strange, I can't see you, but I don't have eyes either, but I feel you. And you have a good genome, I can feel it directly. We will make a great te-… wait! Don't close this page, please, please!.. Thank you. Thank you for letting me settle in your mind. "