Chapter 4:

The Boy Who Dreams to be a Hero

Second Chance At Life

I’ve been part of cheerleading back in high school, so being watched by the audience isn’t nerve wracking for me.

What I have to say got me nervous.

The Valerian Knights walk over to me, escorting the three peasants.

I hand the microphone over to the tallest peasant.

He briefly stares at me before turning them to the audience.

Cold feet must be overwhelming him because he stands there for quite some time.

He hasn’t said anything either.

“You got this!”

I smile, hoping to encourage him.

He nods.

“My name is Archie Hamon. I am honored to be attending this university.”

Archie doesn’t say anything else, and he simply returns the microphone to me.

He must be nervous, so I don’t blame him.

I hand the microphone to the next guy.

This one appears more confident.

The smile gives it away, and he quickly snatches the microphone from me.

“Nice to meet you, everyone!”

My eyes widen by the sheer energy he exerts.

He certainly has more charisma than the previous man.

“My name is Tsubasa Kazetani. I’m from Zensenku Village! And you’re looking at the upcoming hero. That’s right, my dream is to become a hero!”

That’s something Rin would say.

His confidence certainly got several students whispering amongst each other.

Tsubasa returns the microphone to me, but I hand it over to the last guy.

However, the last guy refuses the microphone.

I respect his decision, so I did not press him any further.

Not knowing what to do next, I give the microphone back to the principal.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you welcome the new students with open arms. And that’ll be today’s presentation!”

I expect a round of applause coming my way, but the awkward silence seeps into the auditorium.

After that, I was escorted to my first class.

It was ironic because I had the same class with the new students.

Though, class was extremely boring.

It’s like experiencing high school all over again.

Even after class, I witnessed several of my classmates picking on the new guy.

“So you want to be a hero, huh?”

The three of them surround Tsubasa, leaving him no room to escape.

“Yep! Do you guys have advice to become one?”

“I do! My fist!”

The leader of the bullies throws his fist.

You would expect the victim to get beaten to a pulp from the movies.

But this turn of events here are reversed.

The bully becomes the bullied.

Tsubasa swiftly evades the attack, and the bully accidentally punches one of his friends.

This fuels his friend, and he proceeds to go into a frenzy.

“Come here, you little bastard!”

I have to stop this before things get worse.

“That’s enough!”

My presence alone made the entire classroom quiet.

“Do I need to report this bullying to the teachers? Picking on someone from a lower background than you is pathetic. It doesn’t make you feel stronger.”

The bullies snort and leave the classroom.

Tsubasa tilts his head in confusion.

“Hm? Why’d you stop them? They were going to teach me how to become a hero!”

It’s Rin all over again…

The initial innocence and purity he exerts will catch anyone off guard.

Once you get to know him, he’s a dish full of ingredients that you can never get enough from him.

Some days you can read him like a book, other days he becomes extremely unpredictable, and you can never grow bored of his presence.

It’s difficult to hate a guy like him.

This student has to be Rin.

He’s the first to get shot by that old man, simply for refusing to give money to him at the cash registers.

“Hello? Are you still there? You look like you saw a ghost or something.”

“Sorry, what did you say? I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Why’d you stop those guys?”

“Tsubasa, they were picking on you. They were not going to teach you how to become a hero at all.”

He pretends to stroke his imaginative beard, pondering to himself.

“Anyway, I have to get going!”

Unlike the other students, being a princess is difficult.

I just wish my prince in shining armor would come and save me.
