Chapter 0:


The Power of the Cursed Eyes

𝟭 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗼

It was a bright morning as Yuta took his school bag and rushed out of his house, he was running because he could be late for the first day of high school if he walked.  As he got near the school he slowed down as he was out of breath and couldn't run. As he was walking to his classroom he thought about how fun high school was gonna be, but less did he know about what was waiting for him

He was a gloomy-looking kid who wasn't very talkative to either his classmates or his teachers but he studied well in class and got good marks 

When it was lunchtime Yuta went to wash his hands after eating and then he bumped into his senior

"Hey, kid! Watch where you're going"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." Whispered Yuta 

"Huh? What do you mean you're sorry!? Apologize to me by kneeling" 

"I won't do it, I didn't bump you purposely!"

Then his aggressive senior got angry and punched Yuta so hard that he went flying.

"Don't talk against me, you little scum" his angry senior said so as he continued to beat him up

The students that saw it stood still and were frightened to go help him as they thought that if they went to help him then they would get beaten up like Yuta

Ever since that day, he has been bullied by his seniors, because of it he was broken down mentally. His classmates nor his teachers went to save him, he was all alone........

It continued for a year as Yuta experienced pain day after day, week after week, month after month and so

There were only a few more days for his seniors to graduate from high school but as graduation was getting closer the harder Yuta would get beaten up

It was a cloudy Friday whereas as usual Yuta was getting beat by his seniors, but suddenly his eyes started to glow, and then a strange design appeared in his glimmering yellow eyes as he picked up the knife that was lying beside him. He cut up his seniors in an instant, he looked like he couldn't feel anything, a heartless face

Blood rained everywhere, as everyone who witnessed it screamed so loud it could have been heard by the full school, they ran away from him in fear. It didn't take long does Yuta to realize what he did as he screamed in agony and then fainted

He woke up in a strange place that looked like a jail cell as he slowly remembered what happened, he couldn't handle it and screamed and cried

A police officer wearing very protective gear approached him

"Do you remember what happened?" The police officer asked

"Yes, I do....." Slowly said Yuta

"Ok, I'll get to the point, you have to go through a ten-year jail sentence for what you did"

"A ten-year jail sentence!!!!!? But I...... But I....."

"Don't worry, you have another option. I'll tell you after you calm down"

After a few minutes, Yuta calmed down and the police officer approached him again

"Have you calmed down?" Asked the police officer 

"Yes, I have. Please tell me my second option"

"Ok, when you killed him, some eyewitnesses said that your eyes glowed and a strange pattern appeared, we believe that you have manifested your cursed eye"

"Cursed eye!?, What is it?!" 

"A cursed eye is a special kind of power of appears in people who have gone through hellish training, but in your case it was different, you achieved it through anger. Each cursed eye has its special power"

"What's my cursed eye power?"

"After analyzing your body when you were asleep we've found that your special power is instant teleportation, you could teleport to only the places you see with your eyes, it's a handy ability"

"What am I supposed to do with it?" Asked Yuta curiously 

"You can join the cursed eye assassins, CEA for short. They specialize in assassinating people who don't obey the law and people who misuse the power of the eyes but the catch is that the public doesn't know about the cursed eyes and we plan to keep it a secret from the public so you have to work from the shadows, you won't be able to meet your family or friends. Either way, you'll be announced to the public that you're attending your ten-year jail sentence" Explained the Officer

"I'll think about it, please give me some time"

After a few minutes, Yuta decided on what to do

"I'll join the CEA!" Said Yuta in a loud voice

Joe Gold