Kill The Bitchby Da Poo MasterSophie Richards had always hated hornylicious jesses garage with its steady, shy seccs swings. It was a place where she felt depressedShe was an ugly, fat, strongbow drinker with big fanny and ginger willy. Her friends saw her as an angry, average angel. Once, she had even rescued a fluttering disabled person from a burning building. That's the sort of woman he was.Sophie walked over to the window and reflected on her trampy surroundings. The moon shone like banging snakes.Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jess Wood. Jess was a stunning coward with pretty fanny and hideous willy.Sophie gulped. She was not prepared for Jess. As Sophie stepped outside and Jess came closer, she could see the calm smile on her face. "I am here because I want aggressive sex," Jess bellowed, in an annoying tone. She slammed her fist against Sophie's chest, with the force of 8568 furries. "I frigging love you, Sophie Richards." Sophie looked back, even more ecstatic! and still fingering the hairy banana. "Jess, i am your mommy stop trying to eat me out," she replied. They looked at each other with suicidal feelings, like two faint, flabby frogs slapping at a very funny funeral, which had country music playing in the background and two smelly uncles 69'ing to the beat.Suddenly, Jess lunged forward and tried to punch Sophie in the face. Quickly, Sophie grabbed the hairy banana and brought it down on Jess's skull.Jess's pretty fanny trembled and her hideous willy wobbled. She looked hornee, her body raw like a watery, warm whip.Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Jess Wood was dead.Sophie Richards went back inside and made herself a nice drink of cum.THE END
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