Chapter 24:

XXIV | Necklace

The Rowan Tree

I take off my earphones

and find that I'm

standing in front
of the nameless chicken rice shop.


I'm coming here too often
for someone
who wants nothing to do with Rowan.

What excuse do I have tonight?

I lean against the pillar
of the neighbouring shophouse,

I put my earphones back in.

That's why I don't hear

behind me,

a hand
claps my shoulder.

I jump.

My shoulder hurts.

Pull out one earbud,
stare at my attacker.

He's not bad looking,
a cheerful expression
in his eyes.

'You're Clyde.'

An awkward pause.

I don't remember who he is.

'We've never met,'
he explains. 'Rowan told me about you.'

He opens the glass door for me.

'Come on.
'She said you might come tonight.'

What the #*%&?

[Read the full story at!]