Chapter 81:

LXXXI | Placate

The Rowan Tree

I waited for the
string of expletives

to reach an end

before asking her if she's eaten.

that's the wrong question
to ask

because it led to another
string of expletives.

Right now,
she's calmed down a bit

and I take her

to a nearby coffee shop
for a meal.

Shuhui picks at her caifan
and mutters about
the shop's stupid no smoking rules.

I lean back in my seat,

put one leg
over the other.

'Why so grouchy?' I ask.

Her spoon clangs
against her plate.

I tell her not to swear

She gives me a weird look.

She complains
that I've changed.

I repeat my question.

'My mother lorh.'

She crosses her arms,
rolling her yellow eyes.

'She found my mid-year results
'and started screaming like a–'

She pauses.

'–#*%&ing lunatic.
'My sister's so perfect but I'm a disgrace.
'She's feminine and pretty
'and has a high-profile sugar daddy,'
'but someone weird and ugly like me
'will never amount to anything.'

I'm dumbfounded.

My jaw falls open
without my knowing it

because I have to close it.

'So I told her
'"I hope you die faster"

'and she locked me out of the house.'

'Obviously,' I tell her.

She slams her palm onto the table and
deflates with a frustrated hiss.

[Read the full story at!]