Chapter 3:

The City of Cestia

The Existential Life of a Mage

You stand in front of the guard, as you wait for a reply. The guard seems like he's eyeing you up in some sort of way.  

"Welcome to Cestia City. Please enter." eventually says the guard.

You enter the gate, and see the city in full. The streets are long, and yet they aren't narrow. People are walking up and down the streets. It seems like many of them are adventurers of some sort.

Building and merchants line the streets for what seems like forever as you walk through the crowds of people.

"Seems like there may be an adventurers guild. Maybe I'll join them when I figure out if I really DO have powers."  you think. 

You search your pockets to make sure if you even have any sort of currency, but you seemingly have none.

"So now I'm reborn AND I'm broke. Nice to know nothing has changed comparing my last life to this one." you mutter.

The first thing on the list now is to find a job. Going straight to the adventurer's guild might be a bad idea since you don't know how much power you have, and how you can even control it. "Maybe a magic academy? This city has to have one. If I don't have magic, that's fine, I could always go with swordsmanship." you think.

You say that, as when you were a child, your parents had you entered into kendo classes. You were never great at it, but Kendo taught you a lot about discipline, keeping a calm mind, as well as a way to control your breathing to keep you from tiring too quickly. Your idea is that you could use what you remember and become a swordsman much faster. For now, you will hold on to that thought.

You're walking down the street and past people, and come across an inn. There's a sign outside saying "Hiring". 
"Well, this might be able to help." you think.

You walk into the inn, and go up to the counter, there's a Man behind it, wiping a few cups, with his right elbow resting on his side of the counter. He has an ashtray next to him with a cigar in his mouth.

"I saw this inn had a hiring sign outside." you say.
"You saw right!" Says the man behind the counter.

"Well I was looking for a j-"

The man takes the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Yes you can have the job!" says the man again, cutting you off.
"So when do i start?"
"Now!" Says the man.
"So, now as in now?" you ask.

A girl comes around the corner and says, "Sorry about my father, he's an odd one."
"My name's Makami, my father who you were just talking to is Toru. And yours?" says the girl.

"I'll likely only be working here until I have enough to afford to go to the Magic Academy here though." You say.
"You're not the only one, Mikado! I have that same plan." Sora says with a smile.
"Do a lot of people go to this Magic Academy compared to the swordsman school?" you ask.
"They're actually around the same size in number of people." says Sora.
"Really? I expected the magic academy to be much more popular." you remark.
"There's a lot of people that think that. It's an odd rumor." Sora says with a slightly serious face.
"A Rumor?" you ask.
"Yep, there's a lot of people who say magic is superior than swordsmanship, and in turn, spread lies that the Magic Academy is quite large compared to the scale of swordsman." Sora says.
"So it's a lot of matters of pride in a way."
"That's right."

"Anyway, what's my job here supposed to be exactly?"  you ask.
"It'll likely be cleaning around the inn. With current pay, it'll take you probably a year of work for a year at the magic academy."
"And how many years do people tend to go to this academy for?"  you ask.
"roughly 3."  Sora Says.
You look at her with a shocked face before coming to your senses.
"So I have no real other choice do I?"
"Not really, no."

 You sigh.