Chapter 15:

Chapter 15

I was Reincarnated as a Spider however I still want to become an adventurer so I did despite the fear and threat of death yet I persevered and was accepted by a group of nice girls so now I will live out my dream to become a Hero and defeat the Demon King

I was a normal guy, didn't stand out or get bullied.
Just your average guy, even my name Albert was normal, I wasn't depressed or anything but I did want more like everyone does.
To be rich and all that, also superpowers, well I got what I wanted but now I am a giant spider.
I can't even talk to people and now I am on the verge of death.
I just wanted a more normal fantasy.
'tara, tara'
huh, what's that noise?
'hang in there, you can still survive'
I'm in a cave? the same one we were previously in, the healer is there too crying.
We managed to get away and I passed out nearby, they dragged me the rest of the way it seems.
I feel something engulfing me, healing magic.
My body is recovering even on the verge of death, although it is very slow.
This wouldn't be an acceptable level for a healing mage and is this even possible for a low end healer to save someone this far gone? maybe her real talent is something else.
As I think this suddenly it appears.
[evolution] Tarachnid to [Greater Tarachnid]
There's no other choice since I didn't specialized in any area, I go through with it and go unconscious again.

I am in a hazy state, I can feel my mind wandering around.
It's like meditation but deeper.
Hours must have passed as I wake up.
[magic power] [regeneration] [mana absorption] [piercing and slashing super enhancement] [warrior] [assassin]

Waking up and all these skills and titles, how great.
Eating that big wolf even gave me magic.
'thank the goddess you are alive'
I am hugged by a crying healer and the elf also pats me.
'we were waiting for you, you had us worried' said the elf.
'well, good thing you didn't die atleast' said the rogue in an awkward manner then followed by a pat on the head too.
She does care huh, also everyone is smaller now.
I am more than twice their size now, around 3 meters/10 feet I guess?
My body shape is the same, no other symbols or marks, now all 3 of them can ride on top of me.
'a greater tarachnid, those are a rare B rank monster most never get the chance to fight though I think tara is beyond an average one' says the elf who's examining my body.
'everyone will definitely be even more against us keeping him now since he is so big, what do we do?' says the rogue.
'are you implying we stay here longer? I want to go back, I want a nice bed and food' says the healer still touching me.
'how can you be an adventurer if you can't handle a few weeks like this?'
'this is too much, hiking and camping in dangerous mountain areas for weeks isn't exactly what you envision of adventurers right?'
'sigh, this isn't that dangerous of an area compared to elsewhere so we should be able to handle this, yeah that's it we will stay here until we are stronger'
'heh? are you serious?'
Healer is sad while the elf agrees with rogue.
'we were prepared to stay for more than a week anyway so it won't be an issue, if we come back this fast that would be actually be troublesome'
'it can't be helped then'

I am hungry.
I just evolved afterall, I motion that I want food.
There isn't enough food.
I was smaller back then so I didn't need that much, I will have to hunt more.
This also brings up an issue, will I get even bigger next time? I don't want to be a gigantic spider like mother.
I need to start focusing on some path so I can branch off from that.
As we prepare to head out again we see a brown bear heading here, it is almost as big as me.
'this won't even be a challenge right tara?'
'don't be overconfident, if it has a skill or something then you can easily die' says the rogue.
I learned this earlier but a nomal animal including a dire wolf is F rank, a goblin is E rank.
Grouping together raises the rank of course which makes goblins and dire wolves vary in danger then you have magic and skills which will make a normal animal dangerous.
The bigger dire wolves are E rank while the ones with skills are D rank and the leader was C rank.
Magic and skills won't make you weaker than E rank, this counts for humans too and is why the girls are D rank.

As the bear heads towards us, I stand up and decide to face it.
It seems weak actually, the bear attacks with an arm swipe and I slash at it, I goes right through and cuts it in half along with its body.
It's over, seems it had no skills or anything and was easy to cut.
'AMAZING' says the healer thanking me.
As the rogue looks over the bear she notices its fur is harder than normal, it did have something.
Some sort of hardening titles, this is how good the super enhancement titles I got are.
I then eat the bear but the girls don't want any, cooking it takes too long.
I can feel something inside of me, this is magic power.
It's increasing ever so slightly thanks to the bear I ate.
Finished eating and we head on, hunting the surrounding area only brings small prey but that's enough for today.
The healer insists on staying inside tonight so we will just scout the area again.
As night arrives, you can feel the mood changing, more dangerous creatures are coming out.
Closing the cave entrance with more webs to be sure and we relax tonight.