Chapter 3:

Translation - Act II

The Small World of Hikari

It was 2:20 in the morning, and I spent another sleepless night, I was lying in my bed thinking how Mirai could have done to end this fate, she was a girl who was not of enemies, but many times the problem is not in us, but in others.

Don't you also find the early morning the best possible time?

At dawn it seems that things become more acceptable and melancholic, everything becomes so reflective and thoughtful, you only hear the noise of the night and your thoughts.

That night I guess I wasn't thinking only about Mirai... I was thinking about Sukya too, she was on a futon next to my bed, I couldn't believe that that Sukya who slept so peacefully on a blue and white futon could do that to a girl who didn't want any harm to the world, thinking about it I reassured myself. 3:00 a.m. I fell asleep.

5:20... so begins a new routine, I woke up a little unwell because I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning, this is one of the evils of sleeping late.

I went straight to the bathroom and washed my face, went to the kitchen and prepared my coffee and left some coffee for Sukya and two extra pieces of toast, thus leaving 6:00 for my service.

The day was cloudy and on campus there was a dense fog, it was not possible to see even a meter away, I begin to see the silhouette of a person coming towards me, I steady my eyes to be able to see better, when I least expect it.

"Ahh watch out, crazy!" a girl's voice speaks as she lies on the fallen ground

"it's..that I'm sorry...I didn't see you" I try to apologize and start to gather her things

"Hikari?...that's you then...leaving early as usual" the girl who had fallen was the class representative.

"Representative? I hadn't seen her forgiveness, what are you doing here so early?.. where are the policemen and crime banners?" I speak in that nervous, sloppy tone that I have

 "You are a fool Hikari... They've been gone a long time, they didn't find anything, there were no witnesses, there was no murder weapon, and by the looks of it the guards were all in areas 1, 2 and 3, there was no one on campus, this happens at the university where you study and you don't get to know anything, How stupid!" the representative speaks in that annoying motherly tone when her son doesn't want to do the dishes.

"I say goodbye and walk to the gate and then go to work, always following those protocols that I have already talked about in past chapters.

At the Real Estate store where I was a receptionist today there wasn't much traffic, so I was very busy.

"Hikari..." says my boss in a calm tone

"Yes, boss?"

"How's the murder going at your university?" my boss asks while organizing some papers on the other counter behind.

"Well... it's a very clean and planned murder, whoever did this was very well informed about the guards rounds, the campus area and the victim himself, from the information I have it was a manslaughter with no theft of belongings or rape" I speak while leaning on the counter with my arms.

"I see... and do you have any suspicions?" he asks as he finished organizing the papers

"I said in the same tone but I was thinking something like; Why is this old man asking these questions?

"Hum... Hikari do you know Yukimura Dante?" the boss asks while looking at me

"No... who is this?" I answer, looking at the vein a bit suspiciously

"You will meet him...only then will you avenge her death" the boss speaks looking down and clutching his chest.

"Mister Han...what do you mean?" I look at him with the same look.

My boss he didn't respond, instead he started coughing loudly and clutching his chest as he fell to the floor.

" MISTER HAN!" worried I speak and turn to the phone and call the ambulance.

 "Kyoto area ambulance what is the emergency?!" the telephone lady speaks into the speaker


"Okay... do cardiac massage while the health unit will not arrive soon"

"O.. Okay.... Mister Han... stay here calm" I didn't know how to do cardiac massage so I stayed with him in my arms while he cried.

"No... No... lose... ah... the... hope... young man..." he spoke with a smile on his face as he closed his eyes, and 2 minutes later the ambulance arrived.

I have always hated hospitals, I feel that my past always comes back to me while I am inside one... the clean white environment reminds me of suffering and pain but sometimes...

"My congratulations's a girl" the doctor speaks to a father who was sitting in the front chair, as he begins to cry with happiness.

It can be something very happy.

"You are Tsuki Hikari...are you a relative of Mr. Han zuki?" says the nurse as he arrives at my side.

"I am his employee" I spoke in an unhappy tone with a smile on my face, however I had a sad look on my face.

"He's fine...just had a slight relapse and low pressure, nothing major, he'll be able to go home in 2 weeks, in the meantime he'll be resting here at the hospital" the nurse said.

"Right... I was holding this here and by the looks of it, it has your name on it, it must be for you" the nurse reaches out his hands and hands me a small bag about the size of my palm, with a little white card that says: "Read it at home". 

"Look what an old bastard... hehe" I giggle as I look at the letter

"Hehe... he is a good sir, take good care of him sir, he seems to have a lot of appreciation for you" The nurse speaks in a happy tone.

"He says I am a second grandson to him...I have never met his grandson...anyway, thank you very much and take good care of Lord Han!" I speak as I bow to the nurse

"Don't worry, he is in good hands, take care of yourself too. Tsuki Hikari" speaks the nurse while waving his left hand.

It was 12:30 and it seems that I was late for lunch.


"You're late... I'm hungry HIKARI... make food immediately" Sukya spoke in an irritated tone with a puppy dog facial expression asking for a piece of her pastry.

"Well you could at least make a fried egg for would lessen my work" I speak as I drop my backpack and put on my apron.

"Of course not, why should I have you to be my doormat?" Sukya speaks in an even too calm tone as she walks to the sofa to read Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus".

"You like those philosophy books, huh?!" I speak as I cut up the vegetables and salt them with seasonings.

"If I didn't like it I wouldn't read it...I just like it because I think philosophy is essential to life, it's the only place where I speak out and express my ideologies in life."

"And what would your ideology of life be?" I speak as I put the meat to fry in the iron pot over medium heat with adobo, shoyu and melted butter.

"Well... I guess it would be more or less "We are timeless beings", that would be my ideology of life" she speaks as she smiles and looks at me leaning her arms on the back of the sofa.

"and could you explain to me why?" I speak as I saute the vegetables in hot water.

"Well... there are many ways to be timeless... we live forever and we don't realize it because we are too focused on our daily lives, the world is moving in a direction where we are too worried about tomorrow and how we will escape our slow death" Sukya says while looking at me with small smiles 

"That's pretty depressing and melancholy..." I speak as I season the rice with salt and some toasted sesame.

"Of course who don't have enough brains, just think we may even die, but there will always be someone thinking of us and making us exist and passing our name down for generations." Sukya speaks in a cheerful, smiling tone

"This only happens to famous people or people who do amazing things, like your famous philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche among several others" I speak as I stir the rice and take the meats out of the pot.

"Of course not... just as you have famous people who have done amazing things that have changed the course of humanity you have those who are from your everyday life that change your course and way of living, you in the end attribute feelings to that person and thus end up being marked for that person"

"Humm now that was quite nice..." I speak while serving the dishes

"So would carry name...eternally...with you?" Sukya speaks while hiding her reddened face in the camus book

"Oh yes yes I would... wait... I?" was just listening and answering without processing what she was saying, until by some chance I processed what she was saying about her ideology, she was talking about taking forever the people that we have affectionate feelings in our hearts. 

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I didn't know how to answer that, in my head at that moment there was tons of information created by my head to process that.

"Half-what Hikari?.... eehh... answer me hahahaa" giggling slightly and hiding his face in the Sukya book.

"it's just that half.... ehhh... LOOK AT THE FOOD SERVED HERE ON THE TABLE... I need to go to the bathroom..." so in quick steps I grab my backpack and go to the bathroom where I sit on the toilet to take a breath.

Sometimes I think that Sukya might not be the killer, she's a nice girl who just wants to have a quiet life with her ideology, I think I made a pre-judgment without thinking much, I look in my backpack pocket and see the gift Lord Han gave me and open the letter that was in it, it was written:

Hikari my boy... sometimes when we are too far away from ourselves because we are in uncomfortable situations, we can't think about who we like or who we want to be with, lately I have been noticing that you have been more worried and a little more active than usual and I have been like that and so has my grandson, so give it to her, it is a gift from her Grandfather Han Zuki. 

 Ps: Use a condom hehe

My God... what a bastard old man, at that moment I was totally embarrassed but what he had said was right, I had been too far away from myself for too long, so I didn't pay attention to others, I was in a state where I just walked around my own axis away from people, but this time, I had to think about being close to someone else...

"Sukya..." I speak coming close to her and sitting next to her on the couch

"Yes?..." a little flushed and in an embarrassed tone she speaks dropping the book she was reading and relaxing her shoulders a little.

"I...have a gift for you..." I hold out my hand showing the small bag

"Ah... thank you!" Sukya makes a surprised expression and looks a little embarrassed, opening the small bag she finds a smaller box 

"Wow... that looks..." Sukya speaks getting more and more flushed and embarrassed.

THAT SACANE OLD MAN!" I thought as I became embarrassed and totally flushed.

"That sounds like those... cheesy wedding proposals hahaha" a little nervous and embarrassed Sukya speaks smiling.

"Ah... yes yes... I'm sorry" I say rubbing my hand behind my head and looking to the side, I was very embarrassed.

Sukya then opens the small box and reveals a beautiful bracelet with small thin gold chains and a swan on the end forming a small heart.

"Wow... that's..." sukya speaks in a neutral look at the brecelet.

"It's too cheesy, right? Hehe sorry" I say while looking at the sides in a tone of sarcasm.

"it's a bit cheesy yes... and quite cliché" she says as she puts on the bracelet

"hehehe knew... if you don't want I can try to exchange e-"

"No...I want to wear it forever, no matter how cliché it is...I love it...because it came from you!" she said as she looked at me, with sparkling eyes and a smile on her face, in moments like these my heart races and I feel something that is more than happiness, something that makes you want to smile in a way that you have never smiled is something very unique, but that doesn't last long.

"Hikari... I-" Sukya spoke

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" the alarm on my phone was ringing 

"Damn I have to go to work and I haven't had lunch yet... I'll have to pack a lunch box... sorry Sukya... see you in class, bye!" I quickly get up and grab my things and go.



Although I was outraged by that situation... deep down I was happy.


After my work I went straight home, where I arrive and see a note on the desk written:

I went directly to Aula to help Sanami for the astronomy club project, see you later S2

ass: Sukya 

After reading I get a little blush and then I take my shower to go to class, doing that same process as always.

Arriving at the classroom I see the whole class talking, and some were talking about a supposed new student who arrived from an exchange, after sitting down I start to get my materials and write down some questions that were missing from the last class.

"AND WHO SAYS I CARE?!" A boy in the room, black hair, skin pale as snow, 5'7" tall, starts yelling at another girl, I started looking and it looked like a couple's fight.

"YOU NEVER REALLY CARED. YOU ARE A NERD WHO ONLY KNOWS ABOUT RPGs AND CHILD ANIMES" the girl, blonde hair, white skin, 1.66 tall, answers him in an irritated tone and pointing her finger.

"YOU ARE A TERRIBLE ROOMMATE.... You must be the worst HIKUMI KATSU" the boy who was with her speaks directly pointing his finger.

"YOU WHO ARE... TAKI HYUKI!" the girl speaks in the same tone.

I never liked to see the bickering and tantrums of others, but this time I watched because it reminded me of me and Sukya in the early days.

"SIT DOWN... The teacher arrives and stands in front of the class...

"Well... we have 2 news today, the first is that we are almost in summer and you have entered your summer vacation and when you come back you will have to bring a project done for the August lecture where each one will have 5 minutes to present your work... and the other is that now we have a new student... and this student is important, come in and introduce yourself" the teacher explains everything and then sits down at his desk, which was in the corner of the board, and a student starts to enter wearing a dark blazer, a white shirt and black tie, two black leather gloves, and a social shoe with a lion's coat of arms graffitied on the edges, his hair was black and well done, nothing too extravagant and reached his eyebrows, he had the sharp bridge canines, so with great cordiality he introduced himself.

"My name is Yukimura Dante...nice to meet you..."


I thought at the time

"I am 24 years old and I am the youngest investigator in Japan, I am born and raised here, but I moved to France where I had to do work against the mafia... and well..." after finishing the speech Yukimura gets a serious look on his face.

"Tsuki Hikari... You are under arrest on suspicion of murdering Mirai Saiaku"

I don't know if you have been in the same situation as me but at that moment I just thought..

                                                                           "it's what?"

