Chapter 13:

Chapter 11.75: Through Marna's Eyes (Interlude)


A month before, the morning of the Effigy summoning.

“Mm. It’s still too murky...”

Both of my hands dropped to my side, while I could only feel a sense of unease swell after my inept and futile attempt. We were finally here. Amid our final preparations in summoning—not just any random Effigy—but one that had been decided on for many years. And yet, as I tried to see beyond the morning with him in mind, nothing would allow itself to be shown to me.

“In the end, even if I can see you as I always have, I am still unable to see beyond your today. How frustrating... Am I truly forced to wait until that moment, is that it...? But...”

Mother, would you have been able to see it even without the necessary first contact? No, that’s a foolish thought. Knowing you, I wouldn’t doubt it.

“But... Why is it that I can’t do the same...? Have I yet to reach you...?”

Covering the cloudy orbuculum, I sighed aloud and turned toward the doorway with intent on leaving. The summoning would be taking place within the next hour, and I needed to properly ready myself. I had wanted to alleviate these worries of mine, but it seems all I did was further cast a shroud of uncertainty over my own abilities instead. My focus and eyes now remained at a downcast, walking in a shackling brood. Yet that swiftly came to an end as my head bumped into something—or someone—who had seemingly appeared out of thin air.

“You know, your mother used to always spend a little too much time staring into that thing as well. That’s a habit you should refrain from mirroring, daughter of mine.”

A sudden appearance from the resident hermit of all people.

"Father... About today, I...”
“There’s no need for you to explain to me. This is the task you’ve held since you were just a child. A vision of an event only you could see. Due to that, it’s not my place to lecture you on whether what you’re doing is correct or not. But that’s one thing—this is another. Seeing the future may be reliable, yes, but relying on that sight far too often will only leave you in a spiral of constant distress. It’ll consume you; I pray that you understand that, yes?”
“...Yes, I do...”
“Then clear your mind and steel your resolve! Your today requires your attention—not the uncertain and ever-changing future! Besides, Ondine wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I even thought to say otherwise.”
Pfft. Mm. I can picture that rather clearly...”

As I chuckled softly, my father pulled me in as he wrapped his arms around me. Despite his usual aura of indifference, he always had a habit of knowing just the right moment of when to console us. It was once said that he had been the only individual that could tame and silence my mother’s anger—just as well as he could unintentionally instigate it. And thus, she had chosen him to be her husband and to become Dormou’s king.

“Do not ever forget this, daughter of mine. You are the child of Ondine and Lorcan, the Elven King! There’s nothing wrong with hesitating—you are still young—so that is only natural. As long as you believe that the path you’re on is the correct one, neither I—nor your mother—will ever fault your actions. All that we ask of you is to seek your own happiness, your people’s prosperity and to never belittle yourself. Your mother continues to watch over you, and as do I.”
“Mm, I know. Thank you, Father...”

It was a much-needed act of reassurance, as he could easily see through me and all of my internal struggles. For as long as I could remember, I’ve had visions of the current morning. Time and time again, the expression of a bewildered black-haired man appeared in my dreams. Sitting at the center of a ritual summoning, one that was prompted by a future me. Despite not even knowing who he was—oddly enough—I had never once felt feat toward him as a child.

And yet, all I can feel now is hesitation and concern currently... To the point where my hermit of a father has even noticed and come to console me... It’s quite laughable, indeed.

“That being said...”
“You’re shamelessly preachy for a recluse, Father. Do all hermits have that level of communicative skills?”

Despite rarely ever leaving his room nowadays, he sure retained the ability to speak nonstop.

“Hey now—”
“Mother once told me that shut-ins lacked severely in the social sphere. She even once said that her own father had developed a stutter at some point too. Mm. It seems you’re quite lacking still.”
“...To own daughter would try and hurt me in such a way... I’ll have you know! I originally came out of my quarters since I was told by Vaalyun that you hadn’t been eating this past week! The Glutton of Dormou?! Not eating?! Not po—OUCH!!”

Slamming my foot neatly and gently upon his own, he released me from his embrace and immediately knelt to the floor in exaggerated agony. Gripping his foot in pain, I walked past him and out the door. It was the truth, one that resulted from the stress that surrounded the summoning and more. I’d barely eaten much of anything in the past few days. That being said, he still deserved every bit of that.

But...I do feel better now at least. Mm! I need to focus on being able to properly receive him. I’ll worry about everything else afterwards.

It was definitely all I could do for this particular moment. The looming air of war between Cretho and Isluna, the intelligence received from outer parties regarding the other Effigies, the cryptic visions of the incoming era—and Dormou’s place in it all. It had only been a few years since I had taken the mantle of leadership, and yet, there hadn’t been any shortage of issues lingering on the horizon. Even so, I’d shift my complete focus onto him from this point on.

To the face that I have come to familiarize myself with these past two decades... Yet, of unknown character and ideals... Will we be able to change the future together?

Glancing at my own hand, all I could see was a palm with no real story to tell as of yet. As the result of today’s summoning would come to light, all of that would finally change—even if I desperately didn’t want that to be so.

❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

During the night before Albel’s departure.

“May you rest well tonight, Lady Marna.”
“Mm! Goodnight to you too, Amara.”

Closing the door behind her, I couldn’t help myself any longer as I immediately leapt onto my bed sheets in full vigor. Shoving my face into my pillow as I shuffled around in the quilt—I let out a small and muffled squeal. One that felt as if it was being held back for what seemed like the whole night while at his side.


It had been a rather lovely—and yet—bittersweet night under the stairs. One that I hadn’t expected to even happen, but was quite thankful that it did. Even if I had to come to terms with allowing Albel to leave Dormou in the morning, the difference in our bond had dramatically changed. We were able to express ourselves to each other more thoroughly than any time prior.

If only we could have made it last just a bit longer...

“Mm. That wouldn't work, since dawn would have arrived before we’d realize it... Maybe we should have just taken Amara’s...offer...”

A wave of heat settled neatly upon my face as I began tossing around in my bed once more. Taking a second to settle my thoughts, heart and myself down—I now laid face-up staring at the ceiling as I embraced my pillow in a way that left only my eyes uncovered.

“Just when exactly did I start thinking like this...?”

It had only been a month, but my mind was in a constant state of disarray toward the man named Albel. After all these years, I had finally been able to put a name and personality to the face I’d seen in my visions after all. The day he had been summoned also surprised me, since I had felt at ease the moment he arrived. It was as if my prior worries just simply up and disappeared—or never existed in the first place.

No, if anything it was more like a welcomed change of pace. His appearance was always shrouded in that restless uncertainty. With him appearing, I was able to at least remove one of those lingering worries, but now...

With every bit of strength I could muster, my embrace tightened over the pillow in my arms. Seemingly a worthless distraction against the ebullition of thoughts that came after his arrival. What was once a reoccurring vision, was now turned into something much, much more. Visions that would leave my body weakened, heavier, feeling lost and terrified—cursing the world itself. The chaotic future ahead still remained obscure, but Albel’s future hadn’t the more time I spent with him.

“Is that what it means to truly be an Effigy—a hero—in this forsaken world? To be at the paramount of the incoming era, ridden in inviolable inferno...? If so, that’s...a very cruel task you’ve bestowed upon him... No, that makes me no different as his primary summoner, his...”

From a sweet flutter to an enfeebling ache, I could feel my heart shift in ways I had never experienced before as I attempted to forcibly shut out my thoughts from continuing. I had been educated thoroughly on all matters regarding being the face of Dormou and the Elven royal family. All matters regarding my combative Classes as well. Something of this nature though, made it feel as if I had acquired a whole new weakness in my defenses.

I wonder if this is what you meant, Mother...?

Talks on the southern shoreline would lead to stories of when my mother was far younger. Small glimpses into her past allowed for me to attempt piecing that current her together, in order to see what made her into the powerful woman she had been at that time. Amongst many, one thing she had said to me during those days began to rear its head.

“The moment you’ve found that other side of you—your other half—only then will your heart truly flutter, dear. And in the face of any and all adversity, those newfound wings will help you weather any incoming storm.”

“...Any and all adversity, hm?”

If that had been the truth, then it seems she had failed to tell me just how agonizing it would be to hold strong against whatever this was. If anything, it only made me believe in her strength all the more if she could state something like that with absolute confidence.

Or maybe, I just haven’t truly reached that point yet...?

Slowly, I nodded off into the usual smothering slumber—with tears in my eyes—as my dreams remained upon their accustomed path. A swelling vein of visions laced with entropy and desolation—solidified by his tormented expressions—roamed freely and uncontested. Or so they normally would have.
Amid the hell-torn landscapes of my mind, his smile and expression from last night appeared brightly, leading me into a rather peaceful rest for the first time in a long while.

Guillermo M Sweatt