Chapter 22:

Chapter 1b

Me doing whatever I felt like writing because I just thought it would be a fun idea.

"What would you refer to as a flying chimpanzee?"

A flying chimpanzee? Quit messing about and avoiding questions.

"Yes, a flying chimpanzee."

Answer me.

"Answer me first, and perhaps I shall talk."

In that case, flying chimpanzees don't exist.

"What if I told you that they could?"

I'd punch you.

"If you could try, go on—I'll wait."


"Thought so."


"Yes, flying chimpanzees do not exist. Not one sane person could believe that they could."

What are you going on about?

"Other worlds, other realms."

Other gods.

"Now you're getting it."

Is that what you mean? Is that what I see? Is that what—

"It is."

It would explain a lot.

"As you would say, it more so explains something."

So, what are the dreams? What are the thoughts? What is it all?


Fine then, what are you?

"I too am something."



You're not wrong there, I suppose.

"What do you do now then? Now that this realm comes to end?"

Do whatever it takes to stop you? No, that would be ridiculous. A thing like you isn't meant to be stopped by me. However, I do look forwards to seeing that proud smirk of yours being wiped from your face some day.

"How can you see it if you will not be here?"

I shall watch from the heavens, yet that assumes I truly believe in that now.

"Heaven. Such a strange concept. If not even you know if it exists perhaps no-one will."

What happened to those supposed special eyes of yours then?

"I am yet to be that I wish; until then I shall continue to see blurry."

Blurriness is not sight.

"It is right now."

Not for me it isn't.

"Maybe so, but for one who wishes for that great taste of radiance—I believe otherwise."

An issue to take to the heavens.

"Along with the chimpanzees flying to heaven."

I hate you Gary.

Thank you. I hate you two too.
