Chapter 7:

The Dragon

The War of the Gods

Ariya woke up with a start as the rock below her solidified from its bouncy state. The cave was dark and damp still, with light coming on from the morning sun. Her mind began to wander again as she stared towards the black abyss that was the ceiling.

The day’s event bounced around her mind, echoing louder and louder. She could only focus on Teach, her last smile before entering the next world.

“Let’s go.” Futaro jumped up out of nowhere, sleeping silently only a second beforehand. With a wave of his hand, the cave brightened up. The sun’s rays penetrated the darkness, letting Ariya see the cave in an even light for the first time. Was this magic or timing, I couldn’t be sure, but I doubt he’s that strong. In fact, I know he’s that strong.

I looked at his stats again, just to double check. Futaro was no weakling, strong even. Magic to light the sun, however, that was out of his range, by a landslide.

“Wait wait wait? Where are we going? I don’t want to be dragged along without even knowing that.”

“Anibel already told you. Her friend in Kanai, the capital of Makiga. It’s not a long journey. Now let’s go.” He walked into the light of the sun before Anibel could get another world in.

“Great.” She followed him, unsure about what to do. He was strong, stronger than anyone she’d met, except maybe for Wyatt. He was also the only connection she had. Going back home was suicide. Futaro was it. The stoic, untalkative fruit seller, not that’s what she thought he actually did.

A field of grass stretched over the horizon. Every blade reflected the shining light of the sun. Pease was laying in the field, protecting it from harm. Nothing would happen here, only peace and prosperity. This was land claimed by nature, no human could build in it, not without my permission anyway. If someone tried, one of my companions would make sure the building went… sour.

I sighed, this was going to be boring for a while. No one knew where these two were. Nothing stood between them and Makiga. This wouldn’t do.

I searched the area, looking for something that could be an issue. Perfect. How would they react to this?

The ground exploded behind them as a monster two stories tall burst out of the ground. It has scales as sharp as diamonds, beatty yellow eyes that stared into your soul. This was a fun challenge for them.

“Ariya, stand behind me. This is a Rolckian Dragon. Its saliva causes a painless death if you touch it, so be careful not to get any on you, because it's impossible to notice until it's too late.”

She followed his words, somewhat slowly, not saying a word. A solid barrier of earth shot between them, a tiny window allowing her to see through. “Stay behind that.”

Futaro leaped into the sky like an angel, becoming a second sun as Ariya watched with somber eyes. No one was around to hear her as she whispered under her breath. “A painless death, huh. Sounds nice.” No one except for me, that is.

Ariya slumped against the wall and sat down, head between her knees. People are so different when they're alone, it's truly fascinating.
