Chapter 3:

3- An loli in the name of the law!

An ecstasy in battle~~!

Jacob, seeing Catarina's terrifying appearance, though much faster than the best computer in any existence, with one thing in mind ‘If I mess up anything in this answer I AM DEAD!

"*COUGH, COUGH*, Of course, none of these alternatives, and if this world-class technology of yours that you're so bragging about really exists, you'll find evidence that I'm not making things up."

After this comment, Catarina just stared deeply at him, as if she were spying on her soul. When Jacob was thinking of kneading his forehead on the table he was so nervous, Catarina began to speak. “Okay, I'll check it out, but if you're lying in any way, I'll grind you up! Wait here, I'll be right back.” As she stood up, he pulled her cuffed arms on the table and spoke.

"And do I have a choice?" as he watched the female figure leave the room, not even bothering to respond.

__---Outside the room---__

"*Sigh* It's every kind of madness I have to go through in this job..." After some grumbling, Catarina headed towards the area where the plane of Jacob was being analyzed, upon arriving she was faced with a vision that would leave countless people without knowing what to think.

The small girl was sitting on top of a man while she was pointing at people and ordering like a general. She had blonde hair, with one drill on each side of her head, she wore a white coat and under it, she wore a red sleeveless tank top and thigh-length denim shorts, or if you want to simplify, a loli with brocade hair. And as for the man beneath her, he would be a typical tall, strong bodyguard, if not the shirt she wore, it was a salmon shirt with a muscular humanoid rabbit in the print.

"You! Get the job done right, and don't you dare touch it without your gloves, idiot! Hey you! Do not place a torch near a fuel tank! Do you want to blow everyone up here!? A bunch of good-for-nothings, what did the motherfucker of the boss think when he assigned you to me?”

After stopping complaining about subordinates, she ended up seeing out of the corner of her eye someone watching, when she looked more at the person, she identified her and couldn't help but cheer and greet the newcomer.

“Oh! Catarina, what are you doing here? Have you already interrogated the guy yet?"

"Hi Sophia, more or less, it's complicated, just I came to talk to you and ask for your opinion and help." Sophia, upon hearing this, couldn't help but be interested, after all, Catarina was one of the best interrogators at the police station. Then Catarina began to tell what happened in the interrogation room.

==--{In the interrogation room}--==

Jacob was looking around the room, though he had nothing more than a security camera that appeared to be off, and reflective glass, when he heard his stomach growl.

"Damn, I'm not waiting for her to come back, I'm too hungry for this!" when he said this, Jacob took a deep breath and braced himself, after relaxing his hands Jacob used all his strength to pull his left arm, which is a snap and a dislocated hand that went through the cuffs, after reallocating the left hand with the right with a small muffled cry, repeated the same process on the other.

Upon freeing himself Jacob headed for the door, where after checking, he checked out and walked normally. It was so surprised that no one noticed him even though he was still in his pilot's clothes he couldn't help but think; 'Is this the level of the police station of the third best city in the country? So proud of a city for this?'

Jacob walked towards a man and intended to bump into it without meaning to. “Oh! Sorry friend."

"It's okay" as the man turned and continued walking, Jacob walked towards the vending machine and looked at the wallet he had just stolen, "Well, I don't know what the monetary value is here but it should be enough."

Upon arriving in front of the vending machine, Jacob chose several snacks for their appearance but ended up splitting which soda for buy, as it didn't have any brand, he knew, but was taken out of the mess in your mind by a boy and a girl.

"If I were you I would choose that one." As he pointed to a green can. Hearing the children's advice, he bought 4 cans of soda and gave two to the children as a thank you, and walked towards the man from whom he had stolen his wallet. "Hey, dude! Your wallet fell."

After returning Jacob's wallet, he returned to the interrogation room.

-=- Back in Catarina and Sophia -=-

“Can you believe this?! Does he really think I'm going to believe this countless bullshit?”

"I believe him."

“Yeah, unbelievable- YOU WHAT!?!? DID YOU NOT HEAR ANYTHING I SAID? He said he came from another world!"

“Well, he didn't lie about being a soldier in combat, his fighter plane is full of punctures, scratches, and burn marks, and according to the rangers reported he appeared out of nowhere on the radar, what if my guess is correct, you came here to find out from the satellite images where he came from, so why don't we take a look?”

“. . . Right."

"Okay, um, let's see... According to what's been reported, he appeared at these airspace coordinates at 2:40 pm, so we went back to the image about 2 minutes."

On the computer screen, by satellite images, small rays appeared from nowhere, where soon after appearing the plane's beak, then the cabin and after a few seconds, an entire aircraft had appeared completely out of nowhere.

Catarine couldn't help but mutter in disbelief upon seeing the images, while Sophia was completely amazed, excited, and curious.


“Well, this is very interesting, I would like to see him, Catarina.”

When they reached the interrogation room, Catarine couldn't believe her eyes see.

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