Chapter 14:

The Ambush

The War of the Gods

“Ah Miguel, what a delight to see you out in the woods.” I brandished my quill on the pages of my book. Not that Miguel stood a chance against me or anything, but a lack of knights would be hard to explain to the prince when he arrived.

In retaliation to my oh so kind greeting, Miguel spat on my shoes. How chivalrous. “Theo, you're gonna die tonight. He raised his sword towards me in a desperate attempt to appear threatening in the slightest. It was almost pitiful. Any normal villager would have been terrified. To me however, it was like a kid playing as a knight, except this kid was fully grown and smelled of booze.

His sword swung through the air in a vain attempt to hit me. I lightly jumped back as he toppled over from his own momentum. He was never going to be the issue, the other knights however could end up being an issue, especially if there were any sober ones.

I ducked under another knight's blow as he charged forward, yelling something about a heretic. My fist slammed into his jaw, knocking him out. “Man, if this is the state of the knights, can I just say you've done a superb job miguel.”

He laughed, slowly getting up from his failed swing. “Oh this is nothing you godforsaken sinner.” He pulled out a gleaming white crystal from around his neck. “Knights, I order you to attack!”

They started to swarm around me like zombies, swaying back and forth from the alcohol. They really had just ignored our order to stop the alcohol huh. This felt almost like a suicidal push from them, a drunken last stand. I needed to end this soon. That demon was still somewhere around here, along with a variety of other wildlife. One of these dumb knights could kill themselves out here, and that would end up being a pain for everyone.

I quickly scratched down a few words, a spell to entangle the knights in strong vines. They shot up from the ground like eels, then stopped in place, decintagrateing on the spot. I wrote the spell again, no vines appeared this time. What was going on? Had the idiotic knights actually done something smart? No that was out of the question. They must have done something though, my magic had just worked moments before.

Miguel laughed like a madman, spit flying from his mouth. “That's what you got for relying on ya little magic sinner.” He held up the white cristal, which was now glowing a brilliant white. “So long as we have this, your little fancy magic can’t do shit.”

I barely dodged a thrust towards my chest, falling to the ground in a heap. This had turned bad. Somehow those knights had come up with an actual plan. That cristal was the kicker though. I’d never heard of a crystal that could stop the use of magic, or anything that could do that. Probably some government secret that the knights brought out just for me. I feel so wanted.

Suddenly a giant Kirby Borgir appeared, and everyone loved it so much.


And that's as far as I got in this 45K in 1 day attempt. Most of this, except for a few small sections was written in a single day, in around 10ish hrs. Will I ever continue this? Maybe? probabilly not, but Im glad I attempted it. Untill my next attempt, otkrlj out.