Chapter 3:

Chapter 3: Prologue Part 3

The Second Coming of Mammon

~4 years later~

"He still can't talk, and he's already 4 years old~" Aizen could hear the troubles of his mother. Earlier, he was just consulted by the doctor if he had any problems. The truth of the matter is, he could speak, he just wouldn't.

"But he's already 4 years old! There must be something wrong with him! I'm scared-"

"Hey honey! Calm down! He might hear us... it won't be good."

"... I know. I'm just scared."

After 3 more hours, his mother came to his room with swollen eyes and slight sniffles. She went up to him and turned the lights off. After a tight hug, by his mother and somewhat of a bitter farewell, she tucked her child to bed. When he heard the door close, he stood right back up.

"... Ugh, finally." he still hates their kisses, but he has no choice.

It's been 4 years, and Aizen can already cast magic. He was able to learn by reading books in their tiny library. It was surprising how there were books about Magic there, but he didn't think much of it.

As he spread his palms, a small flame came out of it. This was tremendously impressive, because not only is the usual age where one can use magic is 12, but also because usually there would be a chant that's 4 sentences long, yet he merely spread his palms and the spell was invoked. However, this time he wants to try it out.

There was one thing he noticed about Magic. Magic is about forming a connection with the world's concepts, such as the concept of Flame, the concept of Ice, the concept of Darkness, the concept of Light, etc. They are concepts that respond to a Magician's plea, which is the chant. Basically, each and every magician borrows power from those concepts in order to be able to invoke spells.

There are levels to certain concepts:

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, Quinary, Senary, Septenary, Octonary, Nonary, Denary, and Duodenary. The three Primaries are Fire, Water, and Air. They're called Primaries since in terms of making connections, they are the easiest of the concepts.

Then, he had a brilliant idea. What if he borrows power... from himself? Technically, "Demon King Mammon" is an abstract concept, he is actually the concept of Despair and Avarice. What if... what if he borrows power from that?

He must try it out, but he can't right now.

What he's actually trying out right now is Teleportation magic. If he masters teleportation, then it would be extremely useful since he wants to go to the town library but couldn't because his parents wouldn't permit him. So, he figured that he should take matters into his own hands.

To enable teleportation, he must plead to the concept of Space, a Quarternary Concept. This is hard because unlike the other concepts, this is the first time that he would establish a connection with it. Aizen and the concept of Space are practically strangers to each other, while the other concepts are somewhat of an acquaintance. Still, he is the Demon King Mammon, what could possibly go wrong?
