Chapter 2:

(In I Go Again) Chapter 1:1

Games-Gamers and Killers

Date:New Calendar date Freedtember 31. Year: 2897 "Tommorows gonna be new year. Time sure is fast." This is me mechanically speaking, am still living everyday normally.

The wind was picking up, it was just another minute till the new year, before Haizaki knew he saw a computer was in his back when he turned around "Time has stoped. Searching..... Royale Battle."

The computer turned on by itself and it just, then as Haizaki saw it, "Unknown Message, Unknown Person." Haizaki is always talking like a robot he picked up a habbit learning from the old school without education.

As Haizaki pressed the message, and it said.

(Congratulations! Haizaki Hikari you have been chosen as the 100,001 person of our society. We can give you a special education as we thought that we randomly chose you from our system. We can provide you a good education from our Academy with free Fees.

Sincerely: Summoning Maker Academy)

As everyone knew, do not accept any from any letter cause it is a scam but, Haizaki just knew he did not make any social media accounts on the internet.

"Memory Recall: Unknown person. Searching: Education- Good." Then when Haizaki just realized, there was a countdown on the clock that was about 30 second passing by now.

"Reason: No reason to refuse. Choice: Accept." Then the countdown was 10 seconds below, Hazaki hesitated to press, the countdown already passed by. "Limit: Passed. Reason:Did not press enter. Fault: Myself." But Hazaki did not give up.

"Type: Enter School. Reason: For research." Then he send it. Then everything went black and then when he turned around. He saw his greatest fear

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