Chapter 3:

Chapter 3: Sawano VS. Kenta! Battle For Freedom!

Project: INFERNO

(A few hours later after the Free-For-All, everyone outside Sawano's room was silent.)

"Doctor: Ok, we've done multiple tests on him and we've done an X-ray."
"Chimon: How is he?"
"Doctor: Well, he's actually a Flame elemental but it's something far more dangerous. These flames are far deadlier than Hell's Fire."
"Chimon: We're aware of that. So what's his condition..?"
"Doctor: Before we get into him, just know that Crystalline is most likely not going to pull through. But..."

(Tsuka clenched her fists in anger.)

"Sawano's in critical condition. Actually the recoil was so bad, his entire heart was burnt to ashes due to the flames."

(Everyone gasped.)

"Doctor: He's VERY lucky to even be alive right now. Fortunately, we have him planned for surgery but instead of a heart replacement, we're implanting an invincible chamber inside his chest."
"Akari: Sawano.."
"Chimon: So what's the plan for him?"
"Kenta: The High Commission will take it from here."

(The High Commission walks in on the conversation.)

"Chimon: Huh?"
"Kenta: Sawano's power holds an unstable center, he's dangerous to the public and will be under surveillance of the High Commission until further notice. Meaning, he's coming with us."
"Tsuka: YOU CAN'T..!"
"Chimon: Guys. Don't bother trying to fight them, they have a higher majority over us. So by law, we must accept their saying."
"Konnor: He poses a threat to the civilians, we cannot afford anymore close casualties like at the arena."
"Sumizaki: S-sorry.. But I'm afraid they are right. He nearly killed Crystalline which places him on a list of charges too."
"Edea: You're kidding.... So he's being charged with attempted murder on a High Commission member in a Free-For-All?"
"Frederick: The rules state: "you must knock your opponent unconscious or eliminate them by placing them outside the ring."
"Chimon: Which leads to death attempts, but the question is why isn't Crystalline being given the same punishment? She's the one that stabbed him through his chest."
"Kenta: Crystalline's punishment is a temporary suspension but Sawano's aura heat is what tore through her center chest and nearly obliterated her. It was an attempted murder."
"Kenta: Sawano is classified as a negative nine star threat to this whole city. It doesn't matter how badly you guys try to fight for him, we'll have to take him in until we state his release.."
"Botan: But you have no legal claim to take him under these conditions! Besides, Crystalline pulled the same thing!"

(As everyone else argued, Sawano overhears everything and gets up. He'd begin to collapse, getting dizzy as he made it to the door.)

"Sawano: Guys.."

(They all looked at him, Sawano's skin became pale and his red and black eye was revealed.)

"Sawano: If I'm this dangerous as they say.. I have to go with them.."
"Akari: WE WON'T LET YOU!"
"Botan: You haven't done anything man!"
"Dalton: This is just plain wrong, Sawano, look at yourself..! You nearly died from a colossal fight with Crystalline and Ash and you're going to go with the High Commission to turn yourself in..?"

(Tsuka stayed quiet, balling up her fist.)

"Chimon: Sawano has made his decision."
"Sawano: Thank you... Chimon."

(A few days passed by as the Saikan Academy dorms were quiet. Tsuka sat underneath a tree, looking up into the sky. Akari was training alone, still upset about a few days ago. Edea and Dalton was passed out, drunk. Botan sat in his room, writing in his journal. and Chimon kicked his chair back in his office, remembering how he met Sawano.)

"Chimon: Won't lie.. I'm a little worried for the boy."

(Meanwhile in the High Commission's office, Sawano was sitting in his cell, looking down at the floor.)

-Aftermath of the Free-For-All-

(Everyone runs down to check on Sawano as the High-Commission regroups. Medicals started patching him up as they escort him to the ambulance and the gang follows.)

"Dalton: Holy crap.. Sawano! Can you hear us..?"
"Edea: Hang in there! You're gonna be fine!"
"Dalton: Stay with us buddy!"

(A while later at the ambulance, Tsuka stands by Sawano, looking at his terribly wounded body.)

"Tsuka: You... stupid idiot.. You're just.. Stupid.. Why did you do that...?"
"Botan: Sawano's element.."
"Tsuka: What...?"
"Botan: He's a fire elemental, but there's something odd..."
"Tsuka: Huh..?"
"Botan: Alike most fire elementals, when their flames die out it'll take them two days or more to recover them. But Sawano's flames regenerated from something emotional."
"Tsuka: What does that mean..?"
"Kenta: It means what Sawano is carrying right now is far more deadly than any element ever seen."

(Tsuka stood there in disbelief and looked at Sawano in worry.)


(Footsteps are heard through the hallway then Angel stands at the cell where Sawano is held in.)

"Angel: Sawano, is it?"

(Sawano looks up at Angel with a confused look.)

"Angel: We haven't met. My name is Angel. I'm known as an executive to the High Commission."

(Sawano looked up, remembering but still said nothing.)

"Angel: Not in the talking mood huh? I understand, they're throwing you in here for attempted murder in the fight. Heh, I'd do the same thing and not speak. Even when someone tried to pull the same thing."

(Sawano looked back down as he continued not saying a thing.)

"Angel: Listen Sawano, I'll cut to the chase. I can get you out of this."
"Sawano: ...And how exactly are you gonna do that..? You do know that allying yourself with a fugitive will place you as one too right?"
"Angel: Yes, but it's a shame to see you like this."
"Sawano: Whatever."
"Angel: Listen, I want you to-"

(The door suddenly opens as Kenta was then walking inside to see Angel.)

"Kenta: Angel, what are you doing here?"
"Angel: Just.. checking on him."
"Kenta: I see. Sawano, we've come to a decision. We'll release you from this and let you off as a first offense..."
"Angel: Seriously?"
"Kenta: By joining the High-Commission."
"Sawano: ....No."

(Sawano sat there and continued looking down as he gave his answer.)

"Kenta: I knew that was coming."
"Sawano: I'm not joining the High-Commission, Chimon found me and took me in. Everyone who I met and had my back is my real reason why I'm here.."
"Kenta: Isn't your true purpose of being here is to find clues to your sister who is dead?"

(Sawano sat there and clenched his fist to where it began to leak blood.)

"Kenta: Seems like I struck a nerve."
"Sawano: If you ever.. Mention my sister again. I will bust out of this cell and beat you down without mercy."

(Angel stood there in shock and a bit scared at Sawano's threat as Kenta stood there with a smirk.)

"Kenta: Your sister is a lost cause, she died long ago and she's never coming back. So you may as well forget your little journey looking for her."

(Sawano yells and slams himself towards the cell as it begins to break and Kenta and Angel backs up.)

"Angel: Kenta, stop it.. please...
"Kenta: You're just pathetically wasting your entire time here on Earth. If you think you'd find your deadbeat sister this late, you're just full of shame!"

(As Sawano's eyes turned blood red he began to be filled with rage then his voice hit a demonic twist.)

"Sawano (Beast): I'LL KILL YOU!"

(Sawano busts down the cell as the alarm is triggered and he begins attacking Kenta. He'd avoid and block Sawano's attacks.)

"Kenta: You're just blinding yourself with so much rage, you don't have it in you to avenge your sister!"
"Sawano(Beast): SHUT UP!!!!!!"

(Sawano blasts the entire room on fire as it begins to burn down.)

"Kenta: Whoa! Who turned up the heat?"
"Sawano(Beast): I'm not joining you."
"Kenta: Very well, I guess since you made your final decision. I can legally kill you now."

(Kenta runs towards Sawano and attempts to kick him through the wall until Angel blocks it.)

"Angel: ENOUGH! Kenta, you might be Chief of the High-Commission. But that doesn't mean you get to pick on the young ones!"

(Kenta stood in silence as Angel fearlessly walked over to Sawano and hugged him.)

"Sawano (Beast): ....."
"Angel: I know your pain, Sawano. Your sister isn't dead, there's a chance she's alive. I want to help you anyway I can."

(Sawano powered down and cooled off after being given the offer for assistance.)

"Sawano (Normal): I..."

(Crystalline would weakly blast Sawano away from Angel as crystals formed and stuck him to the wall.)

"Crystalline: STAY.. A-AWAY FROM HER..!"

(The rest of the High Commission corners Sawano as they restrained him as Konnor stood back to help Crystalline.)

"Ash: You've done enough damage here, Sawano."
"Kenta: Let him go."
"Frederick: But..-"
"Kenta: I said let him go, IT'S AN ORDER!"

(They unrestrained him and left the room.)

"Kenta: Sawano, we battle in a one on one. If you win, we'll let you go. However, if you lose, you will be an official High-Commission member."

(Sawano stood there looking down in shame as everyone left the room. A few days later has passed and the entire town has heard about it and the entire academy looks at an official poster.)

"Edea: Later on today at the stadium, Unofficial Saikan Academy student Sawano verses the Chief of the High Commission Kenta..?!"

(Tsuka punched her fist through the wall in anger where the poster was.)

"Akari: Tsuka..? I know you're angry but we can't do anything now.."
"Dalton: We have to do something, we need to talk Kenta out of this."
"Chimon: I want you guys to watch the fight."

(They all looked at Chimon in shock.)

"Chimon: I'm going to talk to Kenta and I'll put a stop to his tricks."

(A few hours later, Kenta was getting ready for his fight with Sawano as he and Chimon were talking about Sawano then Chimon joined the others in the seats a while later.)

"Botan: How did It go..?"
"Chimon: ....Sawano needs to win."
"Edea: What are you talking about Chimon?? We're positive he'll win."
"Dalton: Yeah! He has the courage to never give in!"
"Chimon: You don't understand. Me and Kenta made a deal but.."
"Everyone: ...?"
"Chimon: If Sawano loses, he'll be removed from our academy and instead placed as a member of the High-Commission."
"Everyone: WHATTTTTT?!?!?"
"Dalton: This is too far.. All because of the incident between him and Crystalline."
"Akari: Please Chimon.. Will you fight for Sawano..?"
"Chimon: I wish I could, but I can't. Any interference will result in a disqualification and a jail sentence. In other words, I could lose my spot as an academy headmaster."

(Everyone gasped and looked at the arena while worried.)

"Dalton: So if Sawano loses.. He'll be removed from our school's protection care. But he's in no condition for a fight like this..."

(The crowd cheers as Kenta enters the stadium.)

"Announcer: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a fight most EXCITING TO SEE! We have the chief of the High Commission, Kenta going up against a noteworthy competitor who we've seen at the Elemental Battle Royale, Sawano! Here with me today is a High Commission member herself, Angel!"
"Angel: Thank you for having me!"
"Announcer: Miss Angel, what can you tell us about this ongoing situation with Sawano VS The High Commission?"
"Angel: Well, there's not much I can tell you but what I can say is the stakes are raised for this one! (Thinking): If Sawano loses this one, he'll be added to the High Commission... Sawano please, win this for the school."

(The crowd continues cheering as Sawano enters the stadium but is currently bandaged up.)

"Botan: Guys look! Sawano's arm.. His veins are pulsing hard."
"Dalton: I can feel it from here. That's not a good sign, is it..?"
"Chimon: When it comes down to it, I believe Sawano doesn't have a limit. What does concern me is his plans. But what's bad is, I'm sensing a dangerous amount of power in Kenta. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him fight."
"Dalton: I know it's just a rumor, but many people believe he has a trump card he's never used in a fight before.
"Botan: Whoa wait.. Seriously..?"
"Dalton: I don't know all the details but everyone keeps talking about it, even the High Commission is clueless about it!"

(Everyone was suddenly curious on the trump card.)

"Tsuka: Trump Card? If Chimon says it's bad.. Sawano might not have enough strength to fight him like this.."
"Akari: Sawano has to win, no matter what.. We can't afford to lose him!"
"Chimon: Akari, you're right. But if he loses, it's over. There's nothing we can do, all we can do for now is cheer him on."
"Kenta: Sawano, this battle will decide your fate. I cannot promise I will go easy on you-"
"Kenta: Huh..?"
"Sawano: I don't give a damn what the hell happens to me.. All that matters to me is beating you. SO CUT THE CHAT AND LET'S FIGHT!"

(Kenta stood there and laughed heartedly.)

"Kenta: Just know, I'm not some middle-class opponent you can easily outmatch. Once I beat you, they'll all understand. I AM THE MAN WHO'LL NEVER LOSE!"
"Referee: READY..."

(Both fighters stand in position as they enter a serious standoff.)

"Referee: BEGIN!"

(Sawano and Kenta charge at one another as they already begin fighting in mid-air and their blows echo throughout the stadium.)

"Chimon(Thinking): Come on Sawano, don't lose. You got this."

(Both men kept up with one another as the blows got louder after every connection.)

"Kenta: You're not bad! But the question is, can you outmatch me..."
"Sawano: RAHHH!!"

(Sawano kicks Kenta to the ground where he landed successfully after being hit.)

"Kenta: That's smart.. A little bit."

(Sawano rushes in with an instant attack which causes an explosion, resulting in Kenta escaping quickly.)

"Kenta: So fast.. I didn't see him."

(Sawano slowly walked towards Kenta as his fists became engulfed in flames giving him a speed and power boost.)

"Sawano: My fists are engulfed in a gauntlet's stature, giving it the name.. "Hell's Gauntlets."
"Kenta: (Thinking) So with those gauntlets, he'll gain twice the strength and speed...(Aloud) You're pretty unique, Sawano but this battle is just the beginning."

(Kenta stood still and focused his harnessed energy into one transformation as a result a huge shockwave appeared. Sawano takes the risk and charges back at Kenta but ends up being pushed away by a thunderous thunderclap.)

"Sawano: What..?"
"Announcer: What an attack from Kenta! But we didn't even see him move!"
"Botan: This is bad.."
"Tsuka: No doubt.. He created a full-powered thunderclap without moving his arms or his legs!"
"Akari: (Thinking) Sawano.. Please win this..."
"Sawano: Grr..."

(Sawano walked towards Kenta and started running again and took another hit of the thunderclap, being sent halfway across the stadium.)

"Announcer: And another hit! Once again, we did not see Kenta move!"

(Sawano stood there figuring out his tactic then looked down and closed his eyes.)

"Kenta: (Thinking) Guess he lost the will to fight, no matter. I'll end this."

(Kenta runs towards Sawano as he continues standing there.)

"Kenta: IT'S OVER!"

(Sawano looked up at the final second with an evil smirk on his face and appeared in front of him, leaving Kenta in shock.)

(Angel looks at Sawano surprised at his next attack.)
"Sawano: Phantom Slash!"

(Sawano would slash from every angle of Kenta then float in mid-air, slicing him from above with a final strike which creates a massive explosion. The debris clears as everyone stands in shock and Kenta lands on one knee. The crowd gasps after witnessing the very first survivor of the slash.)

"Dalton: WHAT?"
"Botan: NO... HE-"
"Tsuka: I don't think anyone can survive that much damage...!"
"Kenta: Heheheh... Not bad, can't believe I'm still standing.."
"Sawano: .....How could you survive that..."
"Kenta: Lets just say, I stole a little trick from an old friend."
"Chimon: The rules said you'd have to lose consciousness or concede. Kenta somehow survived Phantom Slash with little damage. He's holding back.. Just like when Sawano held back against Tsuka."
"Announcer: Angel, what is your recap on what we all just witnessed?!"
"Angel: He's down on one knee... But he survived a move like that at close combat..?
"Sawano: You mean-"

(As Sawano had kept his back turned, he senses a devastating amount of power being built. Sawano quickly turns around as he gets punched into the stadium wall as a big hole is created. Everyone gasped and quickly looked at Kenta.)

"Chimon: Called it.."

(The rest of the gang stares in shock.)

"Akari: S-Sawano..?"
"Angel: I knew this would happen.."
"Announcer: W-What's going on..?!"
"Angel: I will just say this, Kenta is far beyond pissed."

(Kenta clenched his hand as he waited for Sawano to emerge from the rumble. Medicals then quickly checked on Sawano in the rumble.)

"Tsuka: No.."
"Chimon: Relax everyone. He'll be fine in three, two, one."

(The ground shakes violently then a fast moving red light appears in the sky after blasting out of the rumble.)

"Announcer: HUH??"

(Sawano looked down with his demonic new look as he growls quietly then roars into the sky charging back down at Kenta as both men continue their battle, the echoes of their blocked blows becoming louder.)

"Botan: Chimon! How did you know that was gonna happen?"
"Chimon: I know our Sawano. We might have just met him but what can I say? He's a fighter who wouldn't quit."
"Tsuka: So he's been fine this whole time..?"

(Everyone continued watching the match as Sawano evades Kenta's attacks then slams him into the ground. Sawano then yells at the top of his lungs, calling his sword.)


(Hellblazer casts in his hand as he flies back down and charges another powerful fire blast to Kenta. He'd fire it at Kenta but he avoids it in time and blocks Sawano's incoming attack.)

"Kenta: (Thinking) HOW.. How did he get like this in such a short amount of time..?"

(He'd push him away and Sawano kept coming, this time he swung his sword faster than ever.)

"Kenta: (Thinking) I didn't want to have to use this.. But at this point, it's a win or lose situation and I refuse to taste defeat..!"

(Kenta charges enough power to blast him away with another Thunderclap and Sawano flips back to his feet. The sky turned dark as more dangerous power builds up inside Kenta.)

"Angel: Oh no.. he can't be using it..."
"Chimon: It's coming.."
"Edea: What is Kenta planning..? Whatever he's about to use, I sense the power!"
"Tsuka: I sense it!"
"Akari: Same here..!"

(Botan stands right where he is, terrified.)

"Botan: He can't.. This is... the feeling of a god...This is his...-"

(Thunderclaps are heard in the sky as Kenta continues powering up.)

"Announcer: WHAT'S GOING ON!??!"
"Angel: This is..."
"The gang: HIS WHAT?!"
"Botan: Kenta is not only a Thunder Elemental.. He has a contract with-"

(Lightning strikes down on Kenta which gains him Zeus's strength to help in the fight then a bright light shines as the lightning finishes striking and transfers to Kenta.)

"Angel: Kenta's Trump Card... The Descendant Of Zeus."
"Botan: It's true.. The rumors were true.."
"Dalton: I can't believe it.."
"Edea: This is impossible.. Lightning element is an impossible element with one percent chance to even achieve! NO one could make a contract with Zeus!"
"Chimon: He doesn't accept the contracts because he chooses them."
"Akira: What are you talking about..?"
"Chimon: According to the element history, lightning is one of the most powerful elements known to the elemental world. Many people have tried to claim that element as theirs but Zeus, the King of Gods personally picks the welder worthy of his power."
"Chimon: In other words, Zeus cannot be given a contract with because he declines them no matter who it's from."
"Akari: So.. Sawano has to go up against him, knowing the condition he's in..?"

(She looked at Sawano's demonic self as she still shown signs of worry.)

"Kenta(Altered Voice): With Zeus's power, I'll put you down for good, DEMON."

(Sawano would viciously growl and vanish from sight and somehow became much faster. He'd try to strike but was shocked and blasted away from Kenta as he rolled away quickly.)


(Sawano dashes quickly towards him as he keeps getting shocked and stunned but begins to fight its effects. After breaking through the shocks, he tries to punch Kenta but ends up hitting the ground as a big explosion and a crater was made. Sawano continues to chase Kenta around the stadium, getting blasted with every lightning-related attack which doesn't faze him.)

"Kenta: This is impossible.. Who is this guy?!!"

(Both men separate from one another on the opposite sides of the stadium, they'd both deliver cold glares at each other.)

"Sawano: (Thinking) I don't care what happens to me.. THIS FIGHT IS OVER."
"Kenta: (Thinking) I'm going to have to try one final attack."

(Both men began charging their elemental powers to their maximum breaking points.)

"Chimon(Thinking): This boy is un-freaking-believable. He's literally gonna go to his limit to fight this guy..? He doesn't quit at all."

(Lightning strikes down to the ground as a light from the heavens was made and descending from that light was Venomshank.)

"Sawano: I will summon you once more.. As a welder of this deadly element.. Return my blade.. HELLBLAZER!"

(As Sawano grabs his sword, both men enter another stare down before charging at one another with their swords.)


(The spiral, fast moving wave of lightning blasted shocks and rockets it's way across the ring as Sawano remained in his stance.)

"Sawano: In that case, I'll finish this off with one last slash... DEMON PHANTOM SLASH!!"

(Sawano then stomps and rushes towards the attack as he'd then slash the massive blast of lightning from one stroke angle and Kenta at the same time but with the speed ten times faster than light along with an even bigger explosion to end the relentless final attack. After the collision of attacks, the two both remains standing on their opposite sides, the entire stadium becoming quiet. Blood leaks from both opponents as Kenta holds his severe wound across his chest with severe recoils from using too much power. Sawano's veins suddenly turn black as he held in any signs of pain despite his entire body exhausted from fighting.)

"Kenta: ...H-how.. How is this.. P-po-possible...? I've never.. Lost a fight.. Never have, never will.. I.. can't give.. Up.."

(Kenta falls to the ground and Venomshank shatters into bits after hitting the floor. Everyone still remains silent. Then Sawano stands and raises his bloody sword and hands it up into the sky. Sawano continues to remain quiet from the massive blood loss from the attack.)

"Announcer: ....THE MATCH IS FINALLY OVER!!!"

(The entire stadium erupted in excitement, cheering Sawano on his victory.)


(As the crowd continued cheering, spies from the order outside of the arena transferred all the information on the fight.)

"???: So, this is the Sawano I've heard so much about or in other words, my first childhood friend. Rest tight Sawano... I'll be coming for you soon. Then I'll bring back all the fun times we had together! JUST YOU WAIT...!"