Chapter 3:

Notifying in advance is always good manners

From Another World

In this world, the year was divided into 12 months like my old world. The months were Jania, Ferrus, Marth, Artix, Maio, Junio, Hulto, Agrustus, Settherius, Octavius, Nierro, and Deus. They were named after the major gods/goddesses of the world.

Currently, it was Marth 30. I arrived in this world on Marth 24 and was adjusting well to my new life. Now, my first challenge in this world arrived.

“Spade Echo?” I asked.

“Yeah. She’s a famous phantom thief. She would often target precious gems and incredible artifacts that come in Westa. And the 13th unit has quite a history with her”, Temma answered.

“That’s right! She would boldly send in declarations that she would steal an item from us as if challenging me”, Captain Noel added.

“And have you ever come close to catching her?”

“No. Even if she would appear right in front of us, she would get away with the treasure”, Temma said.

“Aggh! This time, I’ll catch her for sure!” Captain Noel declared.

“So what would she steal this time?”

Temma showed me a piece of paper. It had a spade symbol on it. Captain Noel went closer and looked at the contents of the paper too.

Artix Grace!

When the moon divides two people,

under the name of White Star,

pushed by the waves,

I will arrive

-Spade Echo

“So her target this time is the White Star, huh?” Captain Noel muttered.

I had heard of it despite being new in this world. It was a huge white star-shaped gem. The White Star was a very rare gem since its star shape was its natural shape. It's as tough as diamond and was really expensive. Currently, it was stored in Westa Northern Exhibition Hall and was scheduled for public viewing at Artix 5. After that, it would be sold in an auction.

“Everyone, head to Westa Northern Exhibition Hall. Gather all knights except for those in patrol duty and fortify the security of the hall”, Captain Noel ordered.

“Yes ma’am!” Temma immediately ran off to do what Captain Noel ordered.

“Mikage, let’s go there in advance”, she told me.

“Huh? I’m also a part of this?” I asked.

“Of course. She’s challenging the entire unit. All available men will go after her with full force.”

“In other words, you need all the help you can get... Or are you just trying to get away from doing paperwork?”

“O-Of course not! Capturing Spade Echo is just that important.”

I already made good progress in my work so I guess I could take a day off. Captain Noel and I headed towards the exhibition hall and surprisingly, other knights were already there. Spade Echo sure was popular.

The knights saw Captain Noel and me and they let us pass. I guess Captain Noel was that famous.

“Ah. Captain Noel. If you’re here, then you must have received the notice too”, a middle-aged man with brown hair said.

“Captain Reagan, Spade Echo’s going to strike again. This time we’ll get her”, Captain Noel replied.

I see. This must be Captain Reagan Liam of the 3rd unit. They were officially in charge of Westa’s northern district along with the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th units. Now that I thought about it, why would the 13th unit be in a place outside of our jurisdiction.

“And this must be our guest from another world”, Captain Reagan turned his attention to me.

“Hello. I’m Mikage Kamishiro, 13th unit’s administrative officer”, I introduced myself.

“How are you adjusting to this world?” he asked.

“I’m doing great. Just spending my days doing the reports that were way overdue.”

Captain Reagan let out a snicker, “It would be a tough journey for you especially with Captain Noel’s... attitude. Stay strong.”

“Hey! Why do I get the feeling that you guys are making fun of me?” Captain Noel said.

“We are not doing that. Ah yeah. I have a question though”, I changed the topic.

“What is it?” Captain Reagan asked.

“This place is out of our jurisdiction, so why are we here?”

Captain Noel and Captain Reagan looked at each other. Westa was divided into four districts, Westa North, Westa South, Westa East, and Westa West. Each district had 5 units in charge of it. Westa North had the 2nd to 6th units, Westa South had the 7th to 11th units, Westa West had the 12th to 16th units, while Westa East had the 17th to 21st units. The 1st unit was a special unit that had the entire Westa as its jurisdiction.

“Oh yeah. You’re new in this world so it’s normal for you to not know. You see, while the units have their own jurisdictions, they also have special tasks handed down to them by the higher ups”, Captain Reagan said.

“When Spade Echo first appeared, her target was in the 13th unit’s area. Since then, we were a unit that was supposed to help whenever Spade Echo would strike. It’s better that way since we record every known method used by Spade Echo”, Captain Noel added.

I see. Having a unit with the experience of dealing with Spade Echo would greatly help the investigation.

“And what do we know about Spade Echo?” I asked.

“Not much. Just that she’s a young woman who uses unconventional tricks”, Captain Noel answered.

“Unconventional tricks?”

“You see. Thieves often use magic to hide their tracks or even teleport to a room where the treasure was. That’s why we place anti-magic barriers on valuable places. However, Spade Echo manages to steal the treasure without using magic at all”, Captain Reagan answered.

“The only magic that she uses is an artifact that makes her unrecognizable”, Captain Noel added.


She nodded, “We’ve seen her face many times already and she doesn’t bother wearing masks. However, once she gets out of your sight, her facial features would be wiped off your memory. You would only remember a blur on her face. It’s quite a powerful and rare artifact.”

That sounded like a really convenient artifact. I wonder what would happen if we were going to snap a picture of her.

“Captain Noel. The men are already assembled”, Temma arrived along with some of the other knights.

“Good. Make sure they report any suspicious activity. Spade Echo must be already doing some groundwork and investigation now”, Captain Noel said.

“You see. There is one suspicious individual already. She’s making a ruckus at the entrance demanding to be let in.”

“Really? What’s her reason?” Captain Reagan asked.

“She said she could help in catching Spade Echo. After all, she’s a detective.”

“Turn her away. We don’t need any strange individuals”, Captain Reagan said.

Wait a minute. A detective?

“Please hold on, what is her name?” I spoke out.

“Her name is Amelia Watson.”
