Chapter 15:

Interlude of the Reaper

Dance of Thorns

"Help...please..." the pink haired Sister's legs were broken, in addition to several other vital parts of her body. 

The corpse of a large elephant-like Shadow rested atop her, crushing her under its weight. Even as it evaporated, as all Shadows did upon death, it wouldn't help her condition. Her ribs were shattered, with several of them puncturing her lungs, filling them with blood. She rasped painfully, wishing for death. The bodies of her squad mates lay around her, their eyes glassed over. She was the last one left. 

"" she coughed up a spray of blood. 

The Reaper appeared from thin air, as he always did. Clad in thick black armor, his face was concealed with a skull-like helmet. His crimson red hood created an even more menacing figure as he stood over the dying girl. 

"You dolls all bleed the same." He said, drawing his curved sword from his side. 

It's blade was crimson red, like his cloak. It sung through the air as he swirled it, pointing the tip towards the girl's neck. 

"I'm sorry no one is alive to collect you." He said. "Your flesh will be food for the ravens. Your bones, morsels to the teething wolf pups." 

The girl smiled at him. 

The Reaper drove the tip through her neck. Blood pour onto the road as the life left her eyes. He flicked his blade, before sheathing it. In a moment, he was gone, half-way across the city. 

He watched from above as Sisters pulled their dead from the rubble. Dozens of them died each day, but even more replaced them. Their lives were a meaningless game of death and despair. From the moment of their birth, they are destined for death. At least, that was what the Reaper thought. 

"How long will this endless game last?" He wondered aloud. 

He disappeared once more, appearing in another part of the city in an instant. It was the entrance to an old, collapsed subway. He entered through it, walking down into the dark depths. A Shadow of a lion slumbered at the entrance. The Shadow awoke, lifting its head with a growl, before stopping upon noticing it was the Reaper. He strode past it, petting its head as it laid its head back down in slumber. 

He walked for a short while, before coming to the place he was seeking. The imprisoned crystal. 

"Ah." He noticed it was shattered, its occupant missing. "It appears a new piece has been set in play." The Reaper laughed dryly. "Was this part of your plan, I wonder?" 

He disappeared again, this time reappearing at the center of the city. A massive Shadow sat crossed legged there, as if waiting for something. The Reaper appeared on a rooftop by its head, so that he could look it in the eye. The Overlord turned towards him, a massive grin on its face. 

"It's appears something interesting is about to happen." The Reaper told him. "You may die." 

The Overlord laughed, its massive belly quivering as it did so. 

"I guess death is meaningless to something that dwells in it." The Reaper answered. "I don't intend to be of much help to you. At least, I think that is what the Lord of Thorns wishes. It's hard to tell if he's even thinking at all these days. He's like..." The Reaper thought for a bit. "Like an animal. He only acts on instinct now." 

The Overlord laughed again, causing the buildings around it to shake. 

"You're a great conversationalist, you know that?" The Reaper remarked. "Best of luck to you. Hopefully you'll be around when I get back." 

The Shadow just grinned as the Reaper faded away. 
