Chapter 1:

Dogdays (Part 1)

DOGFIGHT: Pinscher

"Shit... next Sunday  is the deadline."

"500000 yen, I can't make that in one week"

"Maybe if I sell my one of my kidneys on black market... "

"Nah, no shit... I still have some money to gamble, I can not eat today too and save it for more gambling..."

 The man open his wallet and starts counting the money.

"825 yen, yeah I can play some Pachinko."

The man pushes a side some bags of trash in front of his couch, searching for something, stains of coffee, soy sauce and instant noodle water. He looks to the table and there it is, his only piece of clothes other than the work ones, a flowery pink shirt.

"Oh shit, looks like it's going to be a rainy day."

The man notices as he struggles to cross the door with his old bike.
An old, gray haired woman is standing on a chair next to the courtyard exit, she looked at the man and said:

"Sasaki Takehiko! don't forget the bill this time, you still own me half of the last month."

Takehiko smiles, scrubs his curly, messy hair and replies:

"I apologize profusely landlady, I'm going right now to a business meeting and I guarantee that your money will be on hand in the end of the month!"

"Sasaki, don't lie to me, you are going to lose money gambling again... just make sure you have the money ok?"

Replies the old lady.

He nods his head, get in his bike and starts pedaling.


DOGFIGHT: Pinscher
