Chapter 3:

January 4th

From my Drafts!

Been busy lately but I managed to create a new The Way of The Sword chapter. It brought in some new elements and new introduction of characters of course. I think this arc will serve as Kenkichi's final character arc in the series and it's also going to be one of the best arc's I've made.

A shame that this series is finally reaching it's conclusion but it's wrapping up the way I wanted it. Honestly, Ryuma and Kenkichi are the best dynamic I've written tbh. When will I release new chapters for The Way of The Sword? Hmmm...perhaps in a few weeks I am currently on break of now and have something coming up in my life soon, so I'll take care of that first and see when I can get releasing chapters.

This new upcoming arc will be called "The War of Revolution". It's defiantly going to be a lengthly arc like Chongyu War arc which was around 34 chapters. (THE LONGEST ARC I'VE MADE AT THE MOMENT) 

I love that arc so much and I put in so much effort into it man. That was probably one of my best consistency's NGL. The next arc I can't give you the whole spill how long it will be LMAO, when you're making an arc sometimes it gets to the point it gets longer than you expected. 
