Chapter 4:

I will always protect you


"School is out for the foreseeable future,which means we can all hold up here at my house until we sort this whole thing out." Yahiko said to his friends Ayano and Tatsumi. 

"Well first things first we need to figure how many people have received that email and we need to warn them not to open the link" Tatsumi said. 

"Well you guys both have an email and so did that guy who died so we can assume that the spirit used my email contacts to contact everyone i know and sent them the link" Yahiko responded. 

"I have already sent a email to everyone on your contacts list warning them not to open the link or share the message with anyone else, Also i have sent a message to our friends Lucy and Haruki and told them to come over so we can explain everything that is going on" Ayano said. 

"Have they got back to you yet" Yahiko said. 

Ayano shook her head. 

"Damn it" Yahiko shouted in frustration.

"Allright we have done all we can in that department we just have to pray people heed our warning and dont open the link they will be safe that way, what we need to work out is how to stop this once and for all" Tatsumi said 

Yahiko grabbed his laptop and placed on the coffee table in front of his couch. 

"I have researched all the lore i can find on vengeful spirits and haunting but its all inconsistent information its hard to tell what is truth and what is fiction" Yahiko said  as he opened a link leading to a paranormal information site. 

Vengeful spirits can be delt with in a variety of ways depending on the type of spirit you are dealing with but in general there are two main ways of freeing yourself from the clutches of a vengeful spirit. 

Method 1: find the corpse of the deceased douse it in gasoline and set it on fire, this frees the spirit of its ties to the human world and "should" be enough to send it away. 

Method 2: Somehow contact the spirit directly and attempt to fulfill its "want" so the spirit can let go of whatever is keeping it here.  

"Well that is completely useless, we dont know who she is let alone where her body is and what would be the point of contacting her directly when it seems all she wants is to kill us!" Tatsumi shouted. 

"Please calm down Tatsumi" Ayano said softly 

"Relax Tatsumi besides we are safe none of us have opened the link right" Yahiko asked. 

"Right" Tatsumi said. 

"Rig-" Ayano tried to see before being cut off by Yahiko's laptop switching off randomly.

"What the-" Yahiko said inspecting his laptop to see if anything was wrong with it.

Suddenly the laptop switched on revealing a screen showing the email message with the link Emmia's Tale, before he could react the mouse moved to link and opened it. 

Emmia's Tale

"Oh crap everyone look away" Yahiko shouted 

The laptop opened up a word document and words began being displayed on the screen

T O O L A T E 


N O W S H E C O M E S F O R Y O U 

Y O U C A N S E E H E R 

A N D S H E C A N S E E Y O U...

The laptop then shut off showing the reflection of the 3 students sitting on the couch and behind them was the silhouette of a woman wearing a black dress, she had hollow black eyes and long straw-like hair that covered most of her face. 

The 3 friends spun their heads around to look at her, but she was gone they turned around to look back at the laptop screen and they were alone in the reflection. 

"Oh crap oh crap oh crap!" Tatsumi shouted. 

Ayano clutched onto Yahiko's arms. 

"What do we do now Yahiko, are we going to die" Ayano said worryingly. 

Yahiko placed a hand on Ayano's head.

"No Ayano no one is going to die i promise" Yahiko said reassuringly. 

Yahiko glanced over at the clock which read 3AM. 

"Allright guys we have only seen her once according to the legend we are OK as long as we avoid seeing her 2 more times" Yahiko said.

"Time is ticking Yahiko what do we do about stopping all this" Tatsumi asked. 

"Well we are not going to anything while we are half dead with fatigue" Yahiko said gesturing towards the clock. "My suggestion is we get some rest then in the morning we head over to the Library and find what we can about Emmia" 

"I don't want to be alone" Ayano said in a scared voice. 

"You wont be none of us will be, i have moved some temporary beds into my room so we can all keep an eye on each other should anything happen" Yahiko said. 

That Night when everyone was asleep Yahiko found himself awake unable to fall asleep his mind was a race with thoughts. How do i stop this? Can i stop this? What does Emmia want? Why does she want to kill us? are we actually going to die? 

Yahiko sat up in his bed and placed his head in his hands. 

"Hey Yahiko are you awake" Ayano's voice called out. 

"Yeah i am awake" Yahiko said turning his head to face Ayano who was standing by the side of his bed.

Yahiko could see the anxiety and the fear in her eyes. 

Ayano climbed into the bed next to Yahiko put her arms slowly around him burying her head in his chest. 

"If i die Yahiko will you tell my family that i love them" Ayano said. 

Yahiko attempted to calm her nerves by hugging her and running his hand gently through her hair. 

"Hey you are not going to die i promise, I'm not going to let anything happen to you Ayano" Yahiko said softly.

Tears welled up in Ayano's eyes. 

"I'm so scared Yahiko" Ayano said. 

"I am too Ayano but we will figure this out and put a stop to it, i promise you we will all survive this" Yahiko said. 

"Can we stay like this for a while just til i fall asleep" Ayano said

"Of course" Yahiko said softly. 

Ayano was sound asleep in Yahiko's arms. 

Yahiko looked up at the ceiling. "I made a promise to you Ayano and i intend to keep it, I will always protect you"  

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