Chapter 4:

Shadow 3: The Shadow Takers [Part 2]


Ryikaria looked up at the night sky. The stars she had seen from her bedroom window still looked the same from the second layer of The Pit. Leaning against the tree, she looked over to see her sister had managed to get to sleep. While she had decided to sit at the base of the tree, Nercyil sat on one of the branches that overlooked their makeshift campsite. I wonder what Enfieria is truly like, she thought as she closed her eyes.“Hey Nercyil, you awake?”

“I am now.”

“What was your first time like?”

“With a man, woman, child? Or did you mean killing someone?”

“ Wait… you’ve had sex… with a child?”

“…I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Now, I’m a bit worried, Nercyil.”

“As am I. You were gullible enough to believe it. I didn’t think you would be so naif as to believe I would even cross those lines. I’m not like Rhyilmia the Phantasima.”

“ Who is that?”

“She was known for draining little boys dry, some girls too. It didn’t take long before she was caught by a group of Shadow Takers and brought before the council.”

“What happened to her?”

“She was put to death. Burned alive at the age of sixteen.”

“Good to know she’s dead.”

“The sad part is… she was my sister.”

“Your… wait, you’re lying again.”

“Am I?”

“You never said you had a sister before. Besides, I can’t see you being a sibling to anyone. You’re pretty mean, you know?”

Nercyil couldn’t help but laugh. It was the first time Ryikaria was shocked by the voice that she had heard. Her cute adorable giggle held within it the years of a cold-hearted assassin that could easy take a life without care or remorse in the world.

“Glad you didn’t believe me. I made the whole thing up. Well, part of it anyway.”

“Oh? Which part was true, Rhyilmia the Phantasima or you having a sister?”

“Who can say.”

“That’s fine if you don’t want to tell me.”

“Best if you get some sleep. We have quite a few days ahead of us before we get to the Shadow Fort.”

“Right. I’ll see you in the morning then. Actually, while I still have you here, how do you know what time of day it is when down there at the Shadow Fort?”

“You don’t. As Shadow Takers we throw away the sun.”

“Sounds like a company of bad people,” Ryikaria joked.

“Rebels is probably a more fitting term but yes. The Shadow Takers are not what many would call ‘heroes’. We gave up our lives for various reasons. Some wanted the grand satisfaction of being noticed. Terrible mistake on their part. Others just wanted food, water and room. There were some who were in it for horrible deeds. Noble mostly. But overall, most of them were just bad people who wanted power in exchange for servitude.”

“Why did you join?”

“Because I wanted to kill. Simple reason.”

“And yet, you ended up being a maid for our family.”

“It’s only temporary. At least until I can get a place of my own. I do wish I could rejoin the Shadow Takers but alas, I can’t.”

“Why is that?” Ryikaria asked.

“ After turning fifty-four you are cast aside.”

“ Fifty… Nercyil … Just how old are you?”

“Does that matter?”

“No but…”

“We’ve talked for long enough. It’s time to sleep.”

Ryikaria looked up at the night sky one final time before closing her eyes. I bet she’s like sixty or seventy, she thought as she drifted off to sleep. The following morning, Ryikaria awoke with a hunger that rival a wolf’s appetency for meat. Taking a moment to stretch, she noticed Nercyil standing beside her with a loaf of bread.

“ Hungry?” “Of course.”

Breaking off a small piece, Nercyil acted as if she was going to hand it to Ryikaria before taking it away.

“It’s too bad you won’t be getting any until we reach the Shadow Fort,” Nercyil said as she placed the piece of bread in her mouth.

Ryikaria only smiled as she stood to her feet.

“So, no food for a few days. Fair enough.”

“Get your sister up, we’re moving out.”

“Got it.”

After travelling downward into the various layers of The Pit, both Ryikaria and Yiania were speechless by what they were seeing. In the distance, they could see a large fort that sat at the edge of a clifftop. There was only one winding path that led to the fort while surrounding the area below was the frozen lake that Ryikaria recalled studying about in the book. The beauty of the frozen lake this more grandiose then Ryikaria could have imagined.

“ Don’t go near where the steam rises. The water will boil you alive.”

“ Noted.”

Ryikaria and Yiania followed Nercyil along the winding path that led to the gates of the Shadow Fort. Approaching the gate, Ryikaria could make out two figures leaning against the stone walls. They each stood on one side of the gate with one girl appearing as if she wanted to left the post; the other girl looked as if she was lost in her own thought as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

“ Yo, Nercyillia, long time no see, shorty.”

“Uzyera, if you call me that again, I’m telling your secret to everyone.”

Uzyera became flustered by the statement as she averted her gaze.

“I-I thought you would have forgotten after all those years…”

“I know you I’ll remember it until I’m dead.”

“Anyway, what brings you here?”

Nercyil looked over to Ryikaria and Yiania.

“Just here to show these two around, get them settled in after it’s done.”

Ryikaria noticed the other girl slowly making her way over to her. She was about the same height as her and allowed her long hair to flow down naturally aside from the distinguishing feature of a side ponytail that was tied on the left side with a black ribbon. A black shadow leather coat with white fur sewn around the lining accented the girl’s beauty while a white under shirt defined her more prominent features. The matching short black pleated skirt complemented the rest of the outfit while the white accent around the trim of the skirt created a harmonising element that drew out the feminine enchantment of her upper legs. Rykaraia noticed a large white ribbon that tied off on her left arm bearing the black Shadow Taker emblem and that her legs were covered by a pair of black nylon stockings with a small pouch that was strapped around her left leg – sitting just a few centimetres above the knee. Her pair of black boots stopped at her ankles yet they were slightly larger to the point that they appeared to big for her feet.“ Mhyiera twirled once and greeted Nercyil and the two new comers who she had never seen before with a cheerful smile. With a child-like voice she welcomed the Nercyil back hone. Welcome back, Mhyiera said as she leapt forward.”

Ryikaria had only blinked for a second and within that one moment, she noticed Nercyil had her iron fan closed but pressed against Mhyiera’s neck.

“How about you don’t do that,” Nercyil spoke in a cold and demanding tone.

“Mhyiera could only smile at Nercyil but knew she was serious by her tone. Awwie, don’t be like that, Nercyilin ! Mhyiera giggled as she stood there calmly.”

“Is she… narrating her own actions aloud?” Yiania asked.

“She’s extremely odd. Best to ignore her,” Nercyil said.

“Mhyiera looked at the youngest of the two girls with a puzzled look. Is that not normal? Mhyiera asked as she tilted her head to the side.”

“Ryikaria smiled at Mhyiera. It’s perfectly normal for genius’s or the mentally insane. The question is, which one are you? Ryikaria asked as she gazed upon Mhyiera with a gentle look in her eyes.”

Nercyil pushed Mhyiera aside with her fan and made her way past her.

“We don’t have time to chat, let’s go.”

Ryikaria and Yiania followed behind Nercyil as they heard Mhyiera narrating her actions aloud.

“Mhyiera waved good-bye to the trio and proceeded to return to her duties. Mhyiera knew that Ryikaria would be a formidable challenge to test her skills against.”Ryikaria smiled as she followed Nercyil into the inner sanctum of the Shadow Fort.

“I think I’ve found exactly where I belong, Nercyil.”

“Either you’re a genius or mentally insane, like you said.”

“Guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?”

Entering into a large great hall, Ryikaria noticed that all eyes were on both her and her sister. She continued to smile as she walked down one of aisles. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. A true place to call my home, she thought. Continuing down the aisle until they came to a doorway that led into a corridor of various doorways, Ryikaria looked back to see that everyone in the room was now chatting amongst each other.

“ Sis?”

Ryikaria made her way over to one of the nearby empty tables and stood atop it as if she was preparing a speech. The room suddenly went quiet as all eyes were on her again. Smiling with a heart-warming expression, Ryikaria spoke in a calm but confident tone.“ Kuunnelkaa! Nimeni on Ryikaria Byalsheir ja minusta tulee parempi Shadow Taker kuin te muut.”

With a smile and a wink, Ryikaria hopped off the table before making her way back over to her sister and Nercyil.

“You’re the first person to ever piss off a whole room of Shadow Takers. Consider me impressed.”

“ The harder the challenge, the greater the reward.”

Yiania couldn’t help but be amazed with her sister and the confidence she had in herself. She had always felt like she was living in her older sister’s shadow but even still, she looked up to her as someone who would go far in whatever she decided to pursue. Following down the hallway until a crimson red door came in sight, she noticed Nercyil had stopped.

“ Beyond this door neither of you shall speak unless spoken to. Let me be perfectly clear here, I can’t protect you from what will happen if you try to start anything in there, Ryikaria.”

“It’s fine. Once I become a Shadow Taker, I’ll be able to protect myself and my sister.”

Nercyil opened the door and entered the room. A large table sat at the middle of the dim lit room with six candles. Stepping forward, Nercyil stopped at the head of the table. For a moment, the room was silent. Out of the darkness, several figures emerged from the shadows.

“We thought you had retired, Nercyil,” one of the figures spoke.

His voice was deep in tone but somehow calm. He was tall and was dressed in robes as black as the darkest shadow. With his hood drawn up, it was impossible for Ryikaria or Yiania to make out his face, if he even had one.

“I’m still retired, I was just ordered by lord Byalsheir to train and deliver his daughters here.”

“Those two look new, how do you do?” one of the girl’s spoke.

Nercyil looked back to Ryikaria and Yiania.

“I am doing well, although I must say, you you swell,” Ryikaria said with a smile.

“You catch on fast, many fail to grasp,” the girl said giggling.

“ So, what exactly was your purpose for coming here? I hope it wasn’t to suggest these two become Shadow Takers. The food supplies are not the best as of right now.”

“Meggyesfalvi, why must you worry? I think these two will be a lovely addition to the Shadow Takers.”

“Varjo, I don’t expect you to understand economical matters but without a new food supply and other various materials we are not able to provide for more soldiers.”“How about I ease your worries there, Meggyesfalvi,” Ryikaria said with a smile as she stepped forward.

Standing beside Nercyil, Ryikaria looked over the six different figures in the candlelight. So, Varjo is the military brains behind the Shadow Takers. He most likely just wants to increase the strength of the Shadow Takers. A simple man, or whatever he actually is, that is easy to understand. Meggyesfalvi seems to be the one behind the business around here. Not sure how much he looks after but it’s obvious he is the brains of the treasury. Not sure what the girl does, I’ll find out in time though. For now, this place needs food and materials. When I become a Shadow Taker, I can easily make up for the small loss in my service in a matter of weeks. My sister will need someone to show her the ropes though. I’ll just have to get Nercyil to let me in on who’s relatively trustworthy enough around here, Ryikaria thought as she continued to smile – hiding her calculating nature.

“ And how do you plan to do that?”“ Make me a Shadow Taker and I’ll gather you all your r esources. In return, I want my sister to be in charge of her own team.”

“You think that you can just walk in here and start demanding things as if you’re entitled?”

Ryikaria smiled cheerfully.

“Oh no, you misunderstand. I am going to be a Shadow Taker and be you’re most valuable asset.”

Varjo chuckled and rested his chin atop his hands as he stared into Ryikaria’s eyes.

“And if you don’t?”

“Then you have nothing to lose since I’ll be dead,” Ryikaria countered.

“ The girl does have a point, Meggyesfalvi.”

“We should give her chance, then later you can rant.”

Meggyesfalvi sighed.

“Fine. Do as you will but if you don’t deliver on your word but aware that we can have you dismissed from here for various reasons.”“So long as I uphold my end and be useful, all of you will keep me aboard. Seems pretty straightforward and simple to me. I’m ready to get started then.”

“Ryikaria, it’s best to wait. Your body is already exhausted from the travel here. Take a few days to—”

“No thanks, I’m good,” Ryikaria said as she smiled in Nercyil’s direction.

Without another word, Ryikaria headed for the door.

“Well, Nercyil, shall we?” Ryikaria asked as she looked back to Nercyil.

Nercyil looked over to the figures that sat at the table.

“If my word means anything, I believe she will change many things around here for the better.”

Heading for the exit, Nercyil placed her hand on Ryikaria’s shoulder.

“I hope you’re ready to feel the most horrible pain in existence.”

Nercyil exited the room while Ryikaria looked over to Yiania.

“Remember that I always love you, sis.”

Yiania followed behind Ryikaria as Nercyil led them down the hallway to chamber that was enshrouded in shadow. Only a dim-lit candle allowed Ryikaria and Yiania to see the alter that held a chalice, along with a branding iron that had the Shadow Taker emblem on it. In the centre of the alter, were two chains that disappeared into the darkness. Looks like she will have to chain me down. Must be a safety measure for when I ingest her blood. If I live, looks like I will be a Shadow Taker and branded with that mark. If I die, however, it looks like I’ll end up becoming a monster at which point she would have to put me down, meaning that I failed to become a Shadow Taker, Ryikaria thought.

Nercyil stepped up to the slightly raised floor just under the alter and turned to Ryikaria. Neither of them spoke a word as Ryikaria stepped forward. Shackling Ryikaria’s wrist to the floor and forcing her onto her knees, Nercyil looked over Yiania.“ Whatever happens, do not interfere. Do you understand?”

Yiania nodded as she watch Nercyil make her way over to the chalice on the alter. After slitting open the palm of her hand and letting the blood flow into the cup, she tilted Ryikaria’s head back.

“In the odd event that you somehow die, I will make sure your sister is trained before I leave her here, assuming…”

“Yeah, I know,” Ryikaria said with a smile.

Ryikaria downed the blood with ease. Even if it was was disgusting, she pushed through it and drank every bit out of the cup. For a moment, she didn’t feel anything. It was as if the ritual had failed. Like a dagger piercing through her back, the burning pain began to

hit her from inside her body. She could only cough as she tried to grip the floor beneath her. The pain was like being burned alive by fire. Although her flesh wasn’t being roasted, she felt as if it was being burned off from head to toe. Yet, though all this she did not scream out. It’s just an illusion. The pain isn’t real, even if it feels like it. I just need to stay calm and focus, Ryikaria thought as she continued to try and keep her mind calm. Without warning, she felt a rush of liquid spit up from her throat and onto the floor. The blood that she had coughed up was black as the mid-night sky. Either I’m dying, my body is dying or I’m going to die, she thought.

“Don’t worry, it’s a good sign. If you had coughed up your lung that would have been extremely bad.”

“Good to know,” Ryikaria said with a smile.

“I’m actually quite impressed with you. Every Shadow Taker before you as at least screamed out once from the pain, yet, here you are.”

“Well, you know, I did have a mentor that taught me to block out pain.”

“At this point, you’re more hollow then blocking it out.”

“That could be a great nickname for me,” Ryikaria said with a smile.

Yiania continued to watch from afar exactly what become a Shadow Taker was like. She felt her heart beating faster then it had before. Her sister’s blond hair was slowly turning white before her eyes. Even though her sister wasn’t screaming out from the pain, she could see the visible signs of her body shaking violently.

Like a candle being snuffed out, the pain that Ryikaria was feeling had stopped. Her body continued to shake while she tried her best to control her breathing. Even though her body felt chilled to the bone, she smiled through it as she watched Nercyil grab the iron brand from the alter.

“I did it…”

“Indeed, you did.”

After unlocking the shackles, Nercyil made her way over to the alter and placed the emblem of the branding iron over the candle.

“I’m guessing that isn’t an ordinary candle? Otherwise, we will be here forever.”

“The Everburning candle is a rare item that burns forever at a consistent temperature.”

“Any idea how hot it is?”

“About as hot as the sun in the sky.”

“So I get to feel more pain,” Ryikaria said with a smile.

Nercyil made her way over to Ryikaria.

“I told you, the pain would be horrible and—”

“Yeah, yeah. I don’t have time to waste, Nercyil.”

Without giving Nercyil a chance to finish her sentence, Ryikaria took the branding iron from Nercyil’s hand and laid her own on the floor. She did not hesitate to ram the hot metal into her wrist, exactly as she had seen it on the other Shadow Takers. Even though the pain was unbearable, she didn’t scream.

“You are by far, one of the quickest Shadow Takers I have ever seen.”

“I believe you were the one that told me I should stop overthinking.”

“That is true, I did.”

“Well, I decided to compromise. Instead, I just think even faster.”

“What you actually mean is, you think when you need to and act when necessary.”

Ryikaria smiled as she handed the branding iron back to Nercyil.

“So, apart from training, what is your goal now that you’re a full pledged Shadow Taker.”

“Become the commander of my own unit of course. But first, I’m going to have to get some training in against a lot of people I pissed off.”

“Wait, sis… don’t you want to wait?”

Ryikaria could see the worry in her sister’s expression.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. The sooner I train and get stronger though the better I can improve and make myself useful here.”

Without taking the time to bid farewell, Ryikaria had exited the room, leaving her sister and Nercyil.

“So, after seeing that, are you prepared to go through all that as well?”

Yiania could only smile.

“If you think all of that was enough to stop me, you’re sadly mistaken. I just wish my sister had stuck around.”

“You would rather she stick around to watch you suffer? It’s better to take her leaving as a sign that she knows you will make it and become a great Shadow Taker.”

“I never thought of it that way. I guess you’re right.”

“Well, let’s get started,” Nercyil said with a smile.