Chapter 45:

"Yes" Epilogue

To you, the wishing girl


The girl exhaled some hot breath over her hands.

It was very cold. It seems like winter was around the corner.

The girl was sitting down on top of some concrete stairs outdoors.

Suddenly, a man came out of the building behind her.

“Miss %@-+]]7 if you would be so kind to sign here too.” - He said while handing her a folder with some paper sheets on top of it.

“Oh, sure, no problem” - The girl answered back and grabbed those papers from his hands.

“To be honest, I was surprised” - He started talking.

“Why?” - The girl simply replied without looking back at him.

“You looked a lot younger when you first came here.”

The girl chucked.

“Despite my height, I’m already an adult, after all”.

“Oh, I didn’t meant that.”

The girl stopped writing.

“Oh? Then what do you meant?” - She let out a sarcastic tone as she looked at him.

“You sound a lot more confident now”.

She let out a small laugh.

Well, who could blame her?

After all, it had been a struggle just to get away of that house.

A stagnant house with no noise, where time just looped itself over and over.


That day when I defied Mom, she became crazy as expected.

Over and over, Mom yelled and insulted me.

Over and over, she hit and kicked me.

She exploded over and over again.

She played victim despite she was the one exploding.

But, I simply remained calm, in that weird state.

Because, I was ignoring her, she snapped.

She grabbed a piece of the mirror and stabbed my face.

I lost my right cornea, and got my right arm scarred.

But, even so, I simply grabbed her shoulders and whispered to her:

“Calm down”.

She looked shocked.

I was surprised myself. I had never once spoken out or dared to go against her.

It was like I was a brand new person.

She struggled over and over to break free, and we both got hurt thanks to that glass shard.

I managed to knock her down and ran away.

To be honest, I don’t even know where I got all that strength from.

If this situation were to happen again, I wouldn’t be able to fight back, at all.

After all, I’m still a weak person bad with social situations.

After that happened, Mom got away from me, thanks to these people.

Somehow, I’m glad that I’m an adult.

I wouldn’t had been able to do anything if I had still been a kid.

However, if you ask me…

I had spent way too many loops inside that house.

My body may be of an adult, but I’m still a very young kid in my head.

These past few months had been a struggle of me trying to mature.



The man had been calling out to her all this time, and so he had been shaking her shoulder.

“Oh… sorry. I got lost in my thoughts…” - The girl replied while shaking her head.

“You sure, miss?” - The officer looked a bit worried.

“Yes, it’s fine” - She replied as she gave him back the documents.


I looked up to the sky.

Like always, it was a shade of gray, filled up with shapeless clouds.

I looked down to my hands.

As usual, they looked corrupted.

I let out a small sigh.

It would be too much to ask to become normal this easily.

I lifted up my head and looked at the intersection.




I heard a bell in the distance.

I felt a presence behind me so I turned back.

It was just a cat.

A small pure black cat.

I smiled.
