Chapter 3:


Say Goodbye to Logic

Mortal coils of inner workings, to this line I shall complete.

The wanderer is already known, yet their wandering has not yet been seen.

To them who wash their tides over all, and to a wandering plane of all and nothing. A wall of curiosity, fear of them who knows not. And for such horrors, a mystery to unfold.

Wonder not, for who they are; wonder for the path they seek. Yet, terror of worries and boiling anxiety, for the man has yet to be. And for the man has yet to be what they seek. And seek they do, for an eternal wish of watchful waiting and grand boredom. That it is. That it is true. A wishful star to scream up at. But that was not the man.

Instead, insanity called him. Insanity called him mad. He would flee from the fall he underwent and travel back up to climb a mountain.

The oddity of such things is not apparent with the right context. The might of Them, of those eternal, graces him a grand idea.

Technological madness is a strange thing.

And too it ruled over him.

Search for the god-like things and he would find salvation. He would bring doom to all, for logic stops at the edge of existence.

Yet, when specifying such calamities, confusion may array. To say he would bring doom to all, is a declaration of a futile attempt: for none could bring down that of infinity.

But despite that, the man took the job and declared war against the souls of the living and the souls of the dead. And he would visit those souls of the dead, he would reap them for harvests and revisit them anew—for the satisfaction of them who they take a deal with.

Unfortunately, none of this will make sense. No, it shall not and never will; not until the opportunity arrives to give the context.

But in the end, is it not the context of an understanding that is the logic behind logic? I believe so. And thus await the chapters of the multiverse; for the journey to the void and then the journey to nothing. Exhilarating is it not? Of course it is not; you do not have the context. Therefore, say goodbye to logic; say hello to the perplexing; and give welcome to the absurd.
