Chapter 3:


The novel update from TheOne_Behind

Hello, people that read my novels :D

Today we are going to speak of "Fighting Karma" and the chapter that is in development!
This will be short so that I won't need to consume time so here I go!

1. Emily
Emily is the character we are introduced to her by the end of chapter 1, we don't know anything about her but in the next chapter somethings about her personality is going to be revealed sooner than expected when she will meet Zago

2. The first introduction of a karma user
In this chapter a karma user is going to be revealed that will change Yukan's life forever making him have a character change and look for straight revenge. This will cause the future enemies of Yukan to be in much danger and Yukan himself be in the exact same position

3. Yukan's father

Yukan's father going to be an important thing in the second chapter because he will be the one to train our mc for him to become stronger. But don't think that his dad is all innocent himself...

With all that out of the way, I am now back working on "Fighting karma" chapter 2 "School? More like hell!" part 2!

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