Chapter 12:

The Rats Among Spires III (New)

The Wolf Among Rats (Old)

I trample over the field of soldiers, without concern for where my feet fall. I don't have time for concern. This stag isn't just some mindless beast. He's keeping his distance, dodging the arrows, and watching me. "Maheed, antagonize it! Keep its attention for now!"
A grunt, and Maheed rushes forward on all fours, vaulting over the barricade and trench. He weaves through the trees barking and growling. "We're getting under its legs!"



Naz grapples Wal's tail as we run, and scutters onto his shoulders. I launch off the barricade into the field of beastly corpses, just as the line of elven pike men replace the humans. We rush after Maheed through the mire of blood and flesh, each step staining my boots black with the gory mud.

Just past the first line of trees, incoherent whispers flood my mind. What the fuck now? A glance over the brush reveals a shadowy elf of many mouths and eyes stalking me. I'll deal with you later, asshole.
I let the whispers continue and dash between thorny bushes until I reach Maheed and the stag. Despite its size, it dances through the trees gracefully, its thundering antlers phase through the trees and release sparks at Maheed. It headbutted the air, loosing lightning at the dog who hides behind trees. It's scared of us.

 I order Maheed, "Vanish!"
The stag spins mid-air, looses a bolt of lightning towards my tree. A 'crack!' splits the through the middle! I barely lean past the tree to see bits of bark raining to the ground the stag jump back to zap Maheed's abandoned cloak. Its antlers are dull and almost transparent, but are gradually gaining brightness. Its out of mana for now!

Its swings sparks that die and fizzle on my shield! From the shadows, twin blades slash its ass! It jerks to assault Maheed who's already gone. My spear plunges between its ribs and I slip under it with another stab to the gut!
It prances back, whacks my shield with his front leg and I barely hold my ground! Its nose knocks me off balance and flings me through the air! I smack a tree, tumble and bounce across the ground! Wal yanks me to my feet in time to see- Shit!

Stood on its hind legs, it slams its front hooves to the ground, launching countless crackles of lightning at me! My shield barely holds off the brunt, but -Argh! Lightning courses through my spear arm and leg! I fall and drop my spear, my whole arm madly convulsing! I can still barely control my leg!
Wal, once again wrenches me to my feet and we book it! Just over the whispers, I can hear the hooves rampaging after us! I bounce through the trees, avoiding the stray bolts hunting us!

"Split off!" Wal and Naz, nod before each running in their own directions, while I gallop off to my own. Branch after branch, trunk after trunk, but still it's after me! I can at least hold my remaining spear now, although holding it steady is impossible. I'll just have to remain a distraction for now.
I whip 'round a tree, avoiding another bolt. A ghastly woman screams an ear-piercing shriek! Argh! Son of a bitch! My stoler spear shakily rips her head from her body and she fades.
I can't hear anything. I can't hear anything! Son of a bitch! What the fuck! Incessant whispers swarm my thoughts, and my ears ring bloody bells! Fuck!

I whip back to watch for the stag, but I see its antlers first. I sprint off in the other direction. If it's chasing me, it should attack right about.. Now!
I jump to the side and roll down a shallow, rocky slope! Thorns rip at my skin, lights flash behind me, I jerk to face it. It stares me down, as Maheed sinks his swords into its side. It rears its head back and bucks Maheed off, kicking the dog into a tree. Maheed stumbles up, and charges. What are you doing!?

The stag throws its head up, antlers roaring blue! He'll never make it! My hand twitches uncontrollably as I prepare to throw my spear. The world slows as my shaky hand releases the stoler spear. Glowing veins pulsate through the stag's neck up to the antlers. Thunder flickers in its antlers when my spear plants itself into its neck.
A sphere of lightning erupts from the spear, enveloping the stag in its own thunder! The sphere clears and a sword and dagger fly into the neck as well. Without their wielder.

Wal and Naz emerge from the brush and smash its hind legs while Maheed leaps onto its neck, carving it to ribbons! It attempts to crawl away, antlers fading from existence, and blood feeding the trees. Until at last it lies still.

I march up the slope, after Maheed, who fell to the ground holding his ribs. 'What the fuck were you thinking!? Why would you charge from that far away! That's not how you fight!'
He pants at me and tries to say something, although all I can hear are these annoying fucking whispers! 'Don't bother answering. I can't hear anything right now. We'll talk about this later.'
He threw his weapons. He wasn't trying to save himself, otherwise he wouldn't have charged in the first place. He knew he wouldn't make it. What the fuck.

After I retrieve my spear, I help Maheed to his feet and throw his arm over my shoulder. I have to crouch to support him, but this is fine. His head whips around and so I drop his arm and bunt my spear into my hand. Ren emerged from the bushes and held his arms wide. What. The. Fuck. He began walking towards me saying something, but these whispers just kept growing louder and louder!
He moves closer and closer with a smile of pure joy written on his face, his stupid unkempt hair flowing in the wind. I lift my spear, which he walks into and becomes horrified. Blood trickles over the stoler spear and he mouths 'why?'

'You're not real.'
I pull my spear back and easily impale the imposter. It stumbles back and dies. Blood pours from the imposter's stomach like a river. Firstly, there is no wind. Secondly, my spear would never go through his armour that easy. Thirdly, he would never be out here! How stupid do you think I am! I'm not a fucking idiot!
I drive my spear through its head, ending the shadow's illusion. Ren becomes the shadowy elf with too many mouths, and the whispers abruptly end. Don't do such a shitty impersonation of my friend, asshole. I have too much to worry about already.
Naz slapped my back a few times and probably said something.

The rangers fight our way through stray spirits and beasts on the way back, but nothing like that damn stag. We managed to get back my extra spear and Maheed's cloak. Aroura used some excess mana from the pines to heal us and the humans. Maheed hung his head in shame like a reprimanded puppy the entire process. "We'll discuss what happened when we get out of here, alright? So for now, let's just focus on escaping this damn forest."
He looked up at me from under his veil of fur, but said nothing. He nodded and went back to skulking. Ugh. I place my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it alright? We all made it out alive and well. I was just worried for you."

"Well that's... Yeah."

Something like this happened with Ren too. Ren did something stupid but couldn't tell me why. Although he didn't almost get himself killed. I can't force him to say something, but with gentle coercion I can get to the bottom of this. I just hope he doesn't get himself killed before I can fix this. For now, I can merely let him know he can trust me.
I spent a bit of time telling him stories of how Ren used to be just like him. Partly to lighten his mood, but this should also build up his confidence in me. Just a bit though. I can stack more on later.

Just as mid-day ended, marked by the Sun escaping the cage of the western mountains, Denmeer's forces were spotted. It's finally time to launch the trap and get out of this damn forest.