Chapter 4:

Document 4: E-mail chain – Safety inspections

Facility A Report - The Strzelecki Desert facility incident

E-mail chain, 12/07/** 15:38 - **/**/** **:**

To: Oscar Langwell

From: Caleb Kaeppel

Subject: Safety inspections and concerns

Sent on 12/7 at 3:38 PM


I know things are starting to get rough, but I need to talk about it. The test subjects are becoming … hard to handle. We had fucking WORKSAFE come around here today! How did they even know about this place? I thought you had it under wraps. Apparently, they had “ethical concerns” but we hadn’t violated any codes they could use against us. They’re coming back next week with one of their senior inspectors. You need to PREVENT THIS AT ALL COSTS. Their inspections are interfering with long-term testing and risking the lives of my crew. If this does not stop, the whole project could fall to shit. Please sort this out.


P.S. We ran out of coffee again. Please get another shipment sent here.

To: Caleb Kaeppel

From: Oscar Langwell

Subject: Re: Safety inspections and concerns

Sent on 12/7 at 4:12 PM


Thank you for letting your concerns be known. I was not informed of the WorkSafe visit prior to this. I will make sure this doesn’t happen again. Your research will not be put at risk, not if I have any say in the matter. I’ll make sure money ends up in the right hands, and your work will not be disturbed again. It will be solved by tomorrow.

Kind regards, Oscar

P.S. I just ordered a new shipment for you. You go through coffee like a Bogan goes through a pack of ciggies!

To: Oscar Langwell

From: Caleb Kaeppel

Subject: Re: Safety inspections and concerns

Sent on 14/7 at 01:10 AM


At your request, early combat testing has begun on individual test subjects. Only the most mature have been put into this program, and progress is slow. Preliminary tests are showing that the more we test each subject, the more aggressive they become. That result could indicate either a fatal flaw in their design, or a great asset to us. Hyper-aggression could be both useful and dangerous in transit, testing and field simulations. Please give us more time to sort this out.

P.S. Can you PLEASE set up a scheduled delivery with the brewery? We’re sick of running out!

To: Caleb Kaeppel

From: Oscar Langwell

Subject: Re: Safety inspections and concerns


I would love to loosen the schedule, but my investors want results. Continue at your current pace and find a way to make it work. I will send you more funding if you need it. Your ‘pet project’ is costing my company millions. One subject alone costs $300,000 to produce and $75,000/month to maintain at a quality usable for your research. Not to mention R+D cost, but R+D cost, $17,000,000 to be exact. Make it work.


P.S. I just bought the brewery, the first shipment should be in tomorrow. You’re welcome ;)

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