Chapter 5:

Volume 1 Bonus Content

Mayhem on Earth

It’s over.


You want more? Fine.

Volume 1 Bonus Content:

Ms. Meyer tried to make out what she could from her divination. The process required time and proper interpretation, at least according to her friends who taught her the technique a long time ago. Predicting the future wasn’t easy, but when the results came into her mind, she gasped.

“A strong wind from the East will bring destruction here.”

Ms. Meyer went to her neighbors’ house to warn them of this prophecy.

She had been looking into China a while now, and something didn’t sit straight about the country’s military. She understood now, that China would be attacking Beil with their new weapons. It all made sense!

This, however, meant war. It would lead to the destruction of the world. The Apocalypse that everyone was talking about would finally come, and she knew how and why. It gave her immense satisfaction in fitting all the pieces together. And knowing that she was the only one who knew the truth of what would happen.

Ms. Meyer’s neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Baker listened to the warning, before dismissing it.

“Oh, come on, Annabelle. You say China is going to attack Beil?” Mrs. Baker said, “And what reason does that country have to attack this small town? Do you have any proof of this?”

“Well, my proof lies in my future-telling skills,” Ms. Meyer said defensively.

“The same skills that you used to tell us that the world would end last Easter, or that aliens would attack last Thanksgiving?” Mr. Baker interjected questioningly.

“Well… this prediction is different! I’m absolutely sure of it,” she said with confidence.

“Honestly,” Ms. Baker said, “these conspiracies are why you never got married, Anne. I’m sure you’d get along with everyone much better if you put those aside.”

“I’m not going to risk my life not looking at this stuff just to get along with all of you! You’ll see. When bombs rain down from the sky, don’t come to my house for advice. I’ll be long gone by then. I’m leaving the town.” With that, Ms. Meyer stormed off, shouting “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”.

A few days passed. Ms. Meyer stayed in town. After spending a long day investigating the mysteries of how the United States of America faked World War III, she was fast asleep. A rumbling sound and a bright light that managed to pass through her window curtains woke her up.

“Huh? What is it?” She thought aloud groggily.

She looked out the window to see a spec of light in the sky getting larger and larger. Her eyes widened with an understanding of what it was. Without getting dressed, she ran outside and started screaming about how the object in the sky was a weapon from China, and how her prediction came true.

Someone pointed out that the object looked nothing like a bomb.

“That can’t be…” Ms. Meyer started. Then, a realization hit her. A strong wind from the East… wait, that could be…! She remembered her theory of there being a secret government UFO testing facility nearby to the East of Beil. “That means…” she instantly changed her mind and began with her new story.

Eventually, the meteorite struck the Earth. Giant, dark-colored animals came out of the woods and started eating people. The scene became chaos, and in the midst of it, Ms. Meyer laughed. Either way, this meant the destruction of the world, so she wasn’t wrong before, was she?

“I was right this time! Take that, all of you! Ha!” She laughed hysterically, glad that for once, her prediction had come true, while people around her ran for their lives, screaming.

When the realization of the danger of the situation dawned on her, she began sweating nervously. She collapsed into a nervous puddle of sweat.

“Oh, dear. Oh, no,” she said with a grim face, “I was actually right this time.”

One of the monsters neared her. Its eyes said enough about its appetite. Ms. Meyer remained seated on the ground, resigning to her fate.

“So this is it, huh? I wish I had-” was all she could say before the animal ate her.

General Information:

This section contains information not related to the story, such as fun facts about things mentioned in the story.

Green Corn:

· As defined by Merriam-Webster: the young tender ears of corn

· As with most vegetables, corn starts out green and then ripens into its true color

· Corn can be eaten at any stage of its lifetime of growth, including the cob. Baby corn is an example of this. It is simply a normal species of corn (field corn or sweet corn) that is harvested very early. If allowed to grow, it would become a normal cob of corn we all know of.

· Corn, or maize, was originally domesticated in what is now Mexico ten thousand years ago, but is now a staple food across the world. It is the most widely cultivated grain in the world. It is popular throughout the world because it is cheap, easy to grow, and is highly adaptable/easily mutates. It is popular more so in the USA because the topography and climate suit it well.

· Corn has male and female flowers, with the female ones becoming the ears of corn we eat.

· There are six major types of corn, including popcorn. Popcorn contains water inside of a hard kernel shell. When heated, the water becomes vapor and builds pressure until the kernel bursts.

For more info:


· Toads are not frogs. They are technically and taxonomically the same (toads), but we tend to separate them based on some general characteristics. You can find the differences on the internet. Here are some differences: toads remain more on land than water, toads have dry and bumpy skin, while frogs have moist and smooth, frogs’ legs are designed more for jumping.

· Toads do not have teeth. They swallow their prey (small animals and insects) whole by wrapping around it with their long tongue.


· Spiders cannot smell. They don’t have noses.

Srikar D. Palmite