Chapter 1:

Season 1 - Dreams Are Expensive Things

Faded Origins

Dreams are expensive things. The funny thing is that some dreams are not meant for certain people—they can have them, but that’s why they’re called dreams. They’re not meant to come true. Then, for the rare few, they seem to be able to dream of anything and make it a reality.

Dreams or reality. What would you rather choose?

But I, for one, will not be fooled into choosing one. Dreams serve the foundation for reality and without one, you cannot truly have the other. Everything begins with this desire.

The prospect of failure won’t paralyze me. The price does not matter. My life is my own. I will not stand for not having what I desire. For not having anything I desire, no matter how unrealistic it seems.

And you can say this is an expensive way to live.

And you can say this is a selfish way to live.

And you can say this is a greedy way to live.

I will not tell you that you are wrong.

You should know, it’s a lonely and dangerous path—that thing called chasing dreams.

~ Oscar