Chapter 52:


How I (Accidently) Became a Demon Lord

Garion Pierce was the king of Tirim, the defender of the weak, protector of a kingdom. Currently a Demon Lord and his minions had invaded his castle, and he would not sit by and let them run amok. The plan was simple: remove the Demon Lords generals and then work as a unit to fight the great monster. However it did not work out that way.

His magic manipulated the stone of the castle, using it Garion was able to separate the generals and Demon Lord. He had managed to catch all but the Demon Lord himself, putting them where they belong. Garion had used a large amount of mana to manage the feat, and needed time to recharge so he didn't send anyone to him. However, now that he was back to fighting form he would begin the hunt.

Rising from his throne, he grabbed his spear and began to walk out of the room. He could not tell where the enemy was now, so he would just have to hunt. It was a magic signal that told Garion about his invaders, letting him trigger the spell. Once he activated the MeldTerra spell he could feel everything he interacted with. That was how he had managed to put the enemies in the right spots. Now though, he would be flying blind. He could not afford to waste more mana on the spell again or else he would be crippled for the rest of the day.

The hall echoed with each step. As he traveled he heard the sound of smashing stone in the distance, he figured it was from Ezeks conflict. He had given Ezek the Harpy, an easy target for the master archer. Based on the sounds though it must have meant another had broken into the fight. The one closest to that fight was the Goliath, but he had broken free of the spell.

Mosti was given the Naga to start, the Minotaur held back as his second opponent. Osir had the Kobold with the Oni as his second opponent. The Demon Lord was to be sealed away in the farthest location in the castle so that Garion could fight him once he recovered, but since he escaped it was unclear where he would have gone.

Garion thought it over, Ezek was a formidable fighter, even if he had to fight the Harpy and Goliath together it would be a hard fought fight. Osir had the easiest fights, so he shouldn't require assistance, it was a Kobold and a Oni that relied on Illusion magic. Mosti would be upset if Garion interfered in his fights. For now, Garion headed off, looking for the Demon Lord.

He ran with purpose, he had to feel for the heat that the creature would emanate. How was he not feeling it though? It was so strong at the gate? A loud sound made Garion stop in his tracks, the sound of shattering glass.

The minotaur charged Ezek as he began to draw his bow back. Ezek hesitated for a moment, choosing to move away from the charging bull. Pelone took the opportunity to fling herself forward, her talons digging into the man's side.

Ezek, swore loudly. He acted swiftly, spinning out of the talons and punching Pelone hard in the jaw. Pelone fell back, blood flying from her now broken nose. Ezek didn't wait for the minotaur to change his trajectory and instead dashed over the Harpy, towards the stained glass window that was now broken open from Pelone’s crash.

Pelone screeched in pain as Ezek stepped onto her chest hard. Her body had to be at the breaking point by now, so his real threat was this Minotaur. He could only hope to drag this fight outside where the Minotaur would be of less use. It was a flash, but Ezek could see the gleam of a chain in his peripherals. He used one of his skills, AeroStep, and had his feet fling him in a front roll. It was a moment too soon as the chain carried an axe right where Ezek was just standing.

The Minotaur had drawn a weapon, a massive chain with a hammer/axe head. The thing was so massive that when it slammed into the wall after passing Ezek, it simply smashed it to pieces. The weight of the thing had to be insane!

Ezek was at the window frame, they were a story up which was no issue to Ezek but he had to drag that Minotaur out there. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard, as the beast was already charging Ezek headlong. The chain weapon was wrapped around him, he held the head in his arms to keep it from flying free. Pelone was groaning on the floor as the beast went past her.

“Go to the others!” The Minotaur, Fenrin, yelled out.

Shit, Ezek thought. He had forgotten he was trying to hold them off, weaken the enemy forces, but if that bird got away she may be a thorn in someone else's side. Ezek acted quickly, the Minotaur had to wait.

The beast came plowing at Ezek, who used his AeroStep to get above him. He saw Fenrin begin to fall out the window, so Ezek turned his attention to Pelone.

“Not happening!” Fenrin yelled out.

Ezek felt it suddenly, the handle of the chain weapon wrapped around his ankle, pulled tight, and sent Ezek plummeting towards the ground. Fenrin landed with a loud crash, the ground beneath him cracking from the impact. Ezek used an ability to slow his fall and put distance between him and the Minotaur.

They were in the castle gardens. The bushes were short, and a small pond sat not far to Ezeks left, the castle to his right. Ezek knew that the front entrance was behind him, a turn away. Behind Fenrin was the servant entrance, but he would have to find it which was hidden from sight. He could hold him here, Ezek had the advantage. Several trees dotted this garden, perfect perches for Ezek.

“Now it is just us!” Fenrin yelled out, striking a pose with his chain weapon, he had another weapon at his hip, similar but without the chain. “Now, I shall show you the might of the Mighty Fenrin!”

“Seriously.” Ezek said, a tad annoyed at the boasting.

Shattering. Fenrin shattered his shield, and was charging up a Break ability. Ezek grit his teeth, that wasn't good. What kind of Break ability would he use? Most break abilities were based around the weapon the user was wielding, but that strange chain weapon was unpredictable. He could do a downward crash, a wide slash, an upward strike, if Ezek guessed wrong he would surely die.

Fenrin lowered himself to strike, it would be a downward crash! Ezek used AeroStep to fling himself to the side, he just had to stay mobile so he couldn't predict him. Suddenly, Ezek found himself stuck in place. Pain shot up thru his leg. As he risked a glance he spotted a spear burrowed deep into his foot. He glanced up in fright, Pelone laid flat in the window frame, she had thrown the spear!

This was not good, Ezek saw the charge was finished, he just needed to launch the attack. He didn't have time to pull out the spear and dodge, he had to make the choice. Fenrin flung the hammer side of the weapon down onto the ground, the earth beginning to shatter as the shattered glass of his shield began to launch forward at Ezek.

Ezek felt like crying as he made his choice. He flung his body to his right, just enough for his body to not be hit by the crash. However, his right leg was not as lucky. It felt like shards of glass tore it apart, flesh and blood flying off in the direction the attack was going. Ezek screamed in pain, his back to the Minotaur. His foot was still not free, the ribbons of flesh were still attached up to his knee, where the damage ended. Ezek grit his teeth and pulled his leg, the spear tearing his remaining foot. It hurt unbelievably, but Ezek was alive and that is what mattered.

Ezek turned his head towards Fenrin, who was raising his weapon to attack the now prone Ezek. Anger filled Ezek, a feral anger, that of an animal fighting for its life. In that moment, all thoughts of protection and glory fled Ezek’s mind, now it was just sheer survival, and the best way to survive was to kill the monsters that surrounded him.

Air rushed out from Ezek, pushing Fenrin back. Ezek began to rise in the air slightly, translucent wings of feathers emerging from his back. Aeroanglic, his strongest mobility move. Fight or flight, the way the mind responds to threats, Ezek used both. He had to kill these monsters before his mana ran out, and he had to do it fast.

Nasui and Mosti’s blades clashed, a loud ringing echoing through the halls. Nasui was fighting to his best ability, dodging as he needed, striking when he could, yet he could not hit the shield. The man was forcing him back, pressing him to the wall. It would not be long before Nasui was overwhelmed. He could slip past when an opening presented itself, but Mosti wasn't allowing a moment.

When a swing of his blade missed, Mosti took no time in back swinging it. Nasui’s shield was nearly broken, so if he acted before he was ready he would die. For now, he defended as much as he could. He needed to break this man's shield so he could apply effects, but he could not hit him.

Suddenly, Mosti’s shield dropped to a sliver. Mosti and Nasui stopped suddenly in shock. Mosti threw himself to the side as a straight blade came plummeting down where he stood. Nasui saw it then, Yaki.

“You're a blessing!” Nasui called out to the Oni.

Yaki straightened suddenly. “No No, Yaki simply just wished to help! Yaki is no blessing!” Yaki said, a touch of embarrassment in her voice.

“Another attack from behind!” Mosti yelled out. “You truly are monsters without honor!”

Yaki tilted her head to Mosti. “But, that is how Yaki fights? Should Yaki change how she fights Sir Nasui?”

“Lords above no!” Nasui called out. “Keep it up! He is an enemy, remember!”

“Yaki knows.” Yaki said. “Yaki just wanted to distract him while she prepared her next ability.” With that, Yaki vanished to mist.

Mosti stood firm. “Damn sneaky Oni.” Mosti swore, he looked ready to strike at any movement.

“Yaki we need to break the shield!” Nasui called out. “Then find a way into his armor, once we do I can put my curses on him!”

As if responding to that, Mosti’s shield shattered. Yaki reappeared, a condition of her invisibility spell. She was standing at Mosti’s side, the blades pointed straight into Mosti’s opening. Mosti swore again and swung his sword at Yaki.

Nasui moved instinctively, she had no shield, he had enough of one. Nasui raised his arms to absorb the strike, his shield taking the greater of the hit. The shattering sent Mosti reeling, Yaki recovered enough to strike while Mosti recovered. She plunged her blades into the opening of his armor, just the tips though. The knight fell back, holding his wounded side and giving the two a wide berth.

“I will not die to scum like you!” Mosti yelled out.

“Yaki thinks you will!” Yaki yelled out.

“Agreed, though we aren't scum Yaki” Nasui responded. 

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