Chapter 83:

[Satori Effect] Epilogue: Death Match

Death by Ex-Girlfriend

The next day, Lucrezia and Shinju watched from a short distance as Osamu and the girls continued to celebrate their conception with a backyard barbecue. On the menu were burgers, wings, and oxtail. Thanks to their hard work, everyone was able to celebrate, laugh, and smile together. It was a joyous scene, one that made all of their efforts worth it.

Shinju took a sip from her bottle of amber ale as the cool breeze lifted her hair orange hair. "I can't believe we really did it. I'm sure Satori is getting some damn good rest now that it's all done."

"Yeah..." Lucrezia mumbled, staring into her bottle.

Shinju gave her a light slip on the shoulder. "You don't have to feel guilty about Ebina anymore. You've more than repaid your debt. You saved what remains of the Sentani family."

Lucrezia smiled. "You're right. You're absolutely right. I suppose I can stop feeling sorry for myself now. I couldn't have done it without you, Shinju. Thank you so much. Ebina's death ate at me from the night it happened. I thought I'd never be rid of the pain, and yet...seeing this happen right before our eyes...I can finally say that I have no more regrets."

"You did good. I'm proud of you.”

"Our promise to Satori has been fulfilled. Now there's just one thing left."

Shinju nodded. "Himushi and Magatori. We outmaneuvered them this time, and we managed to get the skeleton back. There's nothing else left to do, right? We should take them out."

"I won't be able to, not with these injuries. I'm going to need some time to heal." Lucrezia said. "I'm sorry to ask, Shinju."

"It's okay. I was prepared for this anyway. I knew I'd have to kill her myself."

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Don't be. She was my teammate, so it's my responsibility."

Lucrezia slung her arm around Shinju's shoulder, kissing her cheek. "Let's just lie low for now. When the time comes, you'll have to find Cyanide. If anyone can help you take Himushi down, it's him."

"Right. I will. For now, let's enjoy the party! I'd say we've earned it!"

Lucrezia smiled and nodded, taking Shinju's hand. "You're right."

And so, though it came with immense struggle and sacrifice, Osamu and his family of wives and friends enjoyed their happy ending. There was just one last threat, Himushi and Magatori. The two of them surveyed the damaged neighborhood in Kyoto, their faces hidden behind their ceramic masks. Overcast skies threatened to rain down upon them.

Himushi stood atop the ruins of the collapsed building, kicking over a chunk of concrete in anger. "Well played, Lucrezia. Well played."

"We knew she was extraordinarily capable, and we still underestimated her." Magatori said. "Now that she has the remains again, there's no doubt she'll take the fight to us. We've lost all leverage against her."

Himushi's mask hid her impressed smile. "Fine, then. Let them come. No more games, no more subterfuge. Our cold war is about to get very hot, Magatori. If we can't take over Heaven, if we can't destroy the exorcists, then we can at least achieve our personal goals. I'll kill Lucrezia, and you'll kill Tsukiakari Senkumo."

Thunder raged beyond the clouds, booming in the sky like a barrage of explosions. Himushi turned her gaze skyward, the first drops of rain pelting against her mask. "...And all of their wrongs will finally be righted."

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