Chapter 4:

Chapter 04

A Bloody Methodology

A few nights ago, prior to the investigation of the orphanage, a man was sitting at his desk, scrutinising an amazing number of papers. Around his room were a few pieces of crystals mounted on candle holder-like objects. So small yet it brightly illuminated the room.

From outside was a knock on the door and the one behind it declared to be his assistant.

“It is Zila, my Lord.” A man’s voices emanated from the outside, claiming to be the man’s assistant.

“Come in.” The man sitting at the desk permitted the man from behind the door to enter.

As he entered, he saw the man at the desk reading through papers with other stacks on the table and even more beside his desk. The study was practically filled with documents to the point it became a maze to find the correct path to the couch in front of the desk.

“My Lord, you must really get some rest lest you collapse once again.” A man with a formal suit that could be mistaken for a butler entered the room, closed the door behind him, and spoke.

“Disgusting.” The man at the desk grunted. “It’s late at night and we’re the only ones in this room. Drop that sickening act of yours.”

“Well, I guess it’s alright.” The man with a formal suit loosened his necktie and unbuttoned his jacket. “So, how are you gonna deal with all these rumours surrounding the orphanage? It’s become so rampant that it even reached the western district.”

The man with a loosened suit sat grabbed a few piles of papers on the desk and sat on one of the couches and brought his foot up the coffee table.

“Honestly, it’s become a headache.” The man at the desk placed the paper he was reading down and rubbed his eyes and furrowed his brows. He sighed so deeply that some papers almost fell of the desk. “Zila, switch places with me.”

“Hell no. You’re the Count, Garthus. I’m just an assistant.”

“I’ve never heard of one of the successors of the Marquess household being an assistant of a lowly Count family.”

“I never had the chance for succession. Scheming is too much of a hassle. And besides, I’ve been disowned way back when I applied here.”

“Heh! The number of complaints and threats I received from the Athtwood family sure was a sight. If I could convert them to gold, I could pay the royal family in one go and rise up the ladder to be Marquis and still would be left with spare change to improve my demesne.”

The two laughed heartily as they reminisced the sight of a room being filled with letters from the Marquis household.

“The look on their faces when I formally rejected the inheritance to be the next head of the family. I don’t want to be in that suffocating environment anyway.” Zila laughed away again as he slowly read through some of the papers taken from the desk earlier.

“I stopped receiving letters from them after your visit. Just what did you say?” Count Garthus enquired.

“Well, it’s a secret. Well, not really. Just a little threat.” He replied so light-heartedly to Count Garthus’s question.

“... I see.” Count Garthus wondered what transpired during his visit back to his family. “Anyway, as my assistant, help me sort these papers out.”


From their conversation alone, it’s easy to say that they are very close friends. Although they can only act as such when alone. For appearance’s sake and formality, they use more formal language to other people, especially Count Garthus Felk Idende , feudal lord of the Idende County of the Kingdom of Alrus.

Zila Frieem Athtwood, one of the successors to the Marquess household Athtwood, 5th son and 7th child of the current head of the household. Knowing he had no chance at succeeding the family head, he searched for places to work to and maybe even settle down somewhere. As his family opposed the idea, Zila still went through with his own plans leading him to be disowned.

His being free spirited even landed him the job of being the Count’s assistant on the Count’s whim. In the end, everything worked out well.

“There’s too many rumours circulating about the orphanage that we can’t just ignore it.” Zila spoke while sorting piles of paper that have already been reviewed.

“I’ve known the orphanage since it was first established, and even more so its current keeper, Esia.” The Count, Garthus, replied while writing something on a piece of paper. “She’s like a daughter to me.”

“Then why not testify her innocence? That would quell the masses unease.”

“It certainly could, but what happens next? Even if I say they are innocent and nothing evil surrounds them, the people would do something sooner or later. And it might be worse than just a simple riot.”

“Riot might be a little too much. But i get your point.”

Both the Count and Zila were stuck in a predicament. They need to answer to the masses while finding out the root of the rumours.

“You could authorise a search for anything suspicious in the orphanage. Although I doubt they would find anything in particular.” Zila proposed such an idea.

Count Garthus pondered a bit, stroking his beard.

“I’ll do just that.”



Frianne was startled by the company. Not because of the fore man’s looks or appearance, but rather, the people behind him. After all, they had swords dangling from their waists and a few of them have spears.

“No, I’m afraid I’m not who you are looking for.” She shook her head. “My name is Frianne, assistant to Esia.”

“Hmm yes, you don’t look like Relkas’ child. Not one bit.” Her eyes widened a bit at the word Relkas, the father of Esia. “Well, is Esia here? I have business with her and the orphanage.”

“I’m truly sorry.” Frianne slightly bowed her head with her hands crossed on her stomach. “Esia is currently resting as her health seems to not be in good condition.”

“That’s unfortunate. But sadly, we must interview her still. As per mandate of the Count.” The man showed a paper with the stamp of the count at the bottom.

It stated that the Count has ordered an unappointed investigation of the orphanage and interview with the keeper. Rumours about the orphanage from residents and workers from the eastern district has escalated to the point where it can no longer be ignored. Thus, the mandate is issued. Failure to comply will result in the incarceration of the orphanage keeper.

Frianne was dumbfounded that a mandate such as this was issued by the Count all because of rumours. Even after voicing it out to the men, nothing can be done as it has already been processed. Frianne breathed out a sigh and acknowledged their actions.

“I understand. But I can only permit you entering if your men leave their weapons by the front. After all, there are young children inside.” Before anything else, Frianne had set up a condition. And that is to let the soldiers leave their weapons as they continue with the investigation.

A soldier was about to speak up but was stopped by the man at the front.

“Yes, we understand.” He easily complied to the request of Frianne.

“... Then, this may be late, but may I take the name of this gentleman?” Frianne asked the man.

“I am in charge of the city’s safety and security under the orders of Count Garthus Felk Idende, Osar Morfot.”


As Esia sat upright on her bed, a knock resounded from behind her quarter’s door.

“Esia? Are you still awake? I’m sorry to disturb your rest, but this is urgent.” Frianne spoke from behind the door.

Without answering, Esia just remained silent.

“His name is Osar Morfot, from the Lord Count’s mansion. He says he needs to speak with you regarding the orphanage.” She continued speaking from behind the door. “A mandate was issued to perform a complete investigation of the orphanage.


There was no response from inside the room. No response from Esia.

Although she was physically present, her mind seems to wander about. Thinking of something with a blank and expressionless face. It was only later she noticed someone knocking at the door.

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