Chapter 2:

The Watcher (Other)

Short Story and Poetry Collection

Leg 1

A new couple moved in today. They cheerfully carried in box after box through the front door. It wasn’t very pleasant with the draft, but I guess I would have to deal with it until they were done. They are certainly a young couple, possibly just married. It’s hard to tell how young humans are; they all look relatively similar to me. I only guessed this by the way they were acting. The glow in their eyes and the smiles painted on their face. Quite annoying if you ask me. I guess it did not matter too much. Humans’ presence in the house meant more flies coming through the vent from where I watched them. Flies are stupid creatures. They are easy to catch and quickly drawn in by human food. I would at least have a steady food source while this couple lived here.

I watched them set down the last box, or at least I could guess it was the last box, as they let out a cry of joy and kissed. The door was finally closed. The unbearable draft was finally over. I was able to spread out over my web and relax. They were chatting about something. The tone indicated they were happy. Or at least, I think that is what the tone indicated. I never could understand humans, so I could only guess what they were thinking.

Leg 2

I am getting used to these humans’ daily habits. In the morning, they both get up at some unbelievable hour. They brew a nutty-smelling black drink and sit down to eat some food. Then they dress up in different clothes and kiss each other to leave for the day. They are gone for quite a few hours throughout the day. Then they return in the evening. They eat some more food when they get home, and then they sit and watch the television for the rest of the day before going to sleep. There are usually two consecutive days every week where they have a different schedule that seems somewhat random as far as I can tell.

I think they are a male and female pair. I may be wrong; humans are hard to tell apart. The male seems more laid back, easy to amuse, and less focused. The female appears more detail-oriented, hyper-focused, and curious. The male might lay back on the couch to rest while the female looks up facts about something useless just because she wants to know. Overall, they are okay to have to live in this house. Since the male is a little lazier, he will tend to leave things out that attract flies. I guess I can say I like him more.

Leg 3

I guess they are fighting today. They are both certainly vibrating the walls and vents with their voices. I can only watch in an annoyed mood as they go back and forth, yelling at each other. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so annoying if I could understand them, or maybe it would be even more annoying. I don’t know which would be better at this rate. I just wish they would shut up today. Earlier, a fly quickly changed course before getting caught in my web due to hearing their voices. I would go hungry if they insisted on keeping this up.

The yelling started as soon as they got home today. This was one of the odd days where their schedule was different from usual, so I have no idea where they went or what they did. No matter what they did, they came home in this bad mood. The female started to point at her phone when the yelling started. The male seemed defensive at first but quickly started yelling back as the female kept yelling. They kept going all through the night before finally embracing and crying.

Leg 4

The male stayed home today. I was not sure why, but the female didn’t seem to have a problem with it as she left. It seemed like today was one of those days where their schedule should be predictable. After she left, the male walked around the kitchen for a while, preparing something to eat. He took the food and sat on the couch, and was there for most of the day. He watched the television throughout the day, only occasionally getting up to use the restroom or eat.

The female got home later in the day as usual. She walked into the house in what seemed like a good mood but quickly stopped when she saw the pile of dishes the male had built up. Then the yelling began. Luckily, I caught a fly earlier today, so I didn’t have to worry about my food, but the shaking walls were still annoying. She frantically pointed at the pile of dishes, the accumulation of garbage stacked high in the can, and the socks that he had left by the couch. She screamed the whole time. In a short while, he started to shout back.

Leg 5

There was more yelling today as well. The male started yelling suddenly in the middle of a conversation. I could not tell why; it had mainly seemed peaceful before. They screamed at each other for what seemed like a long while, and then the male stormed out. The door made a loud bang as it slammed shut.

The female quickly started crying after the male left. She walked over to and fell onto the couch to weep. After a few minutes, she dialed a number on her phone and began to talk. Sometime later, the doorbell rang, and she answered it. A male, not the same one I had become accustomed to seeing, walked in. At least, I was pretty sure this was a different one. She hugged him, and they walked to another room together.

Leg 6

The male stayed home again today. He has been staying home for the last several days in a row. He was spending each day staring at the television and making a mess. The number of flies I have caught has increased, so I guess I can’t say I don’t like this part of it, but every day the female would come home, and they would start yelling.

Today, the male was on his phone when the female walked in. She quickly walked up and started to yell at him. He tried to put his phone away, but she pulled it from his hand and began to talk into it. Then she threw it across the room. The pot shattered on the wall directly under my vent with a loud thud. She yelled at the man, and the man began screaming back. Eventually, the female stormed out of the house. She had been leaving and staying away at night for some time.

Leg 7

Things may be getting peaceful now. The female has not returned for the last few days, so the walls have not been shaking. The male seems to spend all his time alone, staring at the television. Trash has begun to build up in many spots, and he has not bothered cleaning any of it up. I don’t mind the extra flies, but I hope he cleans up a little before some bigger things come through and wreck my web.

The female returned suddenly in the afternoon. She looked sadly at all the garbage and spoke softly to him. He spoke softly back. Suddenly, she started to yell at him. He just shrugged it off today. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it for some reason. Perhaps seeing his reaction, the female grabbed a pot of dead flowers and threw it at him. He ducked away as it whizzed past his head. With that, she stormed out. The male looked at the broken pot, shrugged, and walked away.

Leg 8

The female came back again. This time she has been staying and living with the male. They have continued yelling every night. Honestly, I think I am tired of it. Once again, the female stormed out of the house. The male is just standing in the kitchen, looking dejected. He suddenly smashed a glass plate against the counter, and it shattered. I had had enough was enough. I couldn’t let things go on like this. I climbed out of my usual spot and began to crawl to him. Perhaps if he realized they were not the only two living here, I could get them to come around.

I crawled over to the male, careful to keep my eyes on him the whole time. He turned and looked my way. Now he had seen me. That was good. Maybe now I could get him to come to his senses. I continued to crawl toward him, and he started to walk toward me. Perhaps we could reach some agreement now that he has seen me. He took one final, large step in my direction. I stopped and waited. His last step seemed rather clumsy and would stretch farther than he needed, typical of him. I don’t know how we could talk, but I’m sure we could find a way. A shadow grew over me as his foot got closer.
