Chapter 5:

Lively House Sonnet (Poem)

Short Story and Poetry Collection

house of each ecstatic ending, house of endless 

excitement, expertly kept, doors open, no exceptions 

within, halls winding, paintings of waves, gusts 

blowing — whoosh, walls walnut, wine, and wood 

brown, painted pleasantly, picturesque photos 

placed pristinely upon pine shelves held in 

position by screws, floating above the stands, still 

yet sensational, sensibly placed for the eye to see, 

smells in the air, of sweets and treats, tenderly 

topped with banana toffee icing, to be taken in by teeth, 

laughter produced, loud yet wholehearted, living spaces 

filled, ludicrous language meant to create lively 

and unapologetic lol's, noisy house never calm, not 

for a noticeable moment, nothing else to call it but: home