Chapter 5:


The Town Where the Wind Doesn't Blow: Breim Village (Story Arc #03 )

Thank you for reading my web novel series, “The Town Where the Wind Doesn’t Blow”. The previous chapter you may have read concluded with Sirius/Sunri successfully eliminating a dragon from a distortion and was found unconscious. What is his fate? What is there to learn about Breim Village and its citizens? Where will the story go?

I’m happy to announce that these questions, and much more, will be revealed. However, for right now, the continuation of Sunri’s mission and his fate will be put on hold for right now. But fret not!

In order to create a deeper, enriching experience of “The Town Where the Wind Doesn’t Blow” (that’s a bit of a mouthful, so let’s call it Project_Windless in these updates), I have decided to shift focus towards developing the setting of Gossport City and the other operatives of the organization Crux. In addition to Sirius/Sunri being the strongest operative, there are eight other operatives, the top ten! Procyon, another operative, was briefly introduced, and we’ve only scratched the surface of him! What's he truly like? What's his story?

So, what does this decision mean? It’s nothing to be worried about. Just that Sirius/Sunri’s fate and his mission will be put on hold for a while as I engage in deeper world building and character development. It will all be worth it. Gossport City and the top ten operatives of Crux will be vital in the overall story of Project_Windless. And, you don’t have to wait long!

The story prologue, as well as the first chapter prologue, will be uploaded in between a few hours and later today, Japan time zone! I’m excited to introduce you all to the other operatives of Crux and for you all to know more about them!

So, Project_Windless first story arc, “Welcome to Gossport City”, will be starting soon! I’m sure you all will have your favorite characters in this new cast of characters. This story arc takes place before Sirius/Sunri’s current mission. Maybe he will make an appearance somewhere.

The beginning of the web novel series starts here.

Happy reading!
