Chapter 4:


Mysterious Rose

During my first year, I noticed Yuasa in the library whenever I visited after school. He was certainly handsome from afar. But the rumors surrounding him made me want to steer clear of him. Apparently he was rude to everyone no matter who they were. Many girls had tried to confess their feelings to him but he shut them down so harshly that each girl had missed days from school. He’s absolutely ruthless.

Although, I haven’t heard any instances of him purposely bullying anyone. His crude attitude almost reminded me of the cruel bullies I encountered, that is until I heard that he hasn’t bullied anyone on purpose. He never gangs up on anyone. He doesn’t even have any friends who would help him with that if he wanted to. He’s just a rude and unpleasant person… He’s alone because no one can stand him…

When I saw his name and number with the school event, a passing thought of trying to text him ran through my mind. But really, I’d rather not get involved with him if I can help it… Yet if he’s in the library at this time, that could mean he’s a part of my club. There’s no way, right? I thought he was in the student council in my first year. Did he really leave and not return there?

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Then I picked a random book off the shelf. I’ll avoid that book series he chose if he’s reading it. We won’t have to interact again.

Luckily I was able to find a comfortable couch that no one else was using at the back of the library. I read my random fantasy book and time passed by quickly. It was already five when I looked back up at the clock. I put the book back on the shelf, put my bag on my shoulder, and headed home.

It was raining on my way home but luckily I always keep a collapsible umbrella in my school bag. I’ve learned my lesson from getting drenched by sudden rain too many times before. As soon as I got home, I noticed I had texts from Kishi.

“Rose-san, have you decided on a club yet?”

“Yeah, I have. What about you, Horiuchi-san?”

“I wasn’t sure which club to choose, but my other friends told me I should join the flower arrangement club with them…”

“That’s nice, flowers suit you.”

“They do…? I think the other girls were saying something similar… What club did you choose?”

He wants to know what club I’m in… I feel like if I tell him, he could try to find me, even though I told him not to. There’s lots of people in the library studies club though, so maybe he wouldn't be able to anyway. There’s no way he’d be able to guess that the gloomy girl out of everyone there is Rose… That’s the undeniable truth. Maybe I don’t need to be so worried about being found out because of that fact.

“I’m in the library studies club.”

“That sounds like an interesting club… I don’t remember that being on the list that the student council sent out.”

“It was at the very bottom, I almost skimmed over it myself.”

“Why’d you decide to choose that club?”

“Well, to be honest… It sounded easy.”

“You’re right, a club should be easy! I don’t really get the flower arrangement club, but everyone was telling me that I was doing a good job…”

“I’d like to see an arrangement that you’ve made.”

“Really…?? I’ll send a picture when I’m back in the club!!”

“You don’t have to if it’s too troublesome.”

“It’s no trouble at all!!”

“Alright then.”

“Hey, Rose-san…”

“What is it?”

“My other friends insisted that I call them by their first names so we could be closer… And well, since we’re friends too…”

“Do you want me to call you by your first name?”

“Only if you want to! I won’t force you!”

I smiled. He’s so adorable.

“Then what if I called you… Ki-chan?”

A nickname like that… It really suits him. But I’m just teasing him so if he doesn’t like it, I won’t call him that.

As I waited for a response, I realized that it was taking longer than his other texts. Oh no, did I go too far…? Have I ruined our friendship with this…? But I guess I wasn’t planning on being too close to him anyway… What kind of friendship could last if we never see each other? Yet in my case, if we do see each other, that could be what ends the friendship for good…

My phone buzzed in my hands while negative thoughts were swirling inside my head.

“Yes, please… I like that nickname…”

I paused as I read his reply. My face began to grow hot.

“Okay then, I’ll call you that! As long as you like it!”

“Can I just call you Rose then…?”

“Definitely, go ahead!”

“Okay, Rose… I have to get going now. Talk to you next time.”

I hung my head. That was embarrassing… Did he like the nickname that much…?

The next school day came and went. Now it was time for our clubs. I glanced at my phone while walking, waiting for Kishi to send a picture of his flower arrangement. I couldn’t help remembering yesterday… I’m still embarrassed about the nickname… Will I even be able to use it?

I got to the library so I put my phone on silent and put it in my pocket. The book I read yesterday wasn’t that interesting and I’d like to see what else there is. Maybe I’ll try to leave my comfort zone and pick up a sci-fi novel.

When I got to the sci-fi section, I scoured the shelves for an interesting title. Once I found one that caught my interest, I reached for it. That’s when a sense of déjà vu hit me. Another hand had grabbed the same book. I turned to see black hair and blue eyes. Not again…?!

Yuasa grimaced at our reunion. “You don’t want this book, do you?” It sounded more like a statement than a question.

I took my hand back instinctively. I wasn’t frozen this time, just shocked. What are the odds that we’d reach for the same book a second time?

He clicked his tongue as he took the book and turned to walk away. That’s another book stolen… I guess I have to look for a different one…

I tried to read the new book until five, but I could tell that sci-fi didn’t interest me that much. Or maybe it was the specific book I chose as my second choice. I decided to check my phone and saw Kishi’s picture of his arrangement. I don’t get flower arrangement either, but the one he made was filled with vibrant and beautiful flowers all together in a nice glass vase.

“That’s a beautiful arrangement, Ki-chan.”

I already felt embarrassed using his nickname for real for the first time.

“Thanks, Rose! I did another arrangement but it doesn’t look as good as my first one…”

“That’s alright, I’m sure you’ll soon be a pro at flower arrangements the more you practice.”

“I’ll do my best!”

After my short conversation with Kishi, I decided to put my book back on the shelf and go home a little early. No one stopped me. I’m sure the other club members are too focused on their own books to notice me anyway.

I ate dinner with father and went back to my room. I was surprised to see a text from Yorikane. I wasn’t expecting him to text me again. After our last conversation, I noticed him at school glancing at everyone who passed by our classroom in the halls. Is he really searching for me…? He hasn’t even realized I’m in his class. I’m probably safe unless I say something that’ll get me in trouble.

“Heeeey Rose-chan. Have you joined a club yet?”

“Yes. I assume you’ve joined the soccer club?”

“Yep! Did you hear that somewhere too or have you seen me play?”

“You’re usually playing during lunch, how could I miss you with your bright yellow jacket?”

“So you’ve been watching me? Maybe you should come cheer me on in my next game!”

“I’ll pass.”

“You’re quite stubborn… By the way, what year are you in?”

“I don’t want to be found, so I won’t tell you.”

“You’re breaking my heart, Rose-chan!! Don’t you want to be friends? You can join the rest of my friends and go to arcades with us after school! It’s a lot of fun!”

“We have clubs after school.”

“What was your club again?”

“I didn’t tell you.”

“Geez… So cold… We can still play after our clubs finish, you know!”

“I have homework.”

“You have homework? Every day of the week? Even on the weekend? We could hang out on the weekend and have a ton more time to have fun! We could go to karaoke!”

“I’m preparing for future exams, I don’t have time to play.”

“Wow, you’re studious! I guess I’ve learned one thing about you! Do you wear glasses too?”

“Are you imagining me as a stereotypical student who studies all the time?”

“That’s the kind of impression you’re giving me, what’s wrong with that?!”

“I have to go study, I hope you don’t fail the next exams.”

“Hey, you’re being mean to me now, aren’t you?! Hello?! Rose-chan!!”

I almost feel a little bad… But it’s really fun to tease Yorikane… I can barely contain my laughter…

There’s a knock on the door to my room. My father speaks,

“What are you giggling about? It’s time for bed.”

“Sorry, I’ll go to bed now!” I called out to him.

“Don’t apologize. Sweet dreams.”

I guess he’s right, I shouldn’t apologize… I deserve to laugh and have fun after everything I’ve been through, don’t I? Kishi made me smile with his cuteness… And now Yorikane is making me laugh with our conversation… I know I shouldn’t think like this, but I really hope we don’t ever have to stop talking to each other… 
