Chapter 18:

Answer Seeken (3/3)

The Zypher: The Four Season

Cal was lying on the ground unconscious, he had no clue what was about to happen next, "well, this made our job easier to complete." The aggressive fighter returned but he wasn't alone, "Let's quit delaying the mission and bring it back to the boss." Then a drunk fighter jumped out of the ship, "well. What's so special about this kid? It's not like we know him or anything (burps) anyway can we go home already? I have something else in mind and I don't think my stomach can take it!" The fighters lifted Cal into their ship and departed from the planet Zaizal, "what do we even know about this kid?" The drunken fighter slumped onto the floor and slept, "Yeah what do we know about this kid Nooz?" Nooz did some digging and showed it to her superior, "hmm... Wait... This kid is a student of Rekxzan? That guy is a legend in the order."

"It also says here that after the purge, only he and his wife survived as well as a few others... Including us." Nooz turned the computer off, "well whatever happened back then is in the past... And right now we need to focus on the future." Nooz felt sceptical about what she was doing, "is this really what we have to do in our lives? All I wanted to do was just be free and do whatever I want to do." Her superior put his hand on Nooz's shoulder, "Listen, you're only nine, you are yet to understand the things that we are ordered to fulfil our leader's wish." Cal silently woke up and overheard their conversation, then, the drunken fighter aggressively stood up and went to check the bar, "I will tell you this guys... I just want to sell the whole ridiculous thing for me to make some money and get on with my life. I can't begin to tell you how much I find this job so... Dull but the pay is worth it!"

Drunk man: Hey Eight come over here!

Eight: what is it Valid?

Valid: Look at this kid.

Eight: so?

Valid: well doesn't his lame prepubescent face look any familiar to you?

Eight: now that you mention it... He does look like that kid from back then.

Nooz: who are you talking about?

Eight: Nothing you need to know about.

Valid: We are talking about that third kid from our story, the one that was ... Killed... It cant be... Can it?

Eight: I doubt that but then again he could be related to that boy, you never understand.

Valid: Me? What about you?

Eight: What are you on about?

Valid: I'm talking about that moment back then, you lunching my face leaving my ear in a crooked position and might I point out that I was in a frozen state?

"Yeah, I remember you saying that you were from a planet called Earth and somehow you ended up in Genisa." Valid was getting annoyed by Eight's words. "Well, Eight! At least I wasn't pretending to go wild since my BEST friend was killed by that Octavinys scum!!" Both Eight and Valid were fighting when Valid accidentally hit Cal on his stomach with his elbow, this woke Cal up and he immediately went to attack them, Cal recklessly destroyed parts of the ship, 'error, error, error... Ship malfunction occurs, activating shields and shutting off boosters.' The ship was close to a planet and due to its gravity, they were dropping at a rapid pace until parts of the ship were falling apart and it was getting worse.

Cal escaped the ship but so did the fighters, the ship exploded, Cal stood up and saw that he was in the middle of nowhere and it felt like it was a desert, Cal walked around the hot desert until coming across a town, he entered in a bar, he went to the counter, "what'll it be?" Cal was too uncomfortable with the crowd and decided to make a fool of himself or so he thought, "can I get a glass of water?" He expected them to laugh at him but they didn't seem to care about what he had said, the bartender gave Cal a glass of water, he didn't drink it but only looked at the water as it was beaming a shiny glow. "You are not from around here are you not?" Cal nodded no, "well I can say that you did not have a choice, (value in sísalish) and (purpose in Ngimi) if you understand what I'm saying to you."