Chapter 1:

The first day

July 24th 2026

As usual, Richard woke up in his bedroom, 7h30 in the morning, 3 hours and 30 minutes before his first shift started. the LEDs that were perfectly lined along the roof of the bedroom sent a soft red light. The walls were painted a gray that was clearly painted in haste. The paint wasn't messy or badly spread but the top and bottom of the walls had a few blobs of paint on them. 

There was no trash, clothes, dust or mess anywhere, everything was perfectly arranged on the desks, almost meticulously placed for magazine pictures. Things seemed to follow trends that were rather popular nowadays but lacked a personal touch. 

Richard got up from his bed, he was stark naked. No one lived with him and his curtains were almost always shut, therefore he was rarely clothed at home. He went to the bathroom, It was a small room painted in a tacky cyan blue, It definitely didn't fit his taste but he couldn't be bothered to change the color, everything was still neatly organized. he started showering slowly and meticulously, making sure any body odor was gone. He took the time to shave his face despite not having a visible beard line. His baby face stared back at him in the mirror, calm and collected yet sort of robotic. 

After he finished his grooming, he stepped outside the bathroom, dry and still naked and moved to the kitchen where he got himself two toasts and a black coffee. The toasts had a light spread of peanut butter and the coffee was black. The bitterness of the coffee made him flinch slightly but he had resolved himself to cut on useless calories. When he was younger he had no problem with keeping his weight stable but he had slowly inched towards a bigger frame. That was a problem for him because it affected his hunting abilities. His cardio was impeccable but he had gained weight nonetheless and some preys were often less amicable.

His kitchen was painted the classic egg white color along with its cupboards whose doors were white and sides textured of wood. The countertop was a gray marble which didn't fit with the rest of the humble house. He had gotten it installed when he moved in at his expenses. The landlord didn't complain since it added to the value of his estate anyways.

A connected living room adorned a two seater black leather couch and a small table, accompanied with a TV hooked to a receiver. This room was painted an humble white as well. Everything was tidy, not a single speck of dust nor food crumbs anywhere to be seen.

He looked at the time after a bit, he still had 2 hours to go. He pulled out his laptop from a discarded work bag, split it open calmly and put it upon the small 4 place table that was in the middle of the kitchen. He started opening his email, carefully sorting the 4 new emails he received. He carefully went through the Quebec Driving School instruction email which he had received last week following his interview. The email was a simple welcome one, indicating that he would start at 11h00 and finish at 19h00. No breaks. Overall, it seems the company was as lax with its security as he'd had hoped. There was no security nor staff in office, he had to present himself to Marc, his colleague, who would train him with the job. The driving instructors would occasionally get some students and leave with them. The only moment there was a decent amount of people was in the evenings around 5 where students would attend a 2 hour class and listen to a person teach them how to drive. He put the email in his "work" category and moved on to the other three. Nothing of note, 2 spam emails as well as a receipt for a purchase he had made on Amazon, which he deleted. 

Once he had one hour left, he went to his bedroom once again, putting on a neatly hung grey dress shirt and a pair of beige pants, completing his outfit with a pair of brown leatherette shoes. He took the time to cut the price tag off the grey dress shirt and pants before putting them on. He had had to change his ward robe to fit with his new occupation. He previously had only regular T-shirts ranging from black to pink, he felt it didn't fit an office setting.

He stepped out 5 minutes later, heading towards an old ford focus 2005 which had seen better days, some rust was climbing along the back and the front seemed to have been rubbed with a fork until the paint rose. He sat at the wheel and checked his mirrors. Everything checked out and he started the engine. The car started after the second engine reeve and started vibrating calmly. Despite its age and outer appearance, the inside was well organized, clean and mostly tidied up. there was a bunch of gravel, dirt and dust around the vehicle but no trash sat on the floor of the passenger seat or on the seats behind. He drove the 45 minutes from his job and ended up showing up 10 minutes in advance.

He parked neatly in front of the Quebec Driving School office and locked the doors before heading in. Once he opened the door, the smell of an old carpet and an artificial lavender machine shot a spray near him. He looked to the person that would be his future colleague who was busy checking the job's email and settling in before clients started showing up. He was lucky that the door wasn't locked despite the office being closed.

The office was covered in a green carpet and the walls were an ugly beige. Behind the big L shaped desk, a Quebec Driving School logo adorned the wall, it was blue and red, some white sprinkled in so the letters popped out. The carpet must've been quite old because it smelled slightly. There was an hint of restaurant in the air as well since on either side of the office, Chinese restaurants occupied the other spots.

Marc looked up at Richard and nodded
"Greetings! Richard, I assume?" Marc asked politely

"Can't hide anything from you," Richard replied as he chuckled

Marc was an handsome black man with a nice "fade" haircut and a goatee. He had big, lively brown eyes and he overall seemed like a great guy. When Richard had heard he'd work with a man, he was reassured as from his experience, woman were more likely to bicker constantly. He had great friendships with woman in the past but something about work seemed to pull out negativity very often.

Marc took him around the office for about 5 minutes, it was rather small. The main lobby was right at the front in front of a big window bay, there was a glass entrance that had a second door to come in and then clients would come to the front of the desk which would be Richard's spot as he had requested it, Marc's spot would be to the side of the front desk where he would receive clients if they didn't go see Richard right away. Behind the main desk there was a corridor leading to the theory class which had a window that would show the front desk and at the very end of the corridor, a door lead to the "backstore" which was a small room with a flimsy wooden table, a fridge and no flooring, just the concrete foundation. A small wooden ladder was against the wall there a small area used as storage stood

Richard had spent an hour watching Marc work before asking to take the next call and after a few calls, he seemed to have gotten the hang of the system and how to respond to the phone, effectively letting Marc serve the other clients

Overall, since everything was so lax, he'd have plenty of time to find victims that were isolated and would be easy to dispose of without raising suspicions. After all, didn't everyone go through a driving school before they got their license? The link was so vague that the police would never find him out. He grinned towards Marc as he put the key in the door after their day of work and waved at him

"See you tomorrow! Thanks for showing me how to do this," Richard said cheerfully.
