Chapter 48:

2: An Business Closure (1/3)

The Zypher: The Four Season

Erin looked out of the prison window and realised some felt off, "hey is it just me or can you all see what I'm seeing?" Erin pointed at a forest green meteorite, "it's not even a meteorite... It's a person! No... A kid!" Everyone in the prison cells watched as the green glow came closer and closer until erupting on the ground, Zyber was in ruins and was being attacked by somebody, "this isn't looking good." They all looked at the guy who spoke. "He's not wrong, if that thing attacks us then we too are done for." They continued watching as the kid destroyed many of the environment around him, it then set its eyes on the prison cells and came charging in where Erin was, they all braced until... BOOM... the child had entered the prison and then pointed at Erin, "listen well Erin, the child will be in grave danger if you do not find it..." Erin didn't know what it wanted him to find, the child then grabbed all of the prisoners including Erin and sent them flying outside of the city, he then vanished into particles, "do you know him or something?" Erin shook his head to say no, "but I have seen his face before... But where and why does it look familiar in the first place?" Erin's Arkomanan blade was thrown and landed straight into his face, Erin picked it up and activated it seeing that the child had done some improvements to his blade, "wait for a second!! That blade belongs to the Arkomanan Order... How did you...? Wait! You were a part of them, weren't you?" Erin placed the blade in his pocket and walked away from them but... "Listen, Erin, you're not going to survive here much longer with that blade... I would say that we should retaliate but we are short of an army... And it will be hard since all of them have implants..." Erin had a plan from what Bollegard said, "They all do... And that can help us! ... As I was freeing some prisoners, I found an override that can disable their power making them weak..." Bollegard points something out, "or we can use it to control the others and force them to attack the creators, leaving all of Zyber in peace and free from their control..."

"We are not using everyone as if they are machines, they've already suffered enough because of what Malory and Exton have done to them... Now it is their turn to suffer but not with control." The remaining eight agreed to what Bollegard was planning but, "even if we did get control, it would take sacrifice to get you to the main control unit... You'll be able to disrupt the code there... How do I know this? Well, it pays off to be a former mechanic working in the same building they did... After being fired and forced into the process." Boulevard tried to convince him, "but Chuck... We have suffered to these people, it's only fair that they suffer as we did." Chuck looked at Bollegard, "trust me if you know how I felt... Then you'd know it will be sacrificed one way or another... I say we go on with Erin's plan." Bollegard agreed to what Erin was going with, "first off we need to know their daily routine... then after that, we think of alternatives on the routes that may be unavailable, and finally, we find and disable Xinthose's plans and their control to the people... but there are things that are missing..." chuck had everything planned, "Like I said, it pays off to be a Mechanic!!"

"When are we rolling out?" Erin looked at the schedules and thought, "tonight, the sooner we do it, the sooner we can end their reign." They had their plan set, the only thing that they can hope is that nothing goes wrong, Erin and Chuck entered the building while the others were in charge of camouflage and patrolling the routes, Erin and Chuck made it to the main core only to find someone waiting for them, "I knew you'd come, but didn't know you would bring the man that caused all this with you!" Erin didn't know what Missy was saying, Chuck came clean about everything, "the truth is, I'm the creator... or I was until those snobby brats stole my idea and use it for their selfish reason... I was powerless to do anything and was forced to rot in that prison so that no one knew the truth... they didn't think about giving me the implant because they knew that I could break their code... listen, Erin, I know you don't trust me but I want to end this... and I couldn't ask for someone better than you..." Missy tried to seduce Erin to joining her but Erin headbutted her that she knocked out, "sorry Missy but I have something to do." Erin and Chuck hacked into the system and with Malory and Exton already alerted, they sent everyone even the prisoners to stop them, "great... just great, this will take time before it can fully shut down." Chuck asked how long, "more than 15 minutes." They both tried to hold down the door for 15 minutes but time was already running out as both Exton and Malory activated U1TR4, they had less than enough time... "I have an idea but it will be risky," Erin asked what it was, Chuck connected himself to the system to make it go faster, and time went faster and faster until at the last moment, it fully shut down. Everyone was back to normal, they asked what happened, and Erin showed them all the plans that Xinthose was planning to do with them. "That's outrageous, let's get these jerks!!"