Chapter 1:

The Origin


"Ugh" Another day where I have to go to school this really sucks but what can I do. First I must brush my hair and teeth. Now that I'm prepared it's time for me to go to school. I yelled out the words " Mom! can you drive me to school?" Only to hear the phone ring before receiving an awnserer. I pick up and the phone and say "Hello" after I hear a voice I've never heard before say, "I'm so sorry Raiden but your mother passed away last night" The phone hangs up. The phone falls do the ground as my knees feel week I fall with it. I think to myself "no, no, no, why could this happen, how"? My dad has never been at home and now my mom died? "What"? I think to myself. I had just turned 18 so I can't get enrolled in Forster care so I'm all on my own! "Oh no" but after sulking I decided to get on my way to school. On my way a bunch of dark clouds rolled in it was out of the blue to because the sky seemed so open prior. It then began to rain. I began to cry thinking "could this day get any worse"? Then lightning struck it couldn't have further than 5 feet away. I sigh in my tears. After, I keep walking deciding that today I wasn't even going to school. Then *BANG* it happened I was hit it was lightning I fell in my path. My eyelids closing. "Am I going to die"? *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* "Oh my gosh" I groan "what is that annoying noise"? Then the beeps stop I hear a machine shut down my eyes finally open. I see a bright light. I need to squint so my eyes stop hurting. Then I hear, "how"? "How are you alive you were struck by an abnormal shock"? The doctor says. "I think what is he talking about"? Then I blacked out. Then I woke up again in my own bed and think. "Wow, thank God I was dreaming". I see my hand it's slightly blue. no teal, it's light up. Then I hear a voice.


