Chapter 5:



“We’ve been travelling for days, when will this end” Mike yawned. “Oh you lazy…argh! It’s just one night and two hours in the desert” Knightin Gale said with precision. “Admit it NG, we didn’t make it to the Ziko and yet we have to go eight miles after that”. “Hey guys watch out! SAND STORM! Cover your eyes. Mike turn your camel this way, I mean left, and come!” A strong sand storm blew all the top sand grains on dunes right into their faces. Fortunately,  Strike saw it before it come and warned. “Phew.” Mike sighed. “It sure was a close one. Thanks to you, we’re all safe and unharmed” Knightin Gale acknowledged Strike’s actions.

About two hours after Knightin Gale suddenly noticed that the sun is on her right side (it was almost night) and shouted. “Halt!” she squeezed Strike’s shoulder. “My shoulder isn’t a lemon to squeeze you know”. “Sorry Strike. Why are we going North instead of East? How in the name of a phoenix we find where we are now?” she questioned awfully. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize that. Let’s stop there and try to sort things out. There; near that rock formation”. The team came towards a rock formation. It was actually a great place to stay safe in a sand storm.

A small round area in the middle and giant rocks formed around it like a barrier. “What kind of a moron built this place? I mean who put a bucket near a god forsaken well, and even without a rope?” Mike complained. “Mike hold your tongue! Say that again” Strike asked. “It’s hard to speak while holding my tongue you know.” Mike said. “Just say it. That’s what he asked.” Knightin Gale yelled. “Alright, which one, ‘what kind of a moron built this place ?” “No, the other part” Strike said. “Oh! The well. This might be the ‘well’ that ninja guy mentioned”. Mike and Knightin Gale figured that out due to Strike’s good ears. “Okay first riddle, done! The other thing he said… hold on, if we found the well, which means we met the end! Of course. Though I don’t know what he meant by ‘end’” she said and kept wondering, walking in circles what the ‘ninja guy’ referred by saying ‘the end’.

Strike went outside the rock formation to get a clear understanding about the area. The wind kept changing directions randomly. But he noticed that it only blew from either North or South at random time intervals. So he moistened his first finger (not the thumb) and held it up in the air. He felt an emptiness and a cold in the North wind than the South wind; which was dry, and came along with sand and dust. So he called out his teammates to check a bit more to the North. But it was hard to see straight because the sun was about to disappear completely and the wind from south kept blowing randomly blocking their eye sight with sand.

The wind kept blowing and howling. No matter how close they were, they couldn’t hear themselves without screaming. “SHOULD’NT WE GO BACK TO THE ROCK FORMATION WE JUST MET? THE WIND IS GETTING STRONGER AND UNPREDICTABLE” Knightin Gale shouted. “MIKE, THROW YOUR ROPE TO ME, LETS ALL GET CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER SO NO ONE WILL MISS OUT.” As Strike recommended, Mike brought his right hand to his hip and said “WE HAVE A PROBLEM!” “MAKE IT QUICK, WILL YOU?” Knightin Gale shouted again. “WE DON’T HAVE A ROPE” Mike said, as if it was nothing to worry. “ARGH…THEN HOLD EACH OTHER. WHEN YOU SENSE ANY DANGER…LITERALLY, ANY DANGER, STOP WHERE YOU ARE” Strike ordered and they all agreed. Gladly, just after he finished his order Knightin Gale stopped but it was too late. Strike fell off an overhang and both Knightin Gale and Mike went with him. (so technically, it wasn’t a glad moment). Fortunately, Mike grabbed the edge of the overhang from his left hand. And from his right, he was holding Knightin, who was holding on to Strike by her right hand. It was a drop of around eleven-hundred (that means 1100) yards straight down. No tree branch to catch (that’s unfortunate) and no rock to splat on to, (isn’t that something to be glad at!?) but the vast blue ocean. Another reason for bad luck was that at a height about that much, the ocean surface wouldn’t be feeling as a source of water but a nicely smoothed up rock surface (So, in short they’ll die).

“Mike, whatever you do, DO NOT LET GO”. Knightin Gale shouted again. “I knew we’ll be closing to ocean” Strike mentioned happily. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? WE’RE ABOUT TO DIE GENIUS”. she yelled.

Suddenly out of nowhere two men shouted, “Let go, then we’ll save you!” They were below Strike and team, in a really narrow path under the overhang “Really, NG you have to look! We are about to be saved. Mike let go of your hand!” Strike said gladly. “What? NO! I am not looking down cause I’m afraid of unsafe high places. Especially as this!” Knightin Gale said in afraid of heights. (and that’s acrophobia). “Mike let go. THAT’S AN ORDER!” so as Strike said, Mike let go off the overhang edge and they all fell down.

The two men down the overhang had thrown a net. Strike and his mates fell on to the net and got saved, because the wind (really big one) blew right on time from North to South. “Thank you so much. We all owe you two” Knightin Gale appreciated them and looked into their faces and was most surprised. So did Mike and Strike. “We’re glad we ran into you guys. We see those faces much often when we meet people. Welcome to your thanking…and welcome to our overhang house!”. The two men greeted. “We’re glad to meet you two too. Thanks again for saving us. Anyway I’m Strike K. Ace, alpha of the Haeicrol clan and these are my team members of the team I’m building with Knightin Gale, alpha of the Descendants clan and Mike, my best friend, same clan as mine” Strike introduced the team so far. “So…... who are you guys?” Mike probed. “Oh! We almost forgot. I’m Noah and this is Nick” said Noah “People often call us the ‘N’ brothers. Noah is my elder brother. He’s the alpha here, in Mesuier clan. And I’m the next in-line” Nick said proudly, who is one year younger than Noah. “I need to clear my thoughts for moment. Be right back,” said Strike as he moved away for a bit. “Okay, come with us. We’ll take you to our house, it’s just up ahead”. The ‘Ns’ took the team to their house built by caving, into the overhang.