Chapter 1:

The reincarnation of Raiton "the red demon", Ryuu Yamada

Devil Creed

.Year 3648, 600 years after the peace treaty

The day starts early in Stratos, the agricultural zone of the demonic empire. Received that name because of an ancient demon lord elected by the first demon king as lord of those lands. Stratos was the first city to be attacked by the angels, and this lord, an expert in fire and earth magic, was responsible for defending the lands with all his might. By mixing the two classes of spells it could use, the rank 7 hellfire spell, and the rank 5 boulder storm spell, creating a combined rank 9 spell capable of summoning a shower of gigantic fiery meteors that destroyed its targets like flies are killed by shoes. This spell took his name and soon the city too, the city was saved by the demon lord Stratos.

 The people never forgot the sacrifice of their lord, even after fifty years of his death they continue to follow the same orders left by him. from waking up to bedtime, they woke up early every day so it was normal for them to see the same people passing by, but not today. there was someone that no one had ever seen, a young man about 15 or 16 years old, his hair was maple like the wine they produced for neighboring towns in the grape season, his eyes were a crimson hue deeper than blood, he wore an open leather overcoat. red with gold buttons, a jacket the same color as her hair with silver buttons, black leather pants with nothing special unlike her other clothes, and a pair of brown boots with silver buckles and black soles. all the clothes draw a lot of attention no matter who you are and that hair color was mainly rare to see here, that color was only seen in the capital by noble families for their descent from the children of the demon king, but what caught his attention the most was the sword he carried at his waist. it was a peculiar sword, its scabbard was a mixture of red with golden stripes simulating lightning, it had kanji that could be read as "Red Lightning” and “Demon", and at the end of the katana's hilt was a dragon's head that looked as if it had been carved in gold by the finest artisans had ruby eyes and its details were comparable to those of a sculpture found in the best museums. after seconds of admiration, they realized that the young man was heading to the north of the country walking towards the "Main" road, the road that connected the people of Stratos to the capital of the demonic empire, the Autonomous City of Demonia.

Demonia, in addition to being the capital and economic, cultural and gastronomic center of the entire empire, is home to the 10 great families of the demon kingdom, families that are direct descendants of the demon king's children. Lucifer, unlike his father, who had only three children, being Rela, the eldest and weakest daughter, and the first to go against the peace agreement between the brothers, Lucifer the second, the firstborn of the throne and the most demon. strong that ever existed and Satan who was the only one who inherited his father's unique magic, blue flames are the true essence of demons. Lucifer the second had 12 children with his wife Lilith. Of the 12, the eldest of all Kurulucifer, heir to the throne and strength of his father, was imprisoned in the most protected prison in the world by Lucifer himself, for attempting to assassinate Rela on the official day of the peace treaty, just 3 days later. at the end of the war, and his other son Ignis was killed on the battlefield and had his magic and soul absorbed by one of his brothers without having a chance to reincarnate but leaving offspring just like his brothers but having all of them murdered and 2 missing. Lucifer's other sons were dying in battle one after the other in the last year of the war, even though he had let his offspring be killed there was a giant void in his chest and after seeing Ignis die in his brother's arms his fury reached his highest point and decided to end the war there. after the peace treaty recurred to the only daughter who didn't leave him, Helena the Witch, the most applied sorceress in the world and with the largest base of spells. Lucifer asked if there was a way to see her children again, Helena said that she could bring their souls back and have them reincarnate in other bodies in the same family they had created, but she also asked for a condition, she asked her father to use the same spell on her, because she wanted to return to her brothers' side, her father granted the request and so it was done.

600 years have passed since this episode, the spell works and the 10 children of Lucifer the second reincarnate and are now between their 14 and 16 years of age, now one of these reincarnated children heads to the capital to be reunited with his family , one of the 10 great families of demons, the Yamada clan, after 6 years of training after a fateful episode in his life, Yamada Ryuu was returning to his home capital of the demon empire the Autonomous City of Demonia.

It was a long way to the capital, many would have taken a week by carriage from Stratos to the Demonia, walking at best would have taken more than a month, Ryuu knew that so after he left the city he stopped walking, focused his mind and his magic power and less than a second later large wings came out of his back his body began to levitate in the air and with high speed start his body moved at a speed that broke the sound barrier thus moving quickly towards the capital of the empire.

- Sorry Ichika but there are things that won't change in me.- Said the demon with a laugh, mocking one of his master's teachings.

-The best part of the journey is travelling.- Ryuu said mocking his master's voice.

the strong breeze hit the young man's face ruffling his hair, the wind was so strong that he couldn't make his eyes completely must be normal when you're someone who can fly faster than the speed of sound. about two kilometers to town Ryuu decides to make a landing and walk the rest of the way.

Upon sighting the city gates, he saw a pair of guards that were not all demons, there were also dark elves which surprised him to know that the city's defenses were under the care of a race that once threatened a war. his surprise was short lived when he realized that he had no way to prove his royalty to the guards, despite being a member of one of the 10 great families Ryuu Yamada left the capital to train at the age of 9 besides his family and friends, no one would recognize him , his Yamada ring was in the family mansion so there was no way to prove it was him in the conventional way, so maybe if he showed the katana they would know who it was.

-Freeze, ID please.- Said the elf angrily, Ryuu noticed that it was not a good day.

-Sir, I don't have my ID, but I have this here.- Ryuu takes his sword that was given to him the day they found out who he was.

the dark elf, being new to the territory, had no knowledge of what sword it was. angrily and with little patience he said:

- Listen brat I've been standing here for 9 hours straight or you show me your fucking identity I'll take that sword of yours and I'll cut you into three equal parts.- Ryuu knew he was stronger than this elf but that didn't stop him from staying frightened by a threat from a people as aggressive as that. As much as he knew that this fight would be like kicking a dead dog, he still got a little scared and maybe a little angry. They would have started a very noisy speech, but thanks to the first cry of the dark elf another guard went to see what was happening and from afar saw the sword that belonged to one of the greatest warriors in the history of that country. quickly analyzed the boy who possessed her, the color of her hair, clothes and eyes, quickly discovered who it was, and when he saw his patrol companion yelling at that someone he had no other option.

-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, LOST THE FEAR OF DIE YOU IDIOT.- Said the desperate guard slapping his companion in the face and automatically apologized to the boy.

-Mr. Yamada, I apologize for my friend. He is new here and doesn't know what such objects mean to us...- The guard was interrupted by a counterattack from the dark elf.

-You idiot who do you think is to hit me like that huh?

-Do you know who you were talking to you idiot? He is a member of the Yamada clan, Ryuu Yamada. The reincarnation of Raiton.

-How do you know him if he didn't even show the ID. for something we are here to make sure no one impersonates someone else

-the sword he showed you is proof of that, this sword was Raiton's main weapon, and only he in the world could take it out of the sheath, and if you notice he lifted it and took it lightly from her-.

The elf upon hearing this felt a mixture of fear and shame. he yelled at a member of royalty and on top of that he threatened to cut him in three, and on top of that he assaulted his fellow patrolman who is his supervisor and he also committed contempt. If he weren't fired from his job, it would most likely be that his life would end.


-You shouldn't treat anyone like that.-Said his supervisor



-Then please.- Ryuu said, wanting to go to the city.-Can I go through?- he asked a little embarrassed because of the scandal he caused.

-OBVIOUSLY, MY LORD X2.- As angry as these two were at each other, they were in perfect sync.


It was a giant city, every point of it made it unique, its restaurants with food admired by other countries, statues and monuments that seemed to be alive because they were so well made, charming streets with all kinds of establishments from bakeries to daycare centers and workshops, squares, some relaxing other romantic. it was an incredible city where everyone could live from demons to even humans. Ryuu hadn't looked at this city since he was 9 years old so before returning home he decided to go for a walk.

-Hey my boy, what do you think about trying this here...-The voice was of a man in his 60s who worked in a bakery.-This sweet can only come out once a year because of the fruit season, we will have these sweets only for this month.- It was a chocolate pie with fire cherries, they only grew in the summer, their main characteristic was their slightly acidic and spicy taste that went well with chocolate.- If you care about the quality, don't worry. worry they just arrived from Stratos.-

-Yes please, it can be a slice. how much would it be?

-It would be two silver coins.

-I only have gold coins.- Ryuu said very quietly.- I changed my mind sir, I want 5 pieces of this pie.- Ryuu said thinking about the shame that it would be paying something worth two silver coins with one gold coin.-

-OK boy...- the store gentleman opened a giant smile for the sale he just made.- It would be 1 gold coin. Thank you and come back often.- Now Ryuu had to get home quickly before the pie turned sour.
