Chapter 0:

The school for Gods

Gods at School

Here, you can find nothing and everything. Where are we ? Well, noweher and everywhere. Here, is the land of gods. Everything is actually managed by a god. And we are on the Earth section, gods that works here, try to help humans, even if they don't know most of the gods. But before working as a god, they have to go to a special school for learning all of the essential knowledge for becoming the greatest god of all time.

So all of the gods there, are just child and our protagonist is one too, Homie the god of humanity. Is he most important god ? Of course not, they'r all important. 

Without Amare for example, the goddess of books, humans wouldn't be able to share their knowledge. And humans wouldn't even have knowledge if there's wasn't the god of knowledge. 

Yes, Even if you don't knew, there's a god for absolutely everything. And they all learned how to do their work correctly with their school years.


Gods at School