Chapter 6:

Chapter 05 - Strength (Part B)

The Town Where the Wind Doesn't Blow: Welcome to Gossport City

Chapter 05 – Strength (Part B)

The man with the disheveled hair and bags under his eyes introduced himself. “I’m Joseph Lambert, a solopreneur journalist. I would like to ask you two a few questions.”

“Hi, nice to meet you. I have a few questions of my own, like what the hell is a solopreneur journalist.” Pollux returned the greeting. She feigned politeness, but her defenses were up; she did not let on this fact. I don’t quite understand what’s going on, but I should follow her lead.

“I second that.” I raised my hand with a blank expression. “What’s a solopreneur?”

Pollux’s attitude and my ignorance slightly perturbed the journalist. He laughed it off and proceeded to answer our question, not before clearing his throat.

“A solopreneur is an entrepreneur who runs their business alone. A solopreneur may also hire contractors, but the responsibilities of the day to day business and dealings rests solely on the solopreneur. I run an online journalist company, where fellow journalists and I gather factual information and report on them.

“Oh, I see. It all makes sense now. Got any news for us, Mr. Journalist?” Pollux asked with blissful ignorance.

“Erm, I think I’m the one who should be asking you that.”

I now realized what Pollux is doing.

“I’ve come to gather some information about an organization named Crux. Would you two happen to know anything about this?”

“Crux? First I’ve heard of this organization,” I stated. “Would you kindly enlighten us, Mr. Journalist?”

“I don’t blame you. They do operate in the shadows, after all.”

“In the shadows?”

“That’s right. I don’t know much about this secret organization but from what I’ve gathered, Crux operates in the shadow of the world’s first united army, Perseus. There are information floating around on the dark web that the distortions Perseus claims to have suppressed and eliminated are still present in today’s society. If this is to be true, then the world is still in the maws of UROs that could unleash another apocalyptic attack at any given moment. Not only that, but there are no information whatsoever about the UROs from over a hundred years ago. Don’t you find that strange?”

“I think it’s strange that you get your info on the dark web,” Pollux blurted with a frank, slightly disgusted expression. “Are you sure you’re a professional, Mr. Journalist? Sounds to me you’re running a journalist company that gather sensationalized news and promote it as true when you’ve found enough people who’d agree with you. ”

“Huh? That’s not true at all!” Mr. Lambert was becoming defensive while trying to maintain a calm, professional composure.

“Look, your dark web buddies can say all they want about this ‘mYsTeRiOuS oRgAnIzAtIoN cRuX,’ but I can bet they never reveal their sources nor have ever confirmed their findings. Has anyone bothered to do field research before they post gunk online? Will they be able to take the heat if their postings are proven true? It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior, but even warriors have to become wounded and own up to their mistakes. There’s no such thing as an unharmed warrior, and the slander and lies thrown around so carelessly will hurt someone. We’re now living in the present, not the past. We mustn’t devolve ourselves to the ways of our ancestors who were willing to harm each other for personal gain and attention. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have come so far in thriving society of peace where we are more mindful of each other’s happiness and individuality. If we have the time and energy to be selfish, then surely we have the same energy to make life better with positive actions.”

Mr. Lambert became reticent alongside the atmosphere among us. If there were any noise to be heard, we were too engrossed by Pollux’s speech to even notice. That is, until we heard a familiar thunder-like voice.

“Hey, you two! Break time is over! Back to work! We gotta finish this before quitting time today!” Mr. Foreman was none too pleased with Pollux and I standing around. We hopped to our feet, as firm as cement.

“Yessir, Mr. Foreman, sir!” we dutiful and fearfully. We scrambled on our feet back to our tasks. But before we left Mr. Lambert’s presence, Pollux said to him, “Do yourself, Mr. Journalist, and report on news that could lead to someone’s happiness. You certainly won’t regret it.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind if my business ever goes south.”

Mr. Lambert took his leave, and we returned to our civilian duty of the day.


Pollux and I worked tirelessly throughout the second half of the afternoon. The entire time, I reminded myself that we are working for the sake of Gossport City and its citizens and guests, for their happiness. I shouldn’t be thinking that I have nothing to do with a problem that isn’t my fault, but rather I should selflessly help those in need whenever I can. I hope Pollux can feel the same in her heart, even though it was her fault to begin with.

And with the last brick of someone’s happiness in place, our job was complete! Pollux and I both wiped the sweat from our brows, looked at each other, and grinned from ear to ear.

“Good work! You two are certainly the hardest workers I’ve ever seen for your age! I’m sure your father, Mr. Saturn, will be pleased to hear this, might even treat you to ice cream!” Mr. Foreman laughed, like a belly full of rumbling jelly beans.


“Fa’ reals? Haha! Thanks, Mr. Foreman!” Pollux happily threw her arms around me and shouted over me. Oh, right, I almost blew our cover.

“Now, help us clean up the area, and you’re free to go!”


As we helped with the clean-up of the construction area, a construction worker wearing sunglasses approached us with some construction supplies in his hands.

“Hey, would you two mind helping me carry these supplies back to the warehouse?” he requested. “I don’t think I can do this on my own.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Construction Worker!” I chimed.

The construction worker handed me the bags of cement, Pollux the construction tools, and guided us down an alleyway. We were beginning to walk further and further away from the construction site. Maybe their warehouse is nearby and they carried the supplies by hand. A minute’s walk became three minutes, three minutes became five. The number of civilians around us going about their day became fewer and fewer. I soon began to struggle to carry the heavy cement bags; Pollux carried her share with ease. Huh, she’s been quiet for a while.

“Alright, we’ve arrived at the warehouse! Set the supplies inside and we’re good to go!”

The construction worker opened the door and stepped aside for us to enter. Pollux and I walked further inside away from the door towards where the other bags of cement were placed. Before we reached our destination…

“Thank you for your hard work!” The door slammed shut. I heard a lock activated. I turned behind me to see if the construction worker was inside the warehouse with us. He wasn’t.

“Tch. Figured this was a trap.” Pollux confirmed through clenched teeth.

“You knew? Why didn’t you prevent it?” I sounded comical, but Pollux wasn’t joking around.

“Vega, I’m sure you were taught this in the academy, so I will remind you so you can grasp what’s really going on.”


Pollux lowered her voice. “Any attack towards civilians are strictly forbidden. This rule is especially to be followed by everyone in the Crux organization, Crux Knights or not. We’re to uphold peace and safety at all time, no matter where we may be. Therefore, no actual violence must be acted or seen in public.”

“Yes, I remember that. But what are you getting at?”

“Our enemy isn’t an URO, it’s a civilian.”

“Say what?!”

THUD! KLANK Klank klank!

It happened in a blink of an eye, before a draw of breath. The assault has begun. I shut my eyes, bracing for an attack. Nothing. Slowly, I opened my eyes, attempting to register what had occurred. Pollux’s back was what I saw first. She shielded me with her right arm from an air-kick from a young man’s left foot. He is dressed in black pants and a black parka with the hood pulled over his head, obscuring his eyes. The hooded guy exerted more force against Pollux’s arm; Pollux didn’t budge.

The guy’s mouth curled into a sinister joker-like sneer and pushed off against her. Within a single second, a kunai constructed with mechanical scraps and bolts landed onto the ground before our feet. Pollux’s eyes immediately glanced downward. In less than a second, she performed a sweeping kick and the kunai was launched away from us, but not before discharging a heavy electrical charge some distance away from us.

“That could have left us paralyzed, or worse!” I marveled frightfully.

While our attention was focused on the kunai, the hooded guy was no longer in view. However, his presence is still inside the warehouse.

“Vega, are you okay?” Pollux quickly inquired.

“Yeah, no scratches. But what about you?”

“I’m fine. Just a scratch. Damn, that hooded bastard is cunning. How can he move that fast?”

“We’re up against a civilian! What do we do?”

“Well I can tell you one thing that we can’t do: cause him any serious harm.”

“But he’s attacking us!”

“And we’re supposed to break the rule and get ourselves exposed?! I know it’s scary. Heck, it’s frustrating. The only thing we can is to somehow subdue him.”

Subdue him? How in the world are we supposed to do that? The civilian has a weapon! He’s trying to seriously harm us, or even kill us! My body is trembling all over. I can barely move. Where could he be? Where could he attack from? When will he attack?

Rapid movements surrounded us. It’s that guy again! How’s he moving so fast? My eyes can’t even keep up with him! All I can see are flashes. All I can hear is the wind of his speed. Crap! How do we defend? What do we do? Wait, I still have that! My Quasar! I forgot I had left it in my jacket from the previous mission! Slowly, I reached inside my jacket to wield it.

“Don’t even think about it, Vega!” Pollux warned. “Using our weapons isn’t an option. Besides, I don’t have my Quasar with me. We aren’t authorized to use it while on civilian duty.”


“Follow my lead, and pull yourself together! Are you going to act like this on an actual mission?”

The attack descended upon us, a high-speed drop kick with his left foot! Pollux and I jumped in the opposite direction from each other, barely dodging the attack. However, debris from the impact obscured our view, and we were now separated from each other. I carefully walked backwards among the cloud of debris and away from where the enemy could possibly be.

Cough cough! I shut my eyes and covered my mouth with both hands, the dust gradually beginning to smoother my throat. Cough cough cough! I dropped to my knees in an effort to breathe. In the split second I began to descend, a powerful blast of wind flew over my head. No, that didn’t feel like a wind, it felt like a projectile of a powerful sword slash slicing through the air! If I hadn’t kneeled in time, I would’ve…!

No! I can’t think about that right now! The enemy is nearby! I gotta - - . Before I could even finish my thought, another powerful blast of wind flew to my right, to my left, once more above me! Only a second’s window from the launch of the attacks. Something was coming towards me, but from which direction!? I don’t have the time to consider; I gotta act now! I lifted the end of my shirt to cover my mouth and nostrils and roll-dodged to my left. In no less than a second, I felt a high-speed slash projectile not only from where I was standing, but also to the right! It was a diagonal slice, and the attacks are becoming faster!

Okay, Vega, pull it together! It’s my duty to uphold peace and civility! The enemy is nearby, I can subdue him! I must do this! I am a knight of Crux! I am the fourth strongest! I… I…

I turned my back and ran away…It feels as if the flow of time came to a roaring stop. I ran. I ran towards where I think is the nearest wall. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die! But, my back is now towards the enemy. I’m now an open target. What a foolish mistake I made and now it’s going to cost me my life! I already began my foolish action, I might as well see it through to the end. Let it be my last dignity as a human being. I’m no knight. I’m only human! When will the next attack come? When? When!? Put me out of my misery already!

The moment my hands touched the wall and I pressed my back against the wall… BOOM! The warehouse trembled violently. A portion of the wall to my left was shattered. A gaping hole, and the cloud of debris began to flow through it. Only one person could have made a hole of that size. Pollux!

Everything was becoming clear. I could see clearly inside the warehouse now! But, it was only a fleeting moment of happiness. The enemy was already in front of me before I even noticed. The mechanical kunai was in his hand, posed to strike me in the heart. All that is needed is one thrust. My back was still against the wall. There is nothing I can do. I’m going to die. I’m going to die a pathetic death. I couldn’t close my eyes. I couldn’t look away.

And then, I saw blood. Blood in the air, next to me, in front of me. But, I didn’t feel anything. Is this what the beginning of death feels like? No, I got it all wrong. Pollux shielded me from the fatal blow. It’s her that the kunai pierced. It’s her blood that I see. It’s…it’s…

It’s all my fault.
